hi i have a clio 172 but they dont seem to live up to their name
and why is it all these f**king stupid little 106 gtis and saxos are so fast
i had a saxo vtr and the build quailty is sh*t , i had it from brand new and it was always going back to the dealer,
anyway their is somthing wrong here, is it because the saxo/106 is lighter
than the clio 172 or is it more saxo/106 owners mod there cars to keep up with the clio 172s
i had 140mph out of the clio and then this dickhead of a kid
told me he had 145mph out of his 106 gti "bullsh*t" my clio is standard
nothing done to it what so ever,and the 106gti had a induction kit and full exhaust system.
another thing is the clio 2.0 16v and the 106 gti /saxo vts is 1.6 16v
what is going on the clio should piss all over the 106/saxo
please 172 owners let me know of your victorys