tdm... 32 K 1A 2D
Finally got my copy last night, get me in on this action
Happy shooting!!
Invites are now fixed, apparently. Not tested them out yet as everyone's in work, but I was able to join Babyface Boosh's game earlier.
Activision are blaming Sony and their "Presence" servers or something, Sony as per f**king usual aren't saying a f**king thing and just rolling around in a big pile of cash. c**tS.
some good op games with Jay last night but when I tried to do multiplayer couldnt get past connecting to server screen and then couldnt even get on psn
Jay, that level where we were in the restuarant...there is access to the roof!
Haha I must have the worst online COD kill ratio ever!
So so bad!
i'd like to do a co-op with someone so i can do the 2 player one with one on the ground and the other on the ac-130, anyone?
Had a few invites yesterday the ones with fiestec and garf and so on had pant connection and did bad on them ones and had a few games with someone think it was jay early hours this morning those were great came first on one of them and came top 3 in a couple and some at the bottom :dapprove:
i have to say i am getting better slowly just getting to know what perks go with what map and gun you using
I'll be on in a few minutes
Haha I must have the worst online COD kill ratio ever!
So so bad!
We'll see, ill add you if I remember to when I go on... My id is Harpham if I forget to!I think mine might possibly be worse!
SammyH28 is my psn by the way if anyone wants to add.
I'll have a bash, I wanna get some spec ops done too... Not tonight though. Tomorro?
Bifcaids got his arse whooped earlier in the airportgot me a few times but meh i came back with a vengeance...
Anyone on for tonight say about 9.30-10?