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ClioSport Club Member
What a garage!!
Cheers buddy :)

Garage envy right there. Just missing a few heaters and a TV/radio - and the Trophy!
Don't be jealous mate... I've got nothing to put in there (other than the missus' car)!!! It's already quite warm as it has heating pipes in the walls as it was originally built as a snooker room, hence the oak-framed window! The tv and radio are a good call though... :)

I have an awful feeling that come this time next year that garage will look exactly the same.
I've got to be honest and say that it's entirely possible. Well, it WILL be used but quite possibly not have a Trophy in it. :(


ClioSport Club Member
December 2018 - End of Year Update

It's not been a great year in terms of progress for Le Clio b*****d Rouge (as it is affectionately known). More problems, more delays, more missing parts and more costs. However, there might now be a light at the end of the tunnel...

I was able to catch up with Mick over Christmas by inviting myself over to his place for a couple of hours! We talked about the car and what was effectively done, what was missing and what was needed. Despite the lack of pics and updates, there has been progress on #165 although not as much as either of us had perhaps hoped. Even so, we were at least able to decide on the continued direction for the car and what we were going to do about some of the issues we are still confronted with.

To briefly recap... the interior is back together and looking more like a Clio again. The dash layout will be changed at some point to accommodate the digital dash I will be using. At the moment we are waiting on replies from a couple of places about potentially moulding a new dash to nicely fit the digital dash within in. The digital dash and ECU all power-up as expected and are confirmed as working, as does the loom and the electrics (such as the wipers, lights, etc). The EPAS conversion has also been done so that's ready to go when the time comes. No idea where the driveshafts are at the moment though...

An engine mount was showing signs of fatigue (in fact, it was cracked!) so this was recently replaced with new. The engine was also dropped back in and is close to being fired-up for the first time. There's just a small issue of injectors, fuel rail and oil system to be sorted out. The injectors I bought way back when are nowhere to be seen hence new 660cc items have been ordered, along with the fuel rail. Luckily we have been able to acquire a little assistance from another gentleman who is well-versed in all-things boosted Clio and he's been able to advise (and will be doing so) as we go forward. We are just trying to work out exactly what the fitting is for on the sump as it's not entirely clear what its purpose is; for a sensor perhaps? Feed? We'll get that sorted and confirmed shortly. Then there's the whole turbo / oil feed and return setup - some turbos like lots of oil, some don't, hence we need to figure out the optimum setup for the turbo being used. That's where the help and advice will again come in useful.

The exhaust looks straightforward enough and just needs a few custom brackets and/or hangers to secure it in place once the build it at an appropriate point. Likewise, the fuelling shouldn't be too much of an issue either and is being moved to a boot-based setup. A swirl pot is also being incorporated as part of the setup. It's still to be determined as to the best use of the uprated fuel pump / sender - keep the standard and add the uprated item further along the loop? Or drop the standard altogether and go with the uprated item?

What isn't so clear is how the hard pipes are to be installed in the engine bay! The pipes look great and have been nicely fabricated but... it's not even remotely obvious how these are supposed to fit together in any sort of configuration within the engine bay! Having seen various builds and layouts... well... it's just not obvious what the original plans were. Sadly that's a door that is now closed to us hence we really are in the dark about what to do with them and how they are going to be configured. This is quite an issue and will obviously need to be sorted fairly soon. Other than that it's the usual issues of mounting the intercooler, oil cooler, radiator, etc. but a bit of jiggery-pokery and custom fab should see things good there.

Another thing being considered is the location of the ECU and whether or not to actually take a dremel to the bulkhead. The loom has been created with a nice high-grade mil-spec block adapter to allow easy connection / disconnection but... there's a bit of concern about making holes in that area of the car. Alternatives are being looked at. Incidentally, it's amazing how many nuts and bolts are needed to put everything back together again; the interior, the engine, etc. when you don't have the original bolts and fittings and have to re-source them.

