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Search results

  1. PinkoCommie

    Immobiliser Issue?

    I have a starting issue with my 182. Every morning it starts up fine. It seems almost every evening when I come out of work it needs anywhere from 2 to 30 attempts to start it. It's not a battery issue, there's plenty of power there (as evidenced by it firing up when it actually goes). All...
  2. PinkoCommie

    Lunar eclipse tips?

    As there's a lunar eclipse tomorrow (15 June) I thought it's be a good opportunity to break out my tripod and give my new 1.4x teleconvertor a shot. Anyone tried getting shots of a lunar eclipse before? I'm especially interested in getting it in its transition from full eclipse to none (as...
  3. PinkoCommie

    OS X Server Software Update Service question..

    I don't suppose anyone knows what user-agent is used when an OS X server tries to get to the update servers? from Trying to make a non-auth rule on a bluecoat proxy SG for this, but the bloody end user won't pick up his phone :mad:, so I can't get him to test...
  4. PinkoCommie

    Interesting gadget for Android phones A secondary screen for Android 2.0+ phones. Connects via bluetooth, allows you to control your phone without taking it out of your pocket/bag. Looks like it could be pretty good if you have one of the giant-phones/mini-tablets...
  5. PinkoCommie

    Exchange 2010 question

    I know there has to be a couple of Exchange admins hiding here. Is there anyway, from the management console or the command line, that I can view what server side outlook rules that a particular user has on their account?
  6. PinkoCommie

    Programme or addon to list all hosts accessed by webpage

    I'm looking for either an application or a firefox addon which will list all hosts that are referenced by a webpage in embedded objects/iframes/whatever. For instance, a customer needed twitter allowed for a couple of users, but even if you allow any pages from to be accessed that...
  7. PinkoCommie

    Apples A4 processor not so exclusive after all? Interesting. It would seem that the A4 is probably manufactured by Samsung, and that Samsung are using the exact same core in their new Wave mobile (which runs Android) I wonder if this means that there will be a true Android port sooner...
  8. PinkoCommie

    Earthworm Jim HD!!

    <object width="1280" height="745"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed...
  9. PinkoCommie

    Android Froyo.

    You can grab android 2.2 if you have a Nexus One. Paul @ Modaco has worked his magic an you can install it from recovery over any other rom. No need to go back to stock/unrooted! He'll have a release for the Desire in the next couple of days (and the Desire Nexus port) There have been...
  10. PinkoCommie

    For Samsung LED TV owners It seems that the 7 and 8000 series LED TV's (and other Samsung TV's) actually run busybox Linux on them, and there is a way of enabling telnet on the TV so you can get onto it to mess with stuff at an OS level. Highlights include: Mounting SMB/CIFS/NFS shares...
  11. PinkoCommie

    Mail merge or something else?

    I've got to do a policy review of some 150 PIX and ASA firewalls. I have a word document I have to fill in with certain details, one doc per firewall. Now I've written myself a nice expect script that'll ssh to all of the boxes and collect the config file and dump the results I want into a...
  12. PinkoCommie

    Xbox wireless wheel discontinued?

    Has anyone read anything about this? I'm trying to find one for a mate of mine, and half the places claim that it's discontinued and the other half say they're out of stock. I haven't seen anything on MS's site about it, and I would have expected them to have at least announced a replacement...
  13. PinkoCommie

    Xbox 360 & Copy to hard drive

    When you copy to hard drive with a game, you have to have the disc in the drive when you start the game, but can you remove it after that? Say for instance, I have 2 xboxes, have them setup next to each other, could i play the same game on both by copying to the hard drive of both, put the disc...
  14. PinkoCommie

    Transfering save games from Xbox 360 to Xbox 360 Elite

    I just picked up a 360 Elite (Currys, £179 with 2 controllers, Pure and Lego Batman) to replace my current non-elite (only got a 20GB HD and no HDMI out :dapprove: ). the original Elite is going into the bedroom as a media station. I'm not bothered about transferring any content (I can...
  15. PinkoCommie

    HTTP latecncy/response time testing tool

    I'm having an issue tracking down an issue for a client. They claim that HTTP browsing performace is rubbish through their firewall. Every test I have done seems to show no issues with their firewall, yet I still see anything from a 1sec to a 10 second delay when someone hits enter in their...
  16. PinkoCommie

    STOP and oil warning lights, but oil level fine.

