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Toastfrenzy's Tin Top, some say...........

Had a spot of rain today Pete?

Misty at first, v slippy though track dried out after a bit and could see racing line, then rained good and proper after 2pm....First wet day for us, ever....bit like sailing (excuse the pun) anyone can sail when it's windy and it takes a good yachtsman to perform in light to no wind.....Anyone can drive a car when it's dry takes something special to drive in the wet and perform well...!

Sounds like fun mate! Was saying to Tony earlier we had it when I tested last year at Donny! Hope you've had a successful day :)

Was a very successful day James - loads of "we need this\to do this for wet days next time" - less aggressive front pads for one, in the wet. Time was pretty tight so didn't get all the adjustments in before the sessions, 30 min gaps. The weather played a part as it was drying up - so left dry settings on - was about to swap back to A048's, left the swap until 20mins before the first afternoon session, just as well as it started to spit with rain....then it poured down...things were also too stiff for sure.

Plato had Tweeted

"Good wet testing at Rockingham today, learnt a lot. Some pesky Clio kept getting in the way" ;)

How did it go Pete?

Went well!! Though had to give Sam a bit of a talking too.....bit Miss Daisy, but listened and all came good. Pity the camera battery died 2 mins into her last session, which was the most confident\best of the day.

Dohhh what's up with the cup Pete?

What you think to the diff? :)

Got a fair bit of smoke and oil out of the breather into the oil catch tank I emptied 1\3 of 2ltr catch tank after 45mins....

Rings, valves or both perhaps?

100k eng with 2 full on years of track\race abuse....time for a refresh -though wrong time of year for it, got 4 weeks to first race...clocks ticking.

Diff, well what can I say. Wet corner - car close behind me, apex and power car now a long way behind.....:D unless it was a Clio cup\touring car etc...Great stuff for sure!
  Cup In bits
Good news Pete apart from the engine, give it death until it drinks more oil than fuel. You have done well to not see any rain in your 2 years tbh, like you say it shows the men from the boys and the real smooth drivers come to the front. I seen pics on FB that BTCC were doing some testing and the pictures were damp...ish (i.e pissing down)
Not good at all Pete :( unfortunately I have heard of quite a few issues with the 438's and associated maps recently. I think Dan told someone due to the high lift nature of the cam it wears the stem seals but in the case of the car he was speaking of it didn't sound too realistic as that lost 5 of oil in a trackday last year and has since turned out to be fuelling issues.

First thing I would do is get the fuelling on the map checked out as the last thing you want to do is get the engine fixed and then just damage it again :(

I'll drop you a pm in a min
Not good at all Pete :( unfortunately I have heard of quite a few issues with the 438's and associated maps recently. I think Dan told someone due to the high lift nature of the cam it wears the stem seals but in the case of the car he was speaking of it didn't sound too realistic as that lost 5 of oil in a trackday last year and has since turned out to be fuelling issues.

First thing I would do is get the fuelling on the map checked out as the last thing you want to do is get the engine fixed and then just damage it again :(

I'll drop you a pm in a min

Oh...great!! Dan's away on a course so haven't actually be able to get hold of him yet - hopefully I'll get through soon...if he has a signal!

Got any on track footage Pete looks like alot of fun with all the BTCC boys there. How much was the day?

Got a fair bit of footage, going to sort it out, race render it with the data overlay them edit it down to all the good bits (can do this now - I hope) it was a good experience for sure and it was £129 for the car and no extra driver charge. Wished I'd tried Rockingham sooner, only 33 miles away from me.
Oh no Pete, does not sound good fella. Funnily enough I had same symptoms with my engine, did a compression test this week down at MWM place and it showed the cylinders 3 and 4 was low (160), other 2 showed between 170 and 190. Oil splutter was coming out of the crank case breather when cranking. Obviously not a good sign.

Will you go for rebuild Pete or second hand engine replacement?
How much work is it to swap stuff over from old to new PC, taken me ages to find product keys, get all the config's across etc and just remembered haven't done the video editing software. Thought I'd finished, not.
  Clio 172
Speaking from experience every time I build a new pc I seem to end up with less software as I get rid of everything that was there and never used. Depending on size of the software in can take a couple of days.
Got to love timing - there I was just casually taking a photo only to catch Andrew Jordan making a pass at Sam......

Would've thought Sam was making a pass at Jordan - but in the Cup, no chance.

  182/RS2/ Turbo/Mk1
Not good at all Pete :( unfortunately I have heard of quite a few issues with the 438's and associated maps recently. I think Dan told someone due to the high lift nature of the cam it wears the stem seals but in the case of the car he was speaking of it didn't sound too realistic as that lost 5 of oil in a trackday last year and has since turned out to be fuelling issues.

5 litres of oil in a single trackday and he thinks its the stem seals? FLOL @ that comment, talk about clutching at straws!

If these wallies genuinely think that is the case though, have they been warning their customers about it when recommending they use these cams?

First thing I would do is get the fuelling on the map checked out as the last thing you want to do is get the engine fixed and then just damage it again :(

I'll drop you a pm in a min

Agreed the maps that seem to be getting put on by Ktec and their followers on for these cams seem to be genuinely rubbish, I just keep encountering more and more people with this combination and a dead engine and/or lean map that soon will be a dead engine lately :(
Chip, for the lay man (me) why wouldn't it be the the stem seals? (presuming I know where they are - a seal around the shaft of the valve?)

That means the rings are faulty in some way?