Those are the 'big' things really, everything else should be quite easy to sort. The car has been stood for so long that it will need new bearings. I have a brand new set of Sachs dampers but will leave those off the car for now (and keep the Cup items on for time being). I also have another rather tasty set of rebuilt Sachs dampers earmarked for the car courtesy of a good friend (and quite the talented engineer). I'm looking forward to getting those on the car once she is up and running and the weather takes a turn for the better.

I'm not sure there's much more to add at the moment but will continue to provide updates as we roll through 2019. I think, finally, that #165 will actually make it out to play this year.

Happy New Year folks!


ClioSport Club Member
Personally I'd take it to Alex whites new business who will sort it out for you in no time and to a very high standard.

I literally have no idea how it is still in the same garage not even finished yet. That's no dig at who's it's at... I just don't understand why you're not pushing for it to be done faster?

My mind is blown tbh mate, I remember seeing it at the workshop over a year ago now as me and Adam went there in his caged 172 ( @Akay )
  Defender 110
I thought 2018 might have been the year it would have surfaced.. I genuinely take my hat off to you, for the patience you have.


ClioSport Club Member
With all due respect, it's easy for folks to say "do this, do that, do the other." I'm absolutely sick to death of moving from one place to the other. I don't think people realise just what state it was in when Mick took it on. I'd estimate that less than 5% of the work had been done. And nobody knows what the design / plan was/is. It was all in Dan's head and we are having to guess what his intentions were. I'm not prepared to spend another 10-15k to rework it having already spent 40k+ on the damn thing over the years. It doesn't help having to re-order and buy parts for a second time (taking time and money) and some parts only arrived last month (despite Mick ordering them 7 months ago).

I know Alex would do a great job. I was talking about him to Mick the other day and we both have a lot of time and respect for the guy. I just don't want it to be passed on YET again. I have every faith in Mick and his work is top-quality. Now is not the time to mess it up and take shortcuts and now is not the time for me to take it elsewhere and be faced with yet another mountainous bill! :)


ClioSport Club Member
  182 Trophy
It’s quite astonishing after all these years still following this build thread. Hats off to you for the commitment and putting your money where your mouth is and funding a project many would have thrown the towel in many years ago on. It blows my mind!

Having said that I do sincerely hope that you can get the trophy back on the road with that vision realised. Just keep pushing for it to be done.


ClioSport Club Member
Having said that I do sincerely hope that you can get the trophy back on the road with that vision realised. Just keep pushing for it to be done.
Thank you mate.

I honestly don’t know how you can be arsed with it anymore.

Parts taking 7 months is absurd, not being able to figure out what’s to be done is ridiculous. Also not being able to put a fixed date on when it will be together an ready for mapping is crazy.

More power to you for keeping going
The joys of using one-off items, custom parts and not wanting to compromise on quality at this stage. The annoying thing is that it only takes one man to grow some balls and talk to us about what he had planned (if he actually had any plans at all) and I'm certain a lot of the headaches and issues could be resolved. Sadly that isn't going to happen as it's quite obvious he has washed his hands clean of it and doesn't give a s**t. Cheers fella.


North Yorkshire & Humber
ClioSport Area Rep
But I’ve seen amazing custom cars built from scratch in 3 - months! This things been at this garage for over a year now? And all that’s been achieved is to put an interior in!

I don’t know if it’s me but this is going down the exact same route as all the other garages. You’re gonna end up with a big bill and the car not completed.

You need to cut your losses and take it to another place and have a clear plan with that person as to what’s going to be done and a time scale (IMO). I’m sure micks a lovely guy but his priority is clearly his cambelt sand servicing work - I can understand this as he’s got to put food on the table, but I just think you’re getting dragged along for the ride again.

The custom parts thing could be an excuse for a month or twos delay but we’re talking years now.

I don’t know you mate but even I’m getting pissed off for you. You’re like a cash cow for every garage on this forum.


North Yorkshire & Humber
ClioSport Area Rep
I’ve only got two things to add. Firstly Sharky is one of nicest people I’ve ever met. Secondly there’s absolutely no way Mick will be taking the piss. I know Mick and he’s a thoroughly decent bloke. Any delays will be being caused by things out of his control, guaranteed.

