Hardcore mode: Yes.
Much better. Fantastic game when you aren't being booted to the desktop. Becoming less of an occurrence though.
How do you parachute ?
I was using the Battlelog servers on my laptop to launch me into games. Played a few on Metro and Firestorm as well as the newer maps. Was great.
December 2nd patch for XBO: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/forum/threadview/2955065220144461505/
Played last night and leveled up 4 times in 3 hours lol. Servers were quite laggy even after another patch. You can tell EA have dropped a bollock when the game is now £27 on origin.
Played last night and leveled up 4 times in 3 hours lol. Servers were quite laggy even after another patch. You can tell EA have dropped a bollock when the game is now £27 on origin.
It defaults to your jump key m8 - or on the PC it does, anyway. Run and jump of a ledge, then hit the jump key again and the parachute is deployed.
Do all classes have parachutes ?
Just played Commander on the ipad, funny how i got abuse on 5 mins of joining.
How is it m8? Is it pretty straight forward? Is the commander on the battlefield too? Can he be killed?
Is it really? lol! That's saying something...I've not been able to get on for 48 hours. Kicks me instantly every time. Given up TBH. So long BF...you had a good run.
Played it yet @Geddes ? It's sooooo different from PS3.