Sad to see. But completely understandable. Comes the time where you have to say enough enough sadly. You never think youd end up in a place like this. When you have faith in a garage but then get fucked over.
Cheers fella - you are absolutely right. Enough is enough! I really wanted to see it finished but it wasn't to be. All the best!
You say the main issue is that it's been left in a bad state.. Is that the engine? Then just spend £2k on a forged engine with Phil in Wales and be done with it?
Honestly don't see what is so bad that you're throwing in the towel now
The engine is brand new freshly built to a very high spec mate, but far from an easy bolt-on / drop-in type affair. I'm not sure if you've seen recent updates but it's so much more than just the engine unfortunately. The 2k wouldn't even cover the costs of the conrods and pistons that are already in there. There's hard pipes, exhaust, a whole new intercooler and pipework needed, a new exhaust system, the list goes on. Don't forget I've already had these made and they've been paid for, only to find out they are sub-par and not capable of handling 350bhp (or anywhere near) and I'm faced with starting again. Nope. Enough is enough.
The whole thing has been a total farce. A genuinely nice guy repeatedly let down by so many ‘reputable’ specialists.
40k and the cars in bits.
Those people ought to hang their heads in shame.
Cheers fella. It's ironic that the car is finally in a good place with someone who has got it all back on track, but only to truly find out how far away the end line still is. I could quite feasibly throw another 7k+ at it and it still need more. I just cannot face that when, in truth, it went past 'ridiculous' some time ago.
Gutted to hear this Andy. I can understand your situation on the matter and wanting to stop now before things get worse etc.
What frustrates me is you can guarantee the comments will come from the usual folk who want to criticise.
I've had the pleasure of meeting you and seeing the car in person several times and can vouch for how nice of a guy you are.
My moneys on
@davo172 having the usual dig about the traders' involvement with it all.
Stuck record comes to mind.
On a serious note though. I hope you find a weight lifted off your shoulders with whatever you decide to do with the car.
Cheers Chris, and thanks for the kind words and support - appreciated mate
Don't be too harsh my friend - people will always have their own preferences/views and be inclined to comment. I'm big and ugly enough (I think) generally to take it.

There's always going to be good and bad and I genuinely have appreciated all the feedback - good, bad or indifferent. I do apologise for the times when I've been pissed off and short with folks but - hopefully - that hasn't been too often!
Keep in touch regardless mate. I'll be hanging around anyway, Clio or not.
Sad to hear but glad it’s over for you. It would make more sense to take the car back to standard and enjoy the car how Renault intended it for yourself. Bitter sweet.
Indeed mate - I feel better having made the decision. It had become a burden (and not just for me).
So you decided then lol.
Can't say I blame you tbh mate.
I did! LOL! Even my patience has a limit. Cheers fella
Real shame Andy, completely understandable..
Could you not enjoy the car in standard form?.
Least you can get that cayman gt4 now ?
Thanks mate. It felt really weird making the decision yesterday (whilst sat with my better half in my fave cafe eating sausage, egg and chips!) Honestly I felt like crying! *sniff*
I think it will probably end up going back to standard and then I will decide what to do.
Sadly I'm not familiar with the Cayman GT4 mate. I will have a read about it later.

All the best.
Definitely the best decision you’ve made, I feel relieved for you, Andy.
I’d personally just break the whole car up for parts, as even to get it back to standard will cost money.
I’d start a new chapter with a completely new/different car.
Yup, that is an option I'm considering. The relief is real and will be more so once I have final 'closure' on the bloody thing! Just over the course of the last day or so I have quite a few offers of donor cars, engines, boxes, etc. so will most likely put it back to standard. I don't know if I will keep it or sell it though - probably sell it and move on. We shall see.
There's definitely a new car on the horizon regardless as I miss having a fun and focused driving machine (as much as I love my better half's Type-R). Cheers
Shame it couldn't be finished but I suppose having it in someone's hands who is capable of doing it but still hearing about problems is understandably enough to tip you over the edge. Chuck a standard engine in and go kick it's head in??.
Exactly that, fella - the car is finally in a good place but the bad news doesn't end! As hard as it is to admit... it's the right decision. And a way overdue decision to many folks I guess. All the best mate
bag to OEM stock
Yes - that is looking like the number one option.
Very sad but understandable.
Cheers Matt - I can finally stop whining and moaning about it.
Such a shame, sell off the turbo bits, use the money to install a stock engine and then sell or use
I can't argue with that mate - I think it's the most sensible option.
Hopefully,you will find a sense of relief, that this saga has come to an end. At times I have felt depressed/annoyed about your car, so I can't imagine what you have been through!. Move on, ignore any negative comments, its your life after all.
Yes - already I feel a sense of relief (albeit tinged with sadness) but it's for the best. I have been through the whole range of emotions for sure, as has your good self!

Thanks mate, all the best.
Such a shame Andy. From meeting you few years back you're a cracking guy. Gutted for you but hopefully you'll get yourself something that you can enjoy even more in the future
That was a few years ago now mate!

Thanks for the kind words, it is indeed a shame. The next car will definitely be fun and enjoyed, but won't be heavily modified!

Slap a standard engine in it, get it roughly back together to a point where you can enjoy it. Drive it and keep the parts for a bit.
If you decide enough is enough flog the parts, otherwise get them fitted to a complete car which would be much easier.
I hear you fella - it makes sense to go standard and then take it from there. I'm going to start selling the parts as soon as I have them catalogued in an attempt to recoup some of the costs. I am not even considering using them for another build - time to move on.
@SharkyUK I have to say I was as I always am excited to see your post had been updated followed very closely by sadness.
I feel really sad for you as I know it can’t have been an easy decision to make. But at some point you have take a reality check. I feel happy for you as you now feel a weight has been lifted off your shoulders.
Unlike others I won’t give my opinion on what you should do, that is upto you!! But I wish all the best with what you decide ??
I appreciate the comments and chats mate, thanks - and thanks for the well-wishes. Despite the sheer stupidity of the situation it was still a tough decision to make. But, strangely, it felt right within a split-second of making it. It's hard when you are so close and deeply invested in something.
Cheers - all the best!
The end of an era for CS.

Well, I will certainly miss posting updates. Not that I've had many over recent years!
A saga with more twists than Game of Thrones.
Probably the right decision, but it still seems surreal.
Definitely the right decision mate, but definitely feels strange too.
Gutted to hear about this! Remember reading through the early days of the thread before fully joining CS.
Onwards and upwards I hope!
Yes mate - onwards and upwards. Thanks for reading through and following the thread, appreciate it.
I thought this would be the case, I’m sure it’s the right decision yet such the wrong decision.
It’s your choice and I’m sure many even my self have been faced with.
I really hoped you could keep it.
I think a lot of people saw it coming mate, perhaps even I did but didn't want to acknowledge it until now. You're right - you, I and others have no doubt faced similar. And others will too! I genuinely wanted to get it over the finish line but it wasn't to be. All the best mate.