Finally got the engine back in the car on Friday night

, been a long time coming but feels like we're getting there now.
First up was fitting the lightened/balanced flywheel and paddle clutch after finding the tightening torques in the end!!
had to make a heat shield to protect the bulkhead and brake system, still needs a lot of tidying and finishing off but wanted to get it fixed before the engine went in.
Last thing to do before dropping it back in the car was to fit the gearbox and starter motor. Excuse the tape and bubble wrap all over the turbo, it's all I could find to keep the dirt out
Then came the fun bit, it actually went quite well but did take a bit of persuasion to get the gearbox end casing past the chassis rail and pas pipe/wiring etc. Got there in the end ( at about midnight, mates neighbours must love us!!!)
Going back in
Back in the hole:clap:
Can see how tight it is down the back now!!, heat shield will need tweeking to move it away from the wastegate actuator and downpipe but very pleased so far.
Decided we could get a bit more done ( was on a role by now ) so attacked the wiring/pipework. Didn't last long though as by 1.30am I needed sleep before getting up at 6.30am for work and still had half hour drive home :sleepy: . Only Red bull could save me on Saturday at work,lol
Will tidy all the wiring up once it's all in place.
Not long now, will be booking the mapping session with k-tec soon hopefully