any other cup owners out there suffering with a slipping clutch..most noticably between 1st and 2nd and 4th 2 5th...took mine into local dealer..told them what the crack was and said what i didnt want was a phone call saying they couldnt find a problem (cos there clearly is)
so what happened...
they said they couldnt find anythin wrong...
so i went down and took the mechanic out meself...scared him in the process and as if by magic..a slipping they are sayin its down to renault toi decide what to do..the cars only done 2000 miles..
the dealer also said that the car wasnt designed to be driven like that..reving it to 6500/ it was a road car with road clutch..not a race car..
anyone else had similar problems...please advise..thanx
and no i aint restin my foot on the pedal...