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Xbox Series X|S - OFFICIAL News!


ClioSport Club Member
  Megane 250 Cup
just googled it, the original 3 was 5kg
i remember it being heavier........ much like how i remember wagon wheels being bigger i suppose


ClioSport Club Member
  Tesla Model 3
I am seriously impressed with how Microsoft packed so much performance in to the compact form factor of the Series X.

Device size is purely down the cooling philosophies both manufacturers went with. Sony has clearly went with the traditional approach whereas MS went for their "vapour chamber" choice.

Hopefully Sony have adapted their solution somewhat as my son's Pro (Which is one of the newer ones thats meant to be improved upon) sounds like a small jet engine.


ClioSport Club Member
  Megane 250 Cup
so Smyths have pissed on my bonfire. Just had an email saying they've cancelled my order. No explanation as to why......
they've taken all the customer service numbers off the website, so i've had to fill a ticket in


ClioSport Club Member
I'm still rocking my Day 1 XBONE, I'd like to see size comparisons between this and the Series X.

The best size analogy I've heard is imagine two gamecubes stacked when it comes to the size of it. It does look compact inside, I hope it doesn't suffer overheating problems.


ClioSport Club Member
  4 wheels
Just had an email from MS. Good news, you still have items in your basket, check out now.
Oh, ok then.
Items still in basket.
Empty basket.

f**k off.

Lol just as I was about to get in bed I got that. Thought get in. The got to the end and wham. f**k you.
  Honda. Tesla Someday
oh that's a bonus! i thought i'd read that it couldn't

Yep both consoles can go sideways :)

just googled it, the original 3 was 5kg
i remember it being heavier........ much like how i remember wagon wheels being bigger i suppose

I had to quote this - Wagon Wheels WERE BIGGER in the past! We get so screwed these days!

so Smyths have pissed on my bonfire. Just had an email saying they've cancelled my order. No explanation as to why......
they've taken all the customer service numbers off the website, so i've had to fill a ticket in

Sh*t!!! Thats not a good sign! I hope this isn’t widespread! Left us know what they come back with please.

Just had an email from MS. Good news, you still have items in your basket, check out now.
Oh, ok then.
Items still in basket.
Empty basket.

f**k off.

Thats odd - and sh*tty! Sorry dude 🙁

I'm still rocking my Day 1 XBONE, I'd like to see size comparisons between this and the Series X.

The best size analogy I've heard is imagine two gamecubes stacked when it comes to the size of it. It does look compact inside, I hope it doesn't suffer overheating problems.

I am not expecting any heating or noise issues with the Series X - the cooling solution is beefy and very well engineered. It really shouldn’t be an issue at all :)
  Honda. Tesla Someday
This is a great article - well with the read :)


Chris V6 255

ClioSport Club Member
  V6 255, 182 Trophy
Was literally just about to post that.

Here’s a link from re storage options.

$220 for seagate 1tb expansion

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  Honda. Tesla Someday
The pricey expansion drive was expected. I was hoping for £129 but looks like it’s £159 in the UK?

Prices will come down over time. Remember, this isn’t your regular HDD, it’s a custom super-fast SSD that offers pretty insane levels of performance compared to other SSD’s.

I was going to buy it on launch, think I’ll wait a bit lol

Chris V6 255

ClioSport Club Member
  V6 255, 182 Trophy
Yeah I’ll pick on up on the cheap when it’s reduced as the inevitable 2tb one is released [emoji23]

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Stay Puft

ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
So you need to buy an extra hard drive costing £150 for a machine that already costs £450?!


ClioSport Club Member
  Inferno 182 Cup
So you need to buy an extra hard drive costing £150 for a machine that already costs £450?!

It's actually a decent price for what it is. A PC equivalent is actually probably more expensive at the moment.
If we buy discs how many games roughly will it take us to get over the 1T? Obvs depends on the games I know.


ClioSport Club Member
  Tesla Model 3


"we worked together to deliver an expandable storage solution which delivers identical performance at the lowest cost possible and available this holiday."


ClioSport Club Member
  Tesla Model 3
If we buy discs how many games roughly will it take us to get over the 1T? Obvs depends on the games I know.
You can still use a standard external HDD to store most of your library. And as you see fit can transfer from HDD to internal SSD when you want/don't want to play those titles anymore.


ClioSport Club Member
  Tesla Model 3
As long as the game you play are on the internal SSD then you'll be able to take advantage of the blazing fast switch between different games.

Chris V6 255

ClioSport Club Member
  V6 255, 182 Trophy
Microsoft trolling Sony about smart delivery & series X enhanced games [emoji23]



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Chris V6 255

ClioSport Club Member
  V6 255, 182 Trophy
Roughly though, what size are we talking about for next-gen games?

Current gen COD war zone is 100gb
Cyberpunk 2077 Is circa 200gb apparently

So you can see how 1tb can be quickly used up.

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ClioSport Club Member
  Macan S
Yeah i reckon maybe 10 games when you take into account system allocation, couple of reallllly big games then maybe 8 or 9 regular ones.


ClioSport Club Member
  Inferno 182 Cup
Digital version seems like a bad idea imo. Especially for the fact that you then cant sell old disc copies, or get the disc copies at a cheaper rate down the line

It's done no harm to PC gaming.

You can get codes to download console games from different sites and bargains can be had.

The only thing it does mean is no resale value.
  Honda. Tesla Someday
Hi Everyone,

Just thought I’d chime in here to clear up any info regarding the Xbox Series internal SSD and the expansion SSD.

Firstly lets talk about the size of games:

Game sizes on the Series X|S should be SMALLER than we expect, this is due to optimised compression thanks to the Velocity Architecure. Over time, expect game sizes to increase though as developers take advantage of the new hardware. So, more games should fit on the SSD than you think.

Also note, that you can still use a standard USB3.0 Hard Drive to store and play your existing Xbox One / Xbox games. These do not need to be installed on the Internal SSD. You can even store your Xbox Series X|S games on the USB3.0 external drive when you aren’t playing them, and then simply transfer them back on to the SSD when you want to play. This saves you having to download games all over again.

The new SSD is expensive, yes, however you need to remember that it is a PCIe Gen 4 NVME SSD, these are very expensive as they are brand new and super fast. The high price point was expected - however do expect prices to fall as the standard becomes more adopted in the future.

You don’t “need” to buy the expansion SSD, right now its more of a luxury/convenience.

Also just want to add that I saw someone alluded to buying discs instead of digital which may save some storage space on the SSD’s - if this IS what you meant, then thats not how it works, and its not how it has works since the Xbox One / PS4 launches. Discs are now only used for 2 reasons.
1: To install the game on to the console.
2: As your licence for that game.
You don’t save any SSD/HDD space by installing from a disc.

However, yes, you can sell physical copies of games as always. I do prefer digital though and only buy digital games - mainly for the convenience And sharing them with my nephew via Game Share.

I hope this info helps :)

Edit: Also want to add that I’m happy Microsoft included an expansion slot, this enables us to increase the amount of space we have for games without having to totally remove the existing SSD - which is how it will be on the PS5 (On the PS5 you have to open the console, remove the M.2 SSD and replace it entirely).
  Honda. Tesla Someday
Seeing this image gave me goosebumps. HOW freaking EPIC lol


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ClioSport Club Member
The standard 1Tb drive should be plenty for most anyway tbh. One X is 1Tb and I have 8 games on that. Personally only really cycle between 2-3 games and anything else you can just delete a game you aren't playing to swap for a game you want. Can't think many people must be cycling through more than 8 games at once bar a small percentage of gamers.