@SharkyUK I’m really looking forward to seeing you at CSF19 ?

I’m not saying he’s taking the piss. I’m saying it’s firmly on the back burner.

I remember the same thing being said about Fred at Btm on page 2894 of this thread.


ClioSport Club Member
  182 Trophy & 197 F1
I find it funny and strange that even my head is all over the place with this car and yet it’s not mine or not my money.
I feel so sorry for you Sharky but how much more can you and are you willing to throw at this ?

The thing I ask myself is if it was my car would I be willing to possibly throw that much money into something that is possibly going to have more issues in the future ?

With the garage situation can you not pay the going garage rate and get the car complete and finished as once again (this is no dig at mick) it seems business customers come first and the car is always being left on the back burner and like a couple of said you could possibly be waiting for months if not years to see this car finished.

If it was me I would be setting a time limit and cost limit and if it was not done I would be stopping and moving on.

No matter how you look at it it’s a clio, might be a fast clio while it’s running but still just a clio and it’s not nice to hear but it’s true.
  Defender 110
I’d be just buying another trophy at this stage, a standard, unmodified one. Possibly a higher mileage one, that you could use without any resale value worries. Then just drive it everyday and get your years of missed enjoyment back.

Then I’d just break this current one and keep any spares you’d want (Sach dampers etc)

I just can’t see this one being enjoyed. It’s going to be such a high maintenance car that’s ALWAYS going to need to have things done to it. Seeing it going back to a ‘specialist’ for repairs/maintenance and servicing will be annoying. Unless your doing <500 miles a year in it, Just parking it up as an ornament and then taking it to CSF once a year.

I genuinely hope this works out for you, you’ve got more determination and patience than anyone on here, I hope that pays off and you prove us wrong.

We’re all hoping 2019 is the year for you buddy.


ClioSport Club Member
I look forward to meeting you at csf @SharkyUK .

Personally I wouldn't be worried about using le b*****d rouge when it's finished. Yeah turbo clio's can be high maintenance but I'd wager not many have been engineered to this standard. A bit of shakedown and adjustment and I reckon it will be fine. As for this year's progress, well there seems to have been loads compared to previous years!


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
All these missing nuts bolts etc, would it be easier to buy a cheap knackered parts car and swap stuff over? Doubt you'd lose any money by selling off the other bits you don't need. Probably actually make some


ClioSport Club Member
I’m not saying he’s taking the piss. I’m saying it’s firmly on the back burner.

I remember the same thing being said about Fred at Btm on page 2894 of this thread.
Agree 10000%. Mick is a great guy, but this project is clearly on the "when I've got a spare 2 hours I'll do something" otherwise it would have been done 9 months ago.

It needs 100% dedication and attention on it or else it's going to take another God knows how long.


ClioSport Club Member
I know you're very reluctant to let this end/break for parts as its cost you a fortune.

You really do come across as such a lovely guy on here, I agree with some of the others that this needs actual days spent on this and not the odd hours here and there, i get thats because of waiting on parts etc, waiting so long on parts is abit of a joke tbh. I really do hope you enjoy the car and it's not going to be problem after problem when it's finished.


ClioSport Club Member
  Bean 182 + E70 X5
Agree 10000%. Mick is a great guy, but this project is clearly on the "when I've got a spare 2 hours I'll do something" otherwise it would have been done 9 months ago.

It needs 100% dedication and attention on it or else it's going to take another God knows how long.


Just went back a couple of pages and @SharkyUK was saying the same kind of thing at the end of last year.

It needs someone to who's going to be pushing companies for these custom parts and chasing them up when they haven't heard or received anything for months.
  Clio 197
I don't know you, but this is madness. If this was in a professional business environment you wouldn't have survived this long managing a project in this way - and this is YOUR OWN MONEY!!

You need to get a grip on it, agree what is going to be delivered and by when, with both parties in agreement. Agreeing to do things 'asap' is no use to anyone. Get firm dates in the diary.

[/Harsh mode off]

I wish you all the best!