    Twice this week, shortly after starting up for the first time in the day, after I've been driving for about a minute or two, the STOP and oil warning lights have come on for about 10 seconds. The first time, I got to work, left the car for a couple of hours and checked the oil. The level is...
  17. PinkoCommie

    Intel X58 or Intel P55 chipset?

    It's new PC time, as I realised today that my motherboard is 5 1/2 years old :S:S In the past I have always bought the top of the line board available, usually one that's fantastic for overclocking, and I always have intentions to overclock the s**t out of it. But I never do. I never get...
  18. PinkoCommie

    New HD TV quandry

    I have recently come into a bit of cash, and have decided that it's time to upgrade my TV. Until yesterday I was pretty much decided on a Samsung UE40B8000 or UE46B8000 (so either 40 or 46" 200Hz LED). That was until yesterday when I went for a bit of a nose around Currys just to check out the...
  19. PinkoCommie

    New PC time. Some advice please.

    I've always built my own PC's, but I haven't kept up with the scene in the last couple of years, so I haven't got a clue whats good these days. It will be used as a gaming machine, and I won't replace it for a couple of years, so will spend a decent amount on it (£1500 or so), I have case and...
  20. PinkoCommie

    Cisco ASA RPC inspection

    First off, let me explain that I hate PIX and ASA with a passion. I'm a Checkpoint guy. We have a client who wants to open port 135 to one of his internal servers from the internet for Certificate Services. Yes I know it's a bad idea to open RPC to the internet, but its what they want and...
  21. PinkoCommie

    Firefox easter egg.

    Enter about:robots into your address bar.
  22. PinkoCommie

    182 false floor for sub - box volume

    I've been thinking about this. I want to build a speaker box the same shape as the boot floor but not very thick. Not stealth, Sub still on show, but flush with the new raised floor. There seems to have been lots of 172 false floor build because you can recess the sub into the wheel well, but...
  23. PinkoCommie

    Cruise control stopped working.

    This morning on my way to work, my cruise control just stopped working. It refuses to set a speed in cruise mode. I can set a speed in limit mode, so all the steering wheel buttons work. If i switch cruise off and on again, the dash changes to "SET ---" as if it's ready to be set, but if I...
  24. PinkoCommie

    182 Alarm

    Every so often when i lock my car, it gives a couple of shrill beeps. If I unlock and relock it doesn't do it again. Is it trying to tell me something?
  25. PinkoCommie

    Be careful out there tonight.

    It's slippery as hell out there, i was being careful and the tracion control was still cutting out all the way through 3rd gear. Roundabouts are getting a bit like skating rinks. I wonder how many cup's we'll lose this weekend :evil::evil: It's a damn shame really, as with the new rstuner map...
  26. PinkoCommie

    Engine cutting out at low revs. Help.

    Not actually my car, but my mates Ph1 172. His engine keeps cutting out at low revs, when pulling up to junctions and low speed cornering. Any ideas what to look at?
  27. PinkoCommie

    Component speakers, crossovers and wiring.

    I'm wanting to replace the OE speakers in my 182 with something with a little bit more punch. I'm looking at getting a pair of Infinity Kappa Perfect 5.1's (need 4ohm speakers, see the bit at the end for a question on this) which obviously come with their own crossover. Now, when it comes down...
  28. PinkoCommie

    Sunday - Ashford - 182 with vanity plate (reads "see 182")

    Nice plate. Took me a little while to figure it out :-) I was tempted to follow you and have a play, but I had shopping rolling around in the boot :-(
  29. PinkoCommie

    New car - best starting point

    I've just got myself my new 182 in Arctic Blue, the paintwork is in very good condition and I can't really see any swirl marks or anything like that. As I have decided I want to keep it in tip-top condition I thought the first proper wash/polish/wax should be a full on one, and I was wondering...
  30. PinkoCommie

    Swapability of interior parts from 172 phII to 182

    I'm thinking the plastic parts in the interior like the dash and the door pillars etc. I like the leather/alcantara interior, but the acres of plastic annoy me. The reason being, is I'm toying with the idea of getting these parts flocked, but as it is my daily drive I don't fancy driving...