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The Fatty's KTEC alternative induction setup that works just as well!

  Clio Sport 182
As above, you need a ally joiner to fit from you filter to your silicone bend. Its in the link a few posts up :smile:
Sorry Jekyll, i cant imagine how a joiner can help me. Im trying to do with steel pipe, not silicone, so I think my solution is to change the 76mm steel pipe to a 70mm and its done.
  Clio Sport 182
Ah sorry, my apologies. I thought you had the silicone pipe!

Yes, you need to have a 70mm ally pipe. It's the only size you need.
Well, I wrote a message to the vendor on ebay but I am waiting for reponse. I hope they will send me the 70mm for free because its their fault, and I think I shouldn't pay anything.
  182 FF
Got mine fitted this weekend. What an improvement all round. Seems to have improved throttle response dramatically.


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  Ph2 172
Got mine fitted this weekend. What an improvement all round. Seems to have improved throttle response dramatically.

Looks good, Which size filter are you using? Mine looks tiny! Also, your coolant looks pretty low!

This is my third week week waiting on my pipe, shocking service from ASH
  Ph2 172
Dont worry coolant now all topped up :smile:

My filter -

Pipe -

The pipe came within a few days.

Haha good stuff! Aye ok, my filter is the same, might look bigger when it's in the bay!
My pipe apparently went missing then communication tailed off so a couple phone calls and there was another sent on Tuesday. Still no sign of mine but I've had someone else's order turn up in the mean time... Shame it's the wrong size!
Has anyone else had any before and after rolling roads done with this induction kit? (Other than fatty). I'm considering adding this induction kit but I'm yet to be convinced I'll get any more power out of it than my standard air box.
I don't blame you, that's a good bhp figure so why change anything. I'd love to know exactly how much gains it produced though. As this is such a cheap mod it'd probably be worth me giving it a try and if I'm not happy I'll just out it back to normal
  AB 182
I have a silicone bend with breather, but it's just dangling at the back of the engine. I wasn't sure was it supposed to be fixed to something


ClioSport Club Member
  182 FFAT
I would put some oil on them if they feel dry to the hand. I use Motorex Foam filter oil
  AB182, Audi A5 3.0
Glad to see people are still finding this thread useful :) I never thought when writing my original post that so many people would even read it let alone use it! I'm still working on my next project (it's been a long time in the works), if it ever gets completed I'll create a similar thread ;)
