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Toastfrenzy's Tin Top, some say...........

  Cup In bits
Paid £40 for mine, didn't even have to bend over either....

Really?? Where did you go for that out of interest? I was £144 and that was cheap beside me.

Work medical's can be used but need to be within 3 months and the doctor will want a signing fee.
  182cup & 172 racecar
Paid £40 for mine, didn't even have to bend over either....
I'd have paid the extra for the bend over bit.
Really?? Where did you go for that out of interest? I was £144 and that was cheap beside me.

Work medical's can be used but need to be within 3 months and the doctor will want a signing fee.

Standard race licence medical at the Doctors is £60, they have a list. 1/2 hour with the nurse, 10min with the Doctor.
  Cup In bits
HOLY F**K! I hope you don't need it doing every year Morgan :)

:cry: Not until I'm Tony's age mind you.

I'd have paid the extra for the bend over bit.

Standard race licence medical at the Doctors is £60, they have a list. 1/2 hour with the nurse, 10min with the Doctor.

Seems to be the going rate up here, 1/2 hour with the doctor at my local is what I was told I needed, HGV etc is the same. Like I said though that was cheap, I went to where I get my work medical and they wanted 278+vat lol..... I could do the med myself its that basic.
My doctors wanted 200 quid!

I went with some online company "drivers medicals" or something, they have offices all over. It is basically the same as the HGV test plus colour blind test, think it was 60 quid ish.
Really?? Where did you go for that out of interest? I was £144 and that was cheap beside me.

Work medical's can be used but need to be within 3 months and the doctor will want a signing fee.

Local NHS Dr's surgery to my work in Peterborough (do loads of HGV meds), I was quoted £140 by my GP...robbing g1t.

I'm red/green colour blind :S'll have trouble with passing the colour test ????

I paid the extra for the bend over bit.


Found this so will use them if work won't do it only £40 nice!

None near Peteborough ....handy nethertheless for all at £40
  Cup In bits
[QUOTE/]'ll have trouble with passing the colour test ????[/QUOTE]

No not so much, I pass the trades colour test fine, bold colours aren't much of an issue thankfully.

No matter what colour blindness you are they will let you do the ARDS and if you pass the flag part your good.
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Just reading all this and found it interesting, would I need a stress ecg to get a Race Licence, I've just had my 5 year medical which I passed no problem, 1st time was free and this time £100-00:eek:, but I do have a declared heart condition with the MSA and I'm 53, currently no problems with None Race nat B.

Regards Russ.......
  182cup & 172 racecar
Russ, if you a declared heart condition, you may well need a a stress test. Just phone the MSA, you will find them very helpful.
  172 Race Car
For my medical I found a doctor/racer on the pistonheads forum. Drove down to see him in swansea and gave him some beers. My GP surgery wanted £150
Had a good day on the Cup today.

Changed Oil and filter
Checked Gearbox oil level
Fitted the hub spacers to the rear
Replaced the yellow stuff rear pads with some part used red stuff pads
Replaced the HT leads ( wouldn't start after then idled high -seems ok now) checked all the plugs - none loose
Spanner checked all over - few loose nuts, dog bone - this has worked loose before
Left the front discs on as there was still plenty of meat remaining
Removed the metal bit in front of the rad - can't remember what's called, made two brackets up to secure the rad. Now got good access to the front etc, cut the black plastic down to suit
Tried to sort the forever unwinding top mount - going to see if can get some tab locking washers as physical locking is going to be the only way to stop this unwinding I think.
Checked for play on the front suspension - steering - none found
Found the front wheels hard to turn - put this down to the Fuches race sync 5 oil in the gear box and maybe the LSD - not as free as before (old oil etc) to turn by hand
Nearly cleaned the air filter - my bad (I didn't)

Was good to get underneath the car and check it all for damage, none found

All needs a good clean - will do this next weekend - then we'll all be good to go

I'm tempted to get it mapped proper but we'll see how money pans out - had to buy a new PC today - bought a 3rd gen i7 one. After 10 years my P4 one gave up the ghost a few weeks ago and my laptop is not up to all the editing, racerender stuff, takes an age. Plus Harry and Scarlett are starting to get computer based homework - once I said that Sam couldn't say no...hahaahahaha

Looks like we may not be racing with the CSCC next year and may be running with the TARC and their new French Trophy Series - nothing set in stone and we have registered already with the TT's for 2013. There's a few more DC5's and Focuses running it the TT's this year and maybe our modest top half finishing will be hard to repeat. So running with like for like cars (for now until something quicker comes along) maybe is a better place to be - we'll see. The first race for the TARC is on the 16th March at Snetterton - All rounds are sponsored by Performance (french?)car magazine (who will do a few pages in each edition following a race weekend) and maybe televised by Motors TV (TV may not come off) - either good for getting a little bit of sponsorship nevertheless. Any way, if I do the first race with TARC and it's a pile of pants, club etc, it's well before the TT's first round (mid April) so wont loose out there.
  Cup In bits
Good work. How many races are needed to qualify for the championship in tin tops? Also how many rounds are there and how many did you compete in 2012?
All sounds great Pete :)

I had a top mount nut the same last season, i've not worked out what i'm going to do to stop it yet!

As you know i'm keeping my options open at the moment for where i'm racing this season so will be good to see how Snetterton goes for you
Good work. How many races are needed to qualify for the championship in tin tops? Also how many rounds are there and how many did you compete in 2012?

CSCC run series, you can do all, one or how ever many you please of the races, there is still a 1st 2nd etc overall but I'm not too sure how they work it out. There are 12 race dates in 2012 for CSCC, here. We did just 3 (or 4?) in 2012. With building the car Dec 11, Jan to March 2012 meant just enough cash left for a few races.

All sounds great Pete :)

I had a top mount nut the same last season, i've not worked out what i'm going to do to stop it yet!

As you know i'm keeping my options open at the moment for where i'm racing this season so will be good to see how Snetterton goes for you

I'll let you know if i can find a tab washer (or similar) big enough....may see if I can get another thinner nut to tighten onto it.
I presume you've tried threadlock and it's not working? It didn't on mine :( I might try superglue LOL

No - as you told me yours didn't work - I know you can get different strengths but I feel mechanical\ physical would be more lasting. My top mount nuts are slowly getting rounded off, due to the crap (old) AST design (shoulder that covers half the nut) and I will have to get some new ones If I don't sort soon.

Djw John

Scotland - South
ClioSport Area Rep
Weld a nut on top of the nut. Djw Dave had the same problem as its so tricky to get enough access to torque them. Ill see if I have a pic, if not then pm him for one.
  Rb 182


Might look a bit ropey but it works, well!
Great idea plus be able to drill holes for locking wire...thanks!!

Think I'll be able to remove the nut and get it back inside the top mount with out taking the strut off and top mount? Just had it all aligned etc and don't want to take it all apart again unless I really have too...

I was nearly going to Dremel the shoulder away today too....
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Djw John

Scotland - South
ClioSport Area Rep
Negated by every other idea of the year.

Yeah you should be able to just remove that without shifting anything else, no need to remove the top mount or adjust the 3 bolts on them so can't see why it would change alignment.
Been woken up early and now can't stop thinking about stuff - normally about money and stuff like that but now I'm thinking about the size of the thread of the AST front struts (what is it) and other stuff to do with the Cup - driving, next time out, can't wait.

What's left to do on it - also the trailer should give that a once over, cleaning the air filter - should write a list.
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