Excuse my ignorance here, oil and smoke is coming out of the engine breather (crank case?) how does oil get there when it's on the manifold and the oil is in the sump (being pumped round the engine at times too)?

Engine internal workings isn't my forte I'm afraid.
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  182/RS2/ Turbo/Mk1
Chip, for the lay man (me) why wouldn't it be the the stem seals? (presuming I know where they are - a seal around the shaft of the valve?)

Just the sheer volume of oil mate, unless the guides themselves are completely and utterly shot to the extent the valves are rattling up and down them there just isnt enough opportunity for that much oil to get past them.

Due to a bit of a communications c**kup (he bought a head not realising it hadnt had them fitted yet), I know someone who actually ran a head with no stem seals, it smoked a bit of course but it did not use anything like that quantity of oil on a trackday, and that was with NO stem seals present at all.
Rockingham 7th March test and shake down day

Bit of spiel to go with the video of the day; Don't expect any ground breaking times - first ever proper drive out in the wet, our 2 1\2 year drought has come to an end. Both started off a bit slow\careful and sort of remained careful to the end. I didn't trust my braking abilities as fronts kept locking up when over more than 1\2 to 2\3rd's normal braking pressure - so removed part of the problem - left it in third for most of the lap. With the new diff - matching revs is now more important, not something either of us has mastered. May not be such an issue in the dry where the tyres grip and you slow down, in the wet I found you lose adhesion under moderate to hard braking.

Keeping it steady meant we had time to concentrate and get to grips with the car and the wet track, I noticed the difference in the traction from the first lap out. The diff just allows more driving with traction where normally one of the front wheel would be spinning. I don't think I noticed any wheel spin the whole day - I certainly didn't experience going round a corner with the revs stuck at 5k going no where fast.

The track did dry out a lot so after 1030am I was thinking of taking the wets off and putting the A048's on for the last session before lunch - quick look around the paddock, half still on wets and half on slicks. Was hoping for a bit more of a uneven split to help make my mind up. Didn't swap in the end, should have really as the fastest times on the day, for us, were in the session before lunch and the session straight after lunch.

Found turn one a bit daunting - followed a few cars slipping and sliding around, even though we didn't, didn't push it much past 100 (when dry ish), soon flooring it from after Pif Paf to Gracelands, you can see a straight line -just. No one was really out stripping us on the day, so couldn't have been far off the pace for a wet day - apart from the BTCC guys, Clio cups, some Mini's and the odd GT3.

Sam got the best laps and session of the day, 30 mins after lunch posted a 1 min 51 sec and I was down with a 1 min 53 sec. Being as it started to dry I left the dry settings as they were, then after it poured down didn't have the time to fully soften the damping or disconnect the RARB both I'll do for the next wet day. At £50 for a garage also didn't want to get soaked on the floor for the last 30 min

The video is of as it happened - 5 sessions cut and edited one after the other, I missed one session out as must have turned the data logger off instead of on. So I start the first session and then hand over to Sam and so on.

Now just need to try the diff in the dry along with the 205's.................

Found no problems with the rear brakes, having the bias valve tie wrapped up, both rear calipers and wheels were always the same temp as either side. Red stuff may have helped in the wet, didn't try the cheapo £10 rear pads I bought as never had an issue from the rears.

Can see the smoke in the cab from about halfway through the Video - Starts off with me looking over to the pax side coming out of Brook S. Getting the cup compression, leak down tested and scoped too next week so should have an idea of what's required to fix, hoping to get it all sorted before April 6th Rockingham race.

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  182cup & 172 racecar
Nice one, a few learning spins there.

It's surprising how quick the bigger cars come up on you, can make you jump sometimes.

See you both on the 6th :)
  Clio 172
Those big boys aren't taking any prisoners when they go for an overtake. Fair play to you both Pete neither of you seemed fazed by the faster cars. One bit around 4 mins when the GT3 undertakes Sam into the first corner the speed he goes past ffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..........
Sounds and looks like a fun day! It certainly was BTCC playground lol

Sounded like a swam of angry wasps at times......good to get out in the wet, though hope the next wet day is another 2 1\2 years away.

Nice one, a few learning spins there.

It's surprising how quick the bigger cars come up on you, can make you jump sometimes.

See you both on the 6th :)

Yes, some good saves too, I managed 100% saves, Sam let one through at Deane. You over nighting on the 5th?

Those big boys aren't taking any prisoners when they go for an overtake. Fair play to you both Pete neither of you seemed fazed by the faster cars. One bit around 4 mins when the GT3 undertakes Sam into the first corner the speed he goes past ffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..........

Even the little minis were terrorising us, had me twice I think once on the 2nd corner, gave him room just in time. Those GT 3's were good to watch, sometimes wished it wasn't as damp as would've like to have followed the one who shot up my inside into the corner before Pif Paf, he went wide I stepped on the gas (went nowhere in 3rd being a tart) he got away. Oh well. But it's a better experience than a Track day for sure.

Thats the difference with a proper test day Andy.

Taking the cup to Dan's @ 519 tomorrow and fearing the worst, trudged up to the barn to start the tractor, left the battery on last week after Rockingham due to the weather warming up...not. It started on the first crank... bizarre normally after a week of minus degrees it fails to crank as the battery has drained. Then remembered I replaced the live terminal a few weeks ago, broke in half?? All this time I've been charging the battery - disconnecting etc it's been a dodge terminal. Bugg3r, just in case your wondering what the tractor does, I need that to bring the trailer with the race car on it from the barn (at the end of a farm track).
