Re: 'Cub's Trackday Flamer - Cage etc'
Pic heavy update.
Better get some photos in here documenting what has been a great weekend
Firstly, huge thanks to everyone who came over yesterday, was great to catch up. Special thanks to @
Budgie and @
Nick172Cup for their work on Friday (finished at 1:40 in the morning) and @
Rob and @
Scrooge who picked up the baton on Saturday

Also need to thank Scott @
Phase1sr for his tools, his steady hand for the stickers and the majority of the grub - 'it is a domestic garage' FLOL, thanks to @
Christopher. for cleaning up the induction filter and reassembling it. @
Tim. and @
Pete. - Top notch BBQ skills. @
TheEvilGiraffe thanks for the late night Burblebus soundtrack, the neighbours told me earlier they loved it
So, Friday at 17:00 the fridge looked like this, awaiting Burgess and Herbertez' arrival;
So the guys arrived and we opened the first of many beers and cracked on getting the engine in, and a huge job list. I don't have photos of everything as I was actually getting me hands dirty at times this weekend

First up;
- fit Cup Wishbones
- new ball joints
- new track rods
- new track rod ends
- new steering rack bushes
We then cracked on with building the engine back up. So this was the water pump. Lovely;
Cleaned up and new waterpump;
Alternator and aux belt on, spark plugs in;
Flywheel on with new bolts, then new clutch on;
Then the gearbox went on;
And into the shell it went;
1:40 and Burgess was happy with his beer efforts;
So we called it a day at that point. Onto Saturday, Burgess got up early and started putting the hoses on and sorted the gearbox mounts / engine mounts. I began hunting a bbq out. Mike then left to go and watch Rymans Blue Sq Premier football.
Then lots of people turned up, and Ant, Rob and me started putting the hubs back together, fitted the Ferodo DS3000s, cleaned the Bilsteins up, fitted the PMS Stud and nut kit, the PMS solid top mounts and strut brace and the PMS Shifter. Scott kindly put the OZ Racing stickers on my track wheels and Chris tidied up the Induction kit (which gives you an indication of how unhealthy the engine was and the amount of breathing it was doing.)
We also ate BBQ food and drank more beer.
So a hugely successful and enjoyable weekend, and i'm really grateful for everyones help and support. I'm hoping it will be up and running in a week or so, I need a lower inlet gasket and a new map from Henk, put the nimbus heatshield on, refit the battery and refit the front end, then an MOT

Currently, it looks like this;
Happy bear