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My Racing Blue Clio 182 Turbo


ClioSport Club Member
  TCR'd 172
I don't understand how the conversion can take so long. Once they have all the parts in then surely it's only a day or twos labour then off for mapping - is there more to it than this?

Flol have you read sharkys build thread !
That alone should be enough to put anyone off the route of spending big money tuning a Clio !
Sounds like the guy is taking the orders, the cars and the cash then wondering how he's going to do them all in the agreed time.

He's obviously a talented mechanic but his business operation could do with some help IMO. Under promise, over deliver.


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
Re reading this kind of annoys me tbh. If i had spent xyz on my car and been promised updates etc and didnt get them, id be annoyed.

I would like to think that if i was doing the job and someone trusted me with their car and their money i would be updating the customer and doing my utmost to keep them happy.


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
Same old story with Clio 'specialists' unfortunately.

Look back over the years and there have been loads of talented mechanics. Sadly they're f**king useless at running a business and end up letting people down time and time again. Then they disappear.

10+ weeks to do a conversion is taking the piss. Massively.
  turbo 182
Agreed the time scales a piss take I had to wait a long time for mine to be done but with stage 3 there is a lot of work, engine out stripped checked, rebuilt, head away to get sorted/skimmed then refit, gearbox out /rebuilt or diff fitted or in my case a 02m box fitted ( even more work )
Bolt turbo on drop engine box in, measure and fit inter cooler likes etc wire it all up then the other anchilarries, make sure it starts runs etc then run the engine in! Then fitting of more parts then finally off for mapping all that takes time! A lot of parts to order, relying on other companies etc

And if he has more than 1 car at a time to do you can see how the time scale builds


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
Agreed the time scales a piss take I had to wait a long time for mine to be done but with stage 3 there is a lot of work, engine out stripped checked, rebuilt, head away to get sorted/skimmed then refit, gearbox out /rebuilt or diff fitted or in my case a 02m box fitted ( even more work )
Bolt turbo on drop engine box in, measure and fit inter cooler likes etc wire it all up then the other anchilarries, make sure it starts runs etc then run the engine in! Then fitting of more parts then finally off for mapping all that takes time! A lot of parts to order, relying on other companies etc

And if he has more than 1 car at a time to do you can see how the time scale builds
So