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Battlefield 4


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
Think they have nerfed some guns. I watched I think level cap and he had removed pretty much all attachments and it improved the gun he was using vastly. Don't quote me on that though


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
My TV only did some of the things he suggested. But I swapped from the normal to 'game' mode, messed about with a couple of other things and it seemed better, clearer. I'm sure on a newer TV the other changes suggested would improve it greatly.


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
It did look better. Even mid game looking at the gun for reference I changed the settings and noticed the clarity of the gun was better. It might be my eyes though lol


ClioSport Club Member
I'm looking forward to the summer patch and the night maps coming to vanilla, Been enjoying Zavod on the CTE, Adds so much to the game bar the cunting FLIR's and IR scope using camping w*****s.
If you find a good source, don't be shy. I'm not keen on paying £40 for it but the 5 original maps are getting very repetitive.

Yeah I haven't been able to find it any cheaper, looked all over the place. Will look for a second hand copy maybe?

Out of interest, how many hours gameplay have you guys put in? Saw mine earlier and it's a lot higher than I would have guessed!

Ay Ay Ron

ClioSport Club Member
I can't believe it's still £40 for premium. I got the game and premium for £40 iirc in a playstation sale but I think it was when Hardline was close to release.


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
Yeah I haven't been able to find it any cheaper, looked all over the place. Will look for a second hand copy maybe?

Out of interest, how many hours gameplay have you guys put in? Saw mine earlier and it's a lot higher than I would have guessed!
Yeah I haven't been able to find it any cheaper, looked all over the place. Will look for a second hand copy maybe?

Out of interest, how many hours gameplay have you guys put in? Saw mine earlier and it's a lot higher than I would have guessed!

82 hours for me

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Such a waste for me this - and I don't know why. The premium add-on dropped in price for the PC for a while and I bought it then. Then I put about an hour or two into It after that. About 33 hours for me, according to this...

Just doesn't grab me like the earlier BF games. I also find it a bit silly that I'm 'rewarded' battle-packs for doing absolutely nothing.


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
I was at nearly 2 at one point. 1.47 ish at the mo. I know score per minute is the one to watch, but we all like k/d's lol

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Not too sure about the score per minute. Comes across as being far too Rambo, rather than being a team player.

I think that could actually be my main issue with the later BF games. That jump in and help the team mentality seems to be a bit diluted these days - especially when the next unlock and/or achievement is more of a driving factor for a lot of players.

BF2142 has long been FPS nirvana for me - and I doubt I'll come across that well balanced game chemistry again. Far too many DLCs, add-ons and superfluous trinkets in game franchises these days. BF2142 had one add-on - Northern Strike. And that was your lot. :)
  Clio williams / 172

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Vehicles are Battlefield for me. It was was one of the key factors that distinguished it from the COD series, imo.

What they managed to get right for the majority of the series has been the rock/scissors/paper aspect of using vehicles. They can be a game changer for the team - or a total liability if not used properly. I recall one of the biggest rage inducers of BF2142 was in Titan Mode where someone would nab the transport from the Titan's hanger - nose-dive over to the nearest capture point and simply bail out, letting the transport crash to the ground. In the meantime, several other players were sat around on the Titan deck, awaiting for the written-off transport to respawn.

If they had waited approx 5 to 10 seconds, they could load up with seven players (including the pilot) and make a bee-line to the nearest capture point - allowing a full squad to capture and defend the point, rather than a lone Rambo. That said - an airborne transport with seven players in it, makes for a VERY tasty aerial target. Again - that balance of risk and reward - dependant upon who was playing at the time.


ClioSport Club Member
  Alpina D3, AC Cobra
It annoys me when people don't use the ground to air launchers properly.

They aren't just bloody gun platforms.


ClioSport Club Member
Its full of camping cockmunching FLIR/IRNV using faggots. The sooner they implement the new smoke's from the CTE the better.

Its decent if you don't end up in a game full of the above, Smaller servers with neither of the above scopes is great fun


ClioSport Club Member
I play on a couple servers that run basic weapons/pistols only and it is much more fun running about with just a flashlight not having to worry about being picked off by someone watching you through a FLIR etc haha!

Its properly pretty looking though, I forgot just how good the frostbite engine can look. The lighting is wonderful as are the smoke/explosions.

Now they just need to hurry up and get the CMP released, I would go as far as saying its one of the best BF maps ever made! Proper mix of everything on it and feels like the good old BFBC2 days
I play on a couple servers that run basic weapons/pistols only and it is much more fun running about with just a flashlight not having to worry about being picked off by someone watching you through a FLIR etc haha!

Its properly pretty looking though, I forgot just how good the frostbite engine can look. The lighting is wonderful as are the smoke/explosions.

Now they just need to hurry up and get the CMP released, I would go as far as saying its one of the best BF maps ever made! Proper mix of everything on it and feels like the good old BFBC2 days

Xbox, PS4 or PC?


ClioSport Club Member
  Alpina D3, AC Cobra
I'm proper struggling of late.

Come off the Newbie servers and not can't hit a thing. Everyone is level 1000000000 with all power add-ons.


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
Was chatting to a mate last night about this game, I'm sure it's fixed lol.

I don't play for ages jump on and get a really good score, bullets flying off walls killing people. Blowing tanks up with c4 like a hero, whilst taking out five enemies afterwards.

Then the next game I may as well walk round with a super soaker lol
