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Pms Exahust cat mod

  Renault Clio 182
Hi guys just bought the pms Exahust and bought a new cat for the welder make there life easier but when it arrived is very different to my one one wondering if one is more restrictive than the other ?? sounds stupid question but I’m unsure 😂
  Clio 172 + Clio200T
Judging by looking at the flange.. the pipe seems quite small in diameter.
whats the diameter?
Its a 200cpi?


ClioSport Trader
  Badass Toyota
Whats on the original car? A standard OEM cat? Most likely the aftermarket one is smaller in length as this will make it cheaper. It will mean it should potentially flow better but not work as well at filtering.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
I'd just use the original cat as they pass emissions everytime whereas sports cats and aftermarket may struggle.