ClioSport Club Member
Many thanks for the comments and taking the time to reply, especially for the lengthier replies! Whether I agree, disagree, like or dislike what I read I do appreciate the feedback and - believe it or not - take it on board. I'm not going to lie though, it's a weird place to be in and it's not quite so black and white as folks seem to think.

As I've alluded to in my post, help is in place and it's moving forward. I've also had offers of help from other sources who can provide invaluable hands-on experience and guidance. I've even been approached by a local motorsport company who have said they'd be happy to take on the project. There are options available but I am happy with how things are going, especially given the help that is on hand. Progress is being made, it really is. Slow, but it is being made. Sure, I could have pushed harder but the last 6 months have had things happen of much higher priority than a project car. :)

The thing I ask myself is if it was my car would I be willing to possibly throw that much money into something that is possibly going to have more issues in the future ?

No matter how you look at it it’s a clio, might be a fast clio while it’s running but still just a clio and it’s not nice to hear but it’s true.
Oh yeah, I'm fully aware of that mate. I'm under no illusions that it's an ageing Clio and will be high maintenance. I've accounted (prepared) for ongoing costs and expect to be having to replace driveshafts, gearboxes, clutches, etc. on a potentially regular basis (not to mention mounts, etc, etc, etc). That's why I've gone for a 'proper' high quality spec - to try and increase the longevity of the engine at least by trying to guard against a catastrophic engine failure. I realise there are no guarantees but hopefully a little extra spend here and there for parts and 'over-engineering' will help.

I’d be just buying another trophy at this stage, a standard, unmodified one.

I genuinely hope this works out for you, you’ve got more determination and patience than anyone on here, I hope that pays off and you prove us wrong.

We’re all hoping 2019 is the year for you buddy.
Thanks mate. That's always an option - to buy another Trophy - but I would probably want to buy it and run it alongside this high-boost project. I have no desire to give up on it now and even have the missus's blessing (now she's over the shock of the costs!) FLOL! Being a petrol head herself she doesn't really mind bless her, as long as we've enough to pay the bills and pay the mortgage.

I look forward to meeting you at csf @SharkyUK .

Personally I wouldn't be worried about using le b*****d rouge when it's finished. Yeah turbo clio's can be high maintenance but I'd wager not many have been engineered to this standard. A bit of shakedown and adjustment and I reckon it will be fine. As for this year's progress, well there seems to have been loads compared to previous years!
Likewise - looking forward to meeting you, too. I have a few years to catch up on hence I'm looking forward to it!

All these missing nuts bolts etc, would it be easier to buy a cheap knackered parts car and swap stuff over? Doubt you'd lose any money by selling off the other bits you don't need. Probably actually make some
It wasn't a route I really wanted to go down mate. I'd rather have fresh, new bolts rather than items that had already been used, potentially torqued incorrectly, etc. I've been very fortunate in being able to source some top quality items but some have incurred a rather painful cost!

I don't know you, but this is madness. If this was in a professional business environment you wouldn't have survived this long managing a project in this way - and this is YOUR OWN MONEY!!

You need to get a grip on it, agree what is going to be delivered and by when, with both parties in agreement. Agreeing to do things 'asap' is no use to anyone. Get firm dates in the diary.

[/Harsh mode off]

I wish you all the best!
Thanks mate. Luckily I don't run my business in the same way :p

The thing to remember is that I did not devise the 'plan' nor did I suggest this build in the first place. It was taken on as a 'favour' without my knowing after my engine build from BTM failed. By the time it was communicated to me the engine had already been removed, stripped down, etc. and plans were afoot to make this a high-boost and show-piece car. A car that would be exceptionally well-engineered and also a bit of an advertisement for the business concerned (i.e. who was building it). What I heard sounded good, it had reputable specialists working on it so I decided to go along with it. I did not, and could not have, foreseen that it would turn out this way.

