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Before & After Lowering RSi(pics)


:) the joys of cliosport, last time i looked at clock it was 3 and now its time 4 me 2 go home

lovely stuff!!!!

+ no i aint neva met seen touched vix, powelly, dont even know how old she is or nothin, although now she will know what i look like as SUM1 posted a pic of me..............

ohwell nxt mod suggestions 2 make car look different???


Banned????? no more pms coming in either, mayb shes just gone offline 4 a bit, anyway im off home then 2 garage 4 exhaust playing

amuse urselves by editing my pic in paint if ur that bored :)

How annoying i couldnt reply lol!

Cheers to everyone for sticking up for me tho strange woman!!

Anyway LOOOOVEEEELY MOTOR dave hehe!

Vix ;)

lol what u like!!! back 2 post as much as u like again, bet yesterday was horrible, especially when u couldnt reply when u needed 2!!

i think she can probly still view the site but not make new IDs
she managed 2 find my password 4 saxosportsclub forum aswel and posted aload of crap on there but nevermind eh

de-cat is now on, not much louder if anything really, sounds smoother and revs a lil easier but nothing much really so far
havent got it 2 pop yet either :-(

Should b getin rubber grommet from renault 2day so i can de-wiper the rear,

then not sure what 2 do nxt, tints r main thing on the list at moment but not really 2 sure what else i can do that wont cost me hundreds

any ideas any1????


THANKFULLY!!! was terrible yesterday :( but im back hehe!

oh well hun LOL! :p

wicked you got it sorted then! did you look at the sh*t shields? you should notice the difference in power makes quite a lot but then will be better when you change the exhaust if you are going to?

woohoooo they are open! HEHE!

urm yeah tints, exhaust, strip it out?, buckets?, sound system? depends what way you wanna go? have you got clear side repeaters yet? they will make it look neater :)

Vix :)
  E55, KitCar & '85 Quattro

eh eh eh wots all this commotion? This is a local shop for local people...WELL HAVE NO TROUBLE HERE!

still got orange side repeaters so thats a nice cheap mod 4 a start,

got sound system sorted, full exhaust can wait 4 now as prob go 4 bit of styling first

so repeaters
de-wiper rear

3 not 2 expensive mods 2 get on with, then duno what ill do prob save sum money

4got 2 look at the shields, my head shield at end of down pipe was a bit loose though so thatll prob start rattling soon

and also noticed that world of ice chucked on an ABS driveshaft instead of a normal 1............


LOL @ how many views this thread has had!!

yeah sounds good all quite cheap mods too :) Also you could go for colour coding when you get a bit more mooolar hehe! only about £150 and really tidies it up

tut tut hehe!!

hmmmm interesting!

lol when i first posted this topic it was up for 24 hours and not 1 person replied, and now over 50 replies and over 500 viewings lol

side repeaters r like £10 these days aint they??? expensive 4 lil bit of plastic
grommet 4 rear wiper = £1
Tints £75-£130 depending on what ill have done

prob just do simple things first

hehehehe!! well you know lol!!

yeah about £15 tops depending on what you want they have leds and everything now!

coolio will look sweet :)

Christ looks like i missed the train on for this thread.

Smokes, i hope you went round and fisted her for being so cheeky.what a strange girl.
