If the weather is anything like it has been this year next September could be a good time to go? Schools back so less tourists about and not too cold and the days aren't too short either.
After doing France the last 3 years, I'd like to hit up Switzerland, Austria, I'd like a week of roads like the Stelvio Pass.
Buy a decent road atlas, get a highlighter and start marking up potential routes. If you see a road that looks twisty and small then it's almost guaranteed to be worth a visit! Don't be afraid to go on the smallest classification of road either, they're sometimes the best.
Sounds good mate,will take note of the roads and may message you again soon on further info @Jon46
I had a quick look at maps last night and OS do some really good interactive maps. North Wales Tour map 10 and Ranger Wales are great.
Ah these free maps or do you have to purchase them?
Also bit random,but what Clio do you have?
Good evening folks. I’m a new guy but can you put me down for Wales please? Done wales on a bike before and loved it.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Welcome aboard @Spud. Everyone is welcome, and as your willing to travel you'll probably like CSF too http://www.cliosportfestival.net
@MrBlonde probably best to avoid the EVO triangle, they will probably have the cameras up by the time we get there.
Oh yeah I bet there's some unshared gems out there, they just need finding! Wing it may be the most fun.Yeah i did read about that mate,im sure theres plenty of roads to choose from or wing it.
Oh yeah I bet there's some unshared gems out there, they just need finding! Wing it may be the most fun.
Is it still a 40mph limit enforced by traffic police on motorbikes?
Is it still a 40mph limit enforced by traffic police on motorbikes?
Yeah mate sounds good,can do a little research for us.Dont forget to get plenty of photos to.Do you live close to wales then or just thought feck it im going? @Jon46
Not that you’ll need any help finding a decent road - your strategy is pretty sound - but in case you’re in the area, one of my favourite roads in mid-Wales is the 20 mile stretch between Machynlleth and Llanidloes.
Is it still a 40mph limit enforced by traffic police on motorbikes?
Yup - it's a 40mph limit.I've got a couple of days off this week, and these pics have inspired me to goI'll let you know if its 40 mph.
I did a quick run through on google earth, and the police had a semi-permanent tent on top of the mountain! I haven't seen any road side cameras on the Black Mountain Top section.
Yup - it's a 40mph limit.
Further north, It looks like the Evo Triangle will soon be getting average speed cameras installed as well... the Welsh Government have set aside half a million wholly for the scheme.