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Power Tool Perverts


ClioSport Club Member
Preferred your old one, was more your size 👀

View attachment 1674667
I know me too mate, I'm still so thankful for you surprising me with it that time 😊😊



ClioSport Club Member
  997.1, Caddy, e208
Which Millwall key powered ratchet should one consider, if they had a hypothetical 50% off


ClioSport Moderator
Black Friday i bought myself this


Dewalt DCN660N

Much nicer than the gas powered one i borrowed off the joiner. Hes hinting to borrow this too now.
Was on offer at £220 including VAT so jumped.
It is a second fix, but ill never use the first fix rough one.


ClioSport Club Member
Speaking of seesii tools, I got this, my normal 3/8” is always in the camper van and it does my head in having to use a 1/2” with a step down so I got some Amazon vouchers and it was on offer, think I paid £50 for it. Feels pretty nice, quality wise, has variable speed depending on how hard you press the the go button and two batteries. I’ve got an aux belt kit to fit to the camper and a whole host of parts for the Clio on the way so I’ll get plenty of opportunity to test it out!

View attachment 1674042
I can confirm that so far this is decent, had to take a picnic table apart and the bolts were rusted to f**k and I have done the aux belt in the van, did a decent job and for me it’s a good piece of kit for the amateur..


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Oh aye, hows he done that then?
He has managed to buy £200 of powetoolmate vouchers for £150 and then he's photocopied them and sold them on for £20, then he's applied his NHS liver discount and got anonymous to manipulate the milwaukee market so that the prices drop below dewalt rate.

Use his referral code and he will give you 20p and tell you how to do it too


ClioSport Club Member
Never posted in here but I got the latest wet and dry packout vac the other week

First Impressions are it's f**king mint. Really nice and quiet too and sucks the widgy really well

I didn't realise it to be as small as it was too, expected it to be more the packout box size.

I keep saying I need to clean all my tools and will be doing so soon as I literally have no idea how many I have now. Obsession really is the word.



ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
Just bought this as I couldn't find a charger or lead for the cheap Aldi one I hardly use. Man maths to the rescue.

Was through AVForums, used once with,

2 and 4ah Battery.

£100 delivered



ClioSport Club Member
  R5gtt, 182, volvo...
I looked closer at the pics and I'm sure they said brushless. Perhaps the poster of said deal didn't get his facts correct.

Id make sure if I was buying.

My milwakeeee drill impact set was like £450 many many years ago, so everything seems cheap to me. My drills the heavy duty brushed one with metal internals.. You don't use my drill, you bench press it.


ClioSport Club Member
  997.1, Caddy, e208
Got my impact wrench and that's me then for a bit unless I can find a hedge trimmer in a local store, which is highly unlikely
