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Power Tool Perverts


ClioSport Club Member
Yeah I usually only use it for cleaning things up or a few quick zip cuts. It just saves me getting out an extension too.

Not sure what to get next, someone needs to bang some pics up of their collection for me to get horny at🤣
I really like my little die grinder, I have used it loads more than I thought I would.

I also really like the look of their M12 impact ratchet, I've done a few jobs where I couldn't get a gun up into a space so ended up hammering on spanners for ages while the impact ratchet would have just uggered it in no time.



ClioSport Club Member
Get a heat gun for heat shrink not gas. It works better, gas will make it too hot too quick and melt it
You've got the flame too close then🤣

Been using my butane burner on heatshrink for years with no issue. Its just too bloody big to hold a wire and that at the same time whilst not burning myself🤣🤣


ClioSport Club Member
I really like my little die grinder, I have used it loads more than I thought I would.

I also really like the look of their M12 impact ratchet, I've done a few jobs where I couldn't get a gun up into a space so ended up hammering on spanners for ages while the impact ratchet would have just uggered it in no time.

The right angle ones are supposed to be really rubbish unfortunately :(


ClioSport Club Member
Ahhh really? Was hoping they would be decent.
Yeah I was going to get one but I've seen tonnes of reviews saying it is significantly weaker than the stubby impact despite the stats being the same.

Just seen that this is cheaper than everywhere else so I've ordered one.

At the moment I have a manual foot pump and absolutely f**k everything about that.


ClioSport Club Member
Anythings gotta be better than my manual foot pump which is what I mainly use.

I have it for maintenance pumping really. I think if I had to do 4 tyres from flat I'd just plug in (think I have 2 electric ones but cable 🥵🥵🥵🥵)

Flat Eric

Sing Hosanna!!
ClioSport Club Member
  F31 35d, Berlingo Na
I really need to get something M12.....

So I can warrant getting the pump,
Is it lightweight enough to store in car?

Flat Eric

Sing Hosanna!!
ClioSport Club Member
  F31 35d, Berlingo Na
I'd probably say no it's quite big and bulky. I'll do some more pics tomorrow in various places within the vehicle
Nice one cheers.
Does the E91 have the storage under the boot floor? I was thinking I could store it under that in mine.


ClioSport Club Member
do you mean this sort of thing?

If so I might buy one to cut my worktop with!
Yes that look like exactly the type of thing.

Wonder if these can be used perhaps with an adapter...

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