Rear beans are normally toe in, surprised to see it out!
Rear beans are normally toe in, surprised to see it out!
Positive toe is toe in. You're running 14 minutes of toe in.
That's just a misleading symbol showing it's the rear not the front. It's a hunter printout, and they use positive toe as toe in which is standard practice. I spent 3 months on these machines at work, we have 6ish
The car got washed/fuelled last night, I adjusted wiper linkage and PMS shifter this morning, pressures were set and its waiting to be loaded. Bring on Sunday.
Good man, how's the pms shifter feel?
Its good aye, I just can't get mine set up for reverse just how I would like, not a massive problem as you only use that when stopped, all forward gears are okay.
I fitted another one for a mate on Thursday and his is perfect, all gears are easy to select. I noticed too that PMS have made some modifications on the design/hardware of his (just bought) to the one I have (group buy)
I'm choking for a PMS shifter TBH.
What modifications have they made?
Sounds like what happens when you buy new software. They change when they get feedback from customers. . They should allow you to return it if you can't get all your gears.
Car looked to be going well Morgan when I seen it out. You are always going to get poorer driving standards at these days than a TS day. It's all an ego thing by not letting someone past as they can go fast in straight line, etc.
Got the the bug again tho haven't you lol
Yeah was going alright Steven, I'm getting a bit bored of the boatish handling now, you have to really throw it around to keep it going. Today was the slickest on track I have driven in, oil put down and then the rain came on....felt like Ice one session.
Yeah you see them all at HH days, I just got a right bunch of them today. I swear some don't use there mirrors or don't know what's left and right.
Big time! Think I'll need to stay away till the car is ready. Lol
Yeah 4 degrees pap on each side (that old printout went all to pot after setting it up) I was getting as much as 4.5 out of camber bolts but stuck with 4. Look at the outside of my tyre Sunday, its sat off the ground
It need's the 4 deg too with the amount of body roll on standard shocks/eibach springs.
Big time! Think I'll need to stay away till the car is ready. Lol
Not worth going to far with this one is there if the race car is just about ready (ish). Sounded good too.
Hardcore stuff with the 2 sessions. Won't see me doing that, I'll need a few sessions gap to let the car and probably me cool down.
How did you get so much? I run camber bolts and couldn't get more than -2.7 on one side and -2.1 on the other! Perhaps it's just me!
Because Cup....
Seriously though I suppose its because it is a cup and has more static camber to begin with and caster (dynamic camber) for that matter. The type of shock can affect the camber figures, it depends how the hub bolt holes are drilled on the shock casing (I have standard shocks)
The most important bit is when its being setup, make sure to have the lower standard shocker bolt slack enough so the hub can pivot easily, with the top camber bolt you have to keep pushing the top of the wheel in while setting it up and the tab on the Eibach bolt has to be in the right direction too.
Nobody EVER does this and just expects the bolt to do the work.
Thanks, my car is a cup too, but I'm running GAZ coilovers (yes, I know.) I slackened off the bottom bolt but perhaps not enough! I think I should get someone with more skills to do mine![]()
From memory It will also depend how thick the metal is that's used on the strut to hub mounting. Too thick and the cam on the Eibach bolt will hit it.
Would make sense as the lobe/tab couldn't move around enough. Thanks for your help anyway, I may change the suspension out to a better set that allows for camber adjustment
I was in the Evo 2 race car and white Evo 4 with no rear wing. Was also with the lad in the blue Nova turbo and the lad in the gold wide arch Nova. Blue one only did you three sessions then the rain came so he put it back on the trailer, couldn't get any grip trying to put 400+bhp thru 888's and his camber settings moved making the tyre hit the arch.I think I must have been speaking to your pal too, was you with a red scoob, turbo Clio etc?
I was in the Evo 2 race car and white Evo 4 with no rear wing. Was also with the lad in the blue Nova turbo and the lad in the gold wide arch Nova. Blue one only did you three sessions then the rain came so he put it back on the trailer, couldn't get any grip trying to put 400+bhp thru 888's and his camber settings moved making the tyre hit the arch.
The lad with the red Scooby was a friend of my mates, he paid £900 for it the day before and took it up there and kicked its head in!!