All the best, she'll be home this year ;)

EDIT: Sorry I couldn't reply to all as I normally do - running a bit short on time at the moment! :)


ClioSport Club Member
  182 Trophy & 197 F1
Oh yeah, I'm fully aware of that mate. I'm under no illusions that it's an ageing Clio and will be high maintenance. I've accounted (prepared) for ongoing costs and expect to be having to replace driveshafts, gearboxes, clutches, etc. on a potentially regular basis (not to mention mounts, etc, etc, etc). That's why I've gone for a 'proper' high quality spec - to try and increase the longevity of the engine at least by trying to guard against a catastrophic engine failure. I realise there are no guarantees but hopefully a little extra spend here and there for parts and 'over-engineering' will help.

I hate to say it but the first time round you went for a "Proper" engine rebuild from from a "proper" Renault specialist and look what has happened.
I honestly do feel so so sorry for you as in you have so much passion and determination to get the car up and running but personally for me the cost fully outweighs the car.

I dont know the exact cost but £10/20/30k on a Clio is just madness IMO.

I know you want a one off car that is very rare but like I keep pointing out its a 2005 Clio 182 with 100K on the clock all be it everything has been changed and replaced.

Could and would it not have been alot easier to fit a Meg 250 engine and modify that with new mounts , shafts along with the box ?
If people are fitting VAG engine and boxes along with Vauxhall engines anything is possible, Atleast with the Meg 250 engine you know its possibly not going to sh!t itself as much.


ClioSport Club Member
  4 wheels
I thought I had patience lol. Got to give it to you mate for sticking with your plan and not scrapping it altogether. It's a shame it's cost you so much with little to show for it. I just hope you have it all up and running in 2019 and it's problem free and you can finally enjoy it after what I bet feels like forever without the car.


ClioSport Club Member
  Hi comp phase 1
So it took a garage 6 months to do my clio. They aren’t a Clio specialist..and all they did was strip a standard Clio to a shell and then stripped front and rear subframes and engine from my track car on to the new shell...paint a couple of a cage..remove sound deadening and paint inside. Still while they had other work going on. My job is fairly easy..just swapping parts but going by what @SharkyUK wants it’s a bespoke one off item..these things take time!
Good luck @SharkyUK I know what it’s like..keep with least he’s getting his head round it.


ClioSport Moderator
So it took a garage 6 months to do my clio. They aren’t a Clio specialist..and all they did was strip a standard Clio to a shell and then stripped front and rear subframes and engine from my track car on to the new shell...paint a couple of a cage..remove sound deadening and paint inside. Still while they had other work going on. My job is fairly easy..just swapping parts but going by what @SharkyUK wants it’s a bespoke one off item..these things take time!
Good luck @SharkyUK I know what it’s like..keep with least he’s getting his head round it.


ClioSport Club Member
I know you want a one off car that is very rare but like I keep pointing out its a 2005 Clio 182 with 100K on the clock all be it everything has been changed and replaced.

Could and would it not have been alot easier to fit a Meg 250 engine and modify that with new mounts , shafts along with the box ?
If people are fitting VAG engine and boxes along with Vauxhall engines anything is possible, Atleast with the Meg 250 engine you know its possibly not going to sh!t itself as much.
It's not a case of it being a one-off car - I really don't care about how exclusive it is. I'm not trying to be the first or to break new ground. The aim was to have a well-built, high-spec turbo'd Trophy that allowed me some trackday fun and some spirited driving fun on my favourite roads. There are already cars out there that are faster, better, more expensive (several of them being Clios) and I'm not looking to 'compete' or go one-up over them. The goal has always been to realise a well-engineered build come the end of the project.

Could and would it have been easier to fit a Meg 250 engine? I'll say again... I had no idea what the plan was. As in NO IDEA. This was devised without my or Mick's knowing. And this is why it's now a problem because Mick has literally received a trailer full of Trophy shell and parts (many missing) with no guide as to how they were to be put together. Of course, a lot of it is straightforward enough but there are unknowns that need to be addressed. Only one person really knows what the plan was, or why he decided not to use a Meg 250 engine, or yada yada yada. With the spec of the engine and the work that has gone into it, there's no way it's going to change. I'm not sure what the Meg 250 engines are like (or how they differ) but I'm pretty certain what I have is just fine.

