I was just going to upload a 7 man rambo killing spree then until I got kicked from the game - error.Went to the upload clip section and of course it didn't record the game due to the error.
This makes me feel slightly better. Double kick in the balls for me, my internet has been down since thursday
You going to be joining us on the field this time parsnips?
It's great when you get kills with the cruise missile!
Crying out loud, just when I was getting use to it and they've changed it
For XBox One users, holding the (old) start button will bring up a nice detailed full view of the map. If you then press RB it brings up the scoreboard.
What's this commander thing people are talking about
China Rising is due to be released tomorrow for Premium players. New game modes, unlock ect
XBO patch tomorrow but mine has been pretty decent lately.
Superb when it's working.
Hmmmm - accuracy stats for me on the BF series (I don't count BF3 as I put about 2 hours into it!)...
- Battlefield 2 = 22%
- Battlefield 2142 = 24%
- Battlefield Bad Company 2 = 43%
- Battlefield 4 = 6%
I'd suggest that from that, that the game is highly reliant on gaining accuracy through various unlocks. Or, online play really is broken - lol.
Any new on what the patch is bringing @Scutch?
Can't even get on ATM
So this double points is working well, levelled up 25 levels since Thursday night and not played more than 15 hours max. Getting one average 150,000 points a round makes it all a bit of a joke. I have 2 years worth of game time on BF3 and just hit rank 100, I am already rank 54 and severfal guys in my clan are already 100+ ranked. Turned the whole thing into COD people getting 200% bonus's in gold battle packs takes the shine off getting to lvl 100 in the first place. FFS the game only came out a month ago. At this rate I'll be back to BF3 or BC2.