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Newbie :-) with a Clio GT !

welcome, car looks erm.......interesting lol

i also drive an underpowerd girls car, maybe we could meet and fornicate in them, just send over a PM :star:

underpowerd girl car friend
Bigger engine than yours iirc? And a more masculine image;).

true but mine has b00st ;) and ive done the 200 thing before it became cool lol

poor persons 200 that cost more, that makes sence lol

thats a funny way to spell 'sense' but oh well and yes u paid for a car that is

A. less fun
B. slower
C. looks worse (from the back)
D. if worth less on resale
E. hardly economical for a 1.6
F. looks like a 1.2
G. isnt special in any way compared to the 200

shall i go on......


ClioSport Club Member
less fun than a 200 yes, hence why i have a ph1 that is more fun than a 200
slower than a 200 yes, hence why i have a ph1 that is faster than a 200
looks worse than a 200, LOL get off the crack pipe
worthless on resale, going by previous models it will hold its value more than the RS
hardly economical for a 1.6, yes i agree with you here due to the fact it has a 1.5 litre diesel engine that does 65mpg every day
looks like a 1.2, if your eyes are closed
isnt special in any way compaired to the 200, since when was a renault clio special

yes please, go on.
less fun than a 200 yes, hence why i have a ph1 that is more fun than a 200
slower than a 200 yes, hence why i have a ph1 that is faster than a 200
looks worse than a 200, LOL get off the crack pipe
worthless on resale, going by previous models it will hold its value more than the RS
hardly economical for a 1.6, yes i agree with you here due to the fact it has a 1.5 litre diesel engine that does 65mpg every day
looks like a 1.2, if your eyes are closed
isnt special in any way compaired to the 200, since when was a renault clio special

yes please, go on.

well i have driven a clio 200 (for 7 months of my s**t life) and driven both the petrol and deisel gt and both bored me to death, why pay more for a product that is worse than its cheaper, better option


ClioSport Club Member
so your trying to tell me that a clio 200 is a better option than a GT DCi when doing between 40 and 50k a year? i dont think so. if i wanted a 200 i would have bought one lol hence why i decided a runabout for work and a ph1 was the better option.
u got a clio to do 50k a year in, fyl for having to look at the awful dash and interior for 50 thousand miles a year.

sucks to be you


ClioSport Club Member
unfortunately as nice as a 335d would have been im not interested in having debt like yourself, 15k was the budget for a new car, the GT DCi was the best in its class, along with a Zetec S TDCi, however i stuck with renault as its what i know.

if only i could have a pretty colour coded dash like a fiat 500 lol
unfortunately as nice as a 335d would have been im not interested in having debt like yourself, 15k was the budget for a new car, the GT DCi was the best in its class, along with a Zetec S TDCi, however i stuck with renault as its what i know.

if only i could have a pretty colour coded dash like a fiat 500 lol

polo and golf spring to mind for doing 50k a year and both under 15k.

and maybe one day you will have a dash like mine, go after your goal champ


ClioSport Club Member
polo and golf both have the usual vag chassis that does not apeal to me in the slightest and i doubt 15k would have got me the range toping diesel, with leather, climate, cruise, handsfree, uprated stereo etc
polo and golf both have the usual vag chassis that does not apeal to me in the slightest and i doubt 15k would have got me the range toping diesel, with leather, climate, cruise, handsfree, uprated stereo etc

flol thought u had a ph1 that scratched your 'twisties' itch.

im only joking.... im bored and cant sleep so im just doing abit of trolling.

back on subject.

PM pics with chebs out


ClioSport Club Member
i do have the ph1 for flat out performance driving, however i dont want to fall asleep going to work, hence why it had to be something with a bit of renaultsport about it!

pics of chebs out in the clio GT
i do have the ph1 for flat out performance driving, however i dont want to fall asleep going to work, hence why it had to be something with a bit of renaultsport about it!

pics of chebs out in the clio GT/fiat 500 with a gay badge

edited for my need
  Megane 225 F1
LOL I am actually going to sleep now. Just thought I would ask for some pics tonight, that way I can wake to the possibility of new pics.