I thought I had patience lol. Got to give it to you mate for sticking with your plan and not scrapping it altogether. It's a shame it's cost you so much with little to show for it. I just hope you have it all up and running in 2019 and it's problem free and you can finally enjoy it after what I bet feels like forever without the car.
Cheers fella. Yeah, I'm missing the Trophy like you wouldn't believe but it's not the end of the world. I have the Type-R to enjoy and lots of fantastic roads on my doorstep to keep me entertained! :)

So it took a garage 6 months to do my clio. They aren’t a Clio specialist..and all they did was strip a standard Clio to a shell and then stripped front and rear subframes and engine from my track car on to the new shell...paint a couple of a cage..remove sound deadening and paint inside. Still while they had other work going on. My job is fairly easy..just swapping parts but going by what @SharkyUK wants it’s a bespoke one off item..these things take time!
Good luck @SharkyUK I know what it’s like..keep with least he’s getting his head round it.
Thank you mate. :)

:) ?

Dr HMS Derv Destroyer

ClioSport Club Member
Nice to see it’s finally all coming to an end ! I’m sure micks probably bold headed now lol ( a joke , please no offence ). How handy is mick with cameras , get a few pics thrown up mate.

Hope to see at Csf19 , think the last time I seen it one peice was billington aqadrome.

My mk1 frankenderv on the other hand ..... ???? atleast mk2 frankenderv works.


ClioSport Club Member
Nice to see it’s finally all coming to an end ! I’m sure micks probably bold headed now lol ( a joke , please no offence ). How handy is mick with cameras , get a few pics thrown up mate.

Hope to see at Csf19 , think the last time I seen it one peice was billington aqadrome.

My mk1 frankenderv on the other hand ..... ???? atleast mk2 frankenderv works.
He's just about holding onto those flowing ginger locks of his... ?? I'll ask him to grab some pics as this thread is in desperate need of some fresh imagery.

Looking forward to catching up at some point. Long live Frankenderv! :p

Flat Eric

Sing Hosanna!!
ClioSport Club Member
  F31 35d, Berlingo Na
Andy! Fair play for keeping up with the progress and updates on this. Other circumstances as mentioned take priorities and it’s hard to put projects like this first.
Mick will get it finished, he’s not the type of bloke who will start/continue a project and not finish it through completion. It’s not what he’s about.
It’ll get done!
Hopefully see you at one of the shows this year too
Onwards and upwards Andy!


ClioSport Club Member
Can't wait to see this finished, every update I get my hopes up for you and for all of us reading with anticipation - expecting solid work to have been done.

I'd put on the pressure in 2019, make sure it gets done!


ClioSport Club Member
Andy! Fair play for keeping up with the progress and updates on this. Other circumstances as mentioned take priorities and it’s hard to put projects like this first.
Mick will get it finished, he’s not the type of bloke who will start/continue a project and not finish it through completion. It’s not what he’s about.
It’ll get done!
Hopefully see you at one of the shows this year too
Onwards and upwards Andy!
Thanks, Chris. All is good and thanks for keeping up with things. I'm feeling somewhat reluctant to post further updates as it feels like I'm on trial! I look forward to catching up with you at some point this year, too. Cheers!

Can't wait to see this finished, every update I get my hopes up for you and for all of us reading with anticipation - expecting solid work to have been done.

I'd put on the pressure in 2019, make sure it gets done!
Cheers fella. No need to put any pressure on. :) In fact, I daresay Mick is sick to death of it and probably wants to see it done and gone more than me. It's just littering up his workshop! The engine is together and in and pretty much at a point where it could be fired-up for the first time. We're just waiting on the new fuel rail, new injectors and trying to determine what the fitting is for on the oil sump.

neil a

ClioSport Club Member
Stick a picture of the sump up Andy , it could only really be for a temp sensor or turbo oil return depending on location.

For the turbo oil restrictor as a general rule roller bearing turbos normally get fitted with a restrictor , a quick call to someone like Vince Osborne at Turbo Performance will give you the answer and sort you out with a fitting easily enough.
  Defender 110
@SharkyUK I was actually thinking what you’ve written above. CS is a brilliant site and an honest/helpful one too, but I think the honesty is making it sound like your on trial...
You know what your plans are and your determined to get this built, which is brilliant.
I think you should keep updates on here as actual progress/pictures only.
That way, it’s only positive updates from here on - I think that might turn the thread around.


