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Another Clio 172 Cup track/race build.

  Cup In bits
Yeah could be mate, the guy I share a lock up with has just had it all powder coated and's looking good. All I know is its a Tony Kart though.
  Cup In bits
Passed my ARDS today :) I was a bit worried about the theory tbh.

I woke up at 5am to get down to Knockhill on time and went outside to a frosty car :S, it was into the minuses where I stay and by the time I got to KH at 8am it was reading -5 in the car. Shitting myself about going out on the track in those conditions, luckily I was relieved after an hour waiting that it would be lunchtime before any driving took place. Plenty of time for the frost to disappear.

Did a bit of chatting about everything racing/test/license related then went onto the paper test. It was nothing to worry about really, you could have rocked up there today with no knowledge and have a good chance of passing the paper. The test was 10 questions on flags (100% required) then 20 multiple choice questions iirc which 2 or 3 could be wrong.

It was then onto the driving that consisted of 5 laps in a Seat Leon Cupra TDI of all things ( I stalled in the pits :eek: LOL ) then out of the car for others to have a go, back in for two laps with the instructor driving, back out for others lads shot, back in for 2 laps and that was it.

Out of the 4 lads on the course the instructor had said he passed 3 of us by half way round the first lap as long as it was kept on the black stuff for the remainder, the other lad needed his 2nd go to prove himself. On our final 2 laps the instructor was pushing us on having been satisfied with the first run. The Leon was a nice surprise to drive, 70mph into Duffis Dip in a full on road car impressed me.

All in all a good day, anyone thinking on doing your ARDS it really is quite simple and nothing to get worried about. I had a laid back instructor which helped, some of the bigger circuits can be a bit regimental I have been told I.e Silverstone amongst others.

I need my medical/application form sent away and my license to return and I'm good to go.
  Cup In bits
My sprayer called today too, he is wanting my car over to do the interior so that should be done soon.

After doing my ARDS I'm definitely needing some more track time round KH before I go racing and cant wait to get my new cup out for a few days, I have been collecting a few bits to make it a fast road spec spec so i'll do a small write up when it's all together.
  172 cup, Impreza P1
Well done mate! Need to get mine done too so your write up there puts my mind at ease with what's involved.
  Cup In bits
Congrats. When you hoping to have it finished then?

Cheers. No planed dates tbh, i'll just get bits done when I can and getting everything together including safety gear, tow car etc etc will take a while so that's why I have bought a 2nd car to do some track days for just now.

Well done mate! Need to get mine done too so your write up there puts my mind at ease with what's involved.

You'll breeze it.

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  Cup In bits
Congrats on the ARDS, just took me about a hour to read this entire thread haha, great work! Surprised as you've got a GoPro but no video's ;)
When's your next track day?

Cheers, thanks for the comments.

The car isn't built yet so no footage I'm afraid, that will change soon when I get a 2nd car this week and will get that ready quickly for some track days soon. It's hard to say when I will be out with my line of work (I work as and when required) but should get one in after I come back from my holidays in March and will post some video's.
  Cup In bits
How much was the ARDS?

Yeah as Tony says, £300 up at Knockhill but I was lucky to get a group buy on it, 120+vat for medical (south of Hadrian's wall seem's to get it cheaper ;)) and then £68 for your license itself plus you need to join whatever club you will race with.
  Cup In bits
Yeah that's all part off it, the blue book is £28 alone ffs, don't know what they think the DVD's are use for other than the bin.

Did you have to buy the go racing pack? It would be good if you could hand down the pack to someone and just pay for a new form and the test itself.
  182cup & 172 racecar
I didn't, as they didn't do them in stone.

Jay did though, and we thought it was a complete waste of money.
  182cup & 172 racecar
he's actually been my GP for 29years ;) i do know of a GP who will pass you for £50 via mail order ;)
Not as good as mine in Hungary one year, I didn't even fly out there, documents pick up by a 3rd party, at a border crossing.
  Cup In bits
Nothing too exciting yet, just got home last night so I'm going down to the sprayers today, its been there last 2 weeks or so. I'll hopefully have pictures of the inside painted if not then very soon.

Cheers mate, received my license now so I'm allowed to go racing whenever the chance comes along :p.....oh oh. The plan is to go racing by myself and be ran by myself, a few mates already race so there will always be hands to help at KH. I plan to buy a camper style van so a few mates will travel with me whenever I go down south etc. The Scottish Saloon's is only qualy & 2x 11 lap sprint races in a weekend so I would do that myself, again when I go down south I would like to do that myself to get my money's worth in the tintops, MSV, NSSCC. There are a few longer races that I would consider having someone into drive when there's multiple pit stops. The thing with doing this is working out a price for the weekend and when/if it gets binned.

For just now I have been side tracked a bit and bought another Cup, I'm away to start a full refresh on that today and get it ready for 2 track days I'm booked on soon. I need some seat time round KH in a Clio before I jump into racing tbh.
  Cup In bits

Just woke up to an an email from my sprayer and the car has been painted :clap: :clap:

I'm not home until Friday but can't wait now, maybe I will be racing in 2013.

Few pics





