The car started making a ticking noise from the passenger side yesterday. Was rather loud, and very very annoying.
I immediately thought it was a stone or something caught in the tyre, but upon inspection, there was nothing.
So today I jacked the car up and got under there, to get a look at what might be making the noise.
To be greeted with this:
Snapped CV boot gaitor clip, brilliant.
Made a hell of a mess:
Instead of replacing the clip, I had 2 brand new shafts in the garage waiting to go on, so this was pretty much the perfect opportunity to get them fitted:
I started by spraying penetrating fluid on both hub nuts to aid disassembly.
And from here on in it was like hell on Earth..
I only have after pictures due to the fact that it took much, much longer than it should have done to swap the shafts over.
I started with the drivers side. Got the hub nut undone. Unbolted the ball joint and the shaft popped off of the box easy as pie. I grabbed a hammer and a drift and made very light work of removing the shaft from the hub. I think it took 2 taps and it was out. Easy!
I think getting the driveshaft through the plastic surrounding it on the drivers side was the hardest part!
I greased up the driveshaft and slotted it home, nice and easy.
Bolted everything up and it was good to go:
Very happy with that result.
I then cracked on with the passenger side.
I got covered in grease whilst doing this, somehow there was grease absolutely everywhere, nothing was left untouched!
I removed the hub nut, and tried lightly drifting the shaft out of the hub, in exactly the same manor as I did on the drivers side. No luck.
I tried using a puller to push the shaft out. No luck..
I then had to remove the caliper and disc, and then attached the puller to the hub to try and prise it out.
Still no luck.
Great, at this point it had taken about an hour on the passenger side, so I was starting to get a tad annoyed.
Out came the blowtorch and a huge can of release oil. I was not going to let this driveshaft get the better of me.
After a shittonne of release oil was sprayed, and a good while heating the hub up, I put the puller back on to try and push the shaft out.
Finally, in very very small increments, the driveshaft was moving.
Must have taken me a good hour and a half to 2 hours removing this driveshaft. The most annoying job to date..
I then removed the three bolts holding the gator on the gearbox, and out came the old driveshaft, job done, ready for the bin..
Aside from the gator, the shaft was actually in very good condition, ah well!
I then moved on, and got the passenger side fitted, greasing up everything on the way:
Nice and new, lovely. You can also see my attempt at cleaning the inside of the wheel. It needed to be done.
With that out of the way, I got around to finally fixing my airbox strap which decided to snap on me!
Another job well done.
Once done, I dropped her back on the ground and took her for a drive!
RESULT! Fixed my knocking noise!!!
With the driveshafts done, I have decided not to fit new bearings into the hubs I have spare. It would be a waste of money seeing as my current bearings seem absolutely fine.
The list..
(Red denotes a completed task)
- New washer motor
- Wheel refurb
- Cure knocking on front of car - Hopefully with my new purchases.
- Airbag + SERV Light (again)
- Exhaust rattling on heatshield.
- PH2 dash conversion
- PH2 boot conversion
- Straighten + Underseal sills (Idea stolen from Adam
- Headlight refurb
- Change front wheel bearings - New purchases
- Change both drive shafts - New purchases
List is now considerably shorter!
But.. And this is a big BUT.
I may have found/secured myself a new car.. Meaning that the Clio is now up for sale..
I will make a for sale ad when I have the time. Very sad to have to get rid, after all the time/work/money that has gone in, and that can be seen over the last 20 pages.
I have enjoyed every moment with this car, but unfortunately the time has come to move on.
I am looking for around £2500 for it, considering the amount of work an mechanical + cosmetic condition of it.
Just hit 72k as well
Thanks for reading.