ClioSport Club Member
Stick a picture of the sump up Andy , it could only really be for a temp sensor or turbo oil return depending on location.

For the turbo oil restrictor as a general rule roller bearing turbos normally get fitted with a restrictor , a quick call to someone like Vince Osborne at Turbo Performance will give you the answer and sort you out with a fitting easily enough.
Yeah, I'll get a pic sorted and post it up as soon as I can mate. It's definitely there for one of the reasons you mention - either for a temperature sensor or oil return feed. The aim is to have oil pressure and temperature readings displayed on the digi-dash along with various other data channels. However, I don't think it's a 'standard' size hence would possibly need an adapter to take a sensor. I believe Mick is talking to someone about it when he starts work again later this week (or beginning of next week). We've managed to source some help from folks who have experience of turbo builds (specifically turbo Clio builds). Cheers buddy!

@SharkyUK I was actually thinking what you’ve written above. CS is a brilliant site and an honest/helpful one too, but I think the honesty is making it sound like your on trial...
You know what your plans are and your determined to get this built, which is brilliant.
I think you should keep updates on here as actual progress/pictures only.
That way, it’s only positive updates from here on - I think that might turn the thread around.
Oh yeah, I've got no issues mate - this place is superb and a great source of help and advice. I don't think there needs to be any 'censoring' as I'm all for free discussion and for people being able to contribute. I won't lie though... I am more than a little surprised how some folks seem to be more wound up about it than I am but I also appreciate that they are only sharing and saying what they would do and what they think would be the best course of action (with my interests at heart). As said, I've got no issue with that. I'm only really concerned about a few people who seem to enjoy causing drama and stirring the s**t but - thankfully - it appears it hasn't made it onto here (and I'll ask for it to be removed if it does).

I'm happy for discussions to carry on, and I'm happy to keep posting up as and when I have something to share - this is a useful and 'interesting' thread for myself and potentially a bit of entertainment for others, too. :p What I won't stand for though is mud-slinging; especially when it's not warranted. The build continues, all is good and progress is being made. :)

Coops Mk1

ClioSport Club Member
  Lots of Scrap...
Well that was emotional, I've seen this project thread kicking about and bubbling to the top of the projects forum over the past few years but I've never actually read it. Many many pages later and two days and I've read the lot.

Andy, you my friend are a total star, to keep flying the flag for your clearly very much loved car for so long in the face of so much adversity is frankly mind boggling. I don't know you but feel like I do from spending the last 48 hours inside the last decade of your car brain.

I won't pass comment on the past but what I will say is, although time has dragged again, Mr Pittman will be doing all he can within the limits of his life to get the thing finished for you, and when he does I want to be there to see your face reaching for the wheel for the first time.

Good luck to you sir and God speed to LBR


ClioSport Club Member
Well that was emotional, I've seen this project thread kicking about and bubbling to the top of the projects forum over the past few years but I've never actually read it. Many many pages later and two days and I've read the lot.

... <snip> ...

Good luck to you sir and God speed to LBR
? @Coops Mk1 - mate, thanks for taking the time to read through the thread over the last couple of days! I'm not really sure what to say but you deserve a bloody medal! Hahahaha!? I hope it's provided at least a bit of entertainment along the way! It's certainly been a bit of a rollercoaster.

I also have every confidence in Mick and, with the help we now have available, things are looking a whole lot better and healthier. Sure, there are still a few hurdles to get over but they'll be dealt with.

Thanks for the kind words and all the best! :)

Coops Mk1

ClioSport Club Member
  Lots of Scrap...
@SharkyUK Nemesis at Alton Towers can't hold a candle to this story, genuinely needs to be serialised into a set of beautifully bound leather tomes.

I'll more than likely be up at Micks at some point soon, I'm local ish so I'll pay me respects to the old jallopy if I'm there and catch a glimpse of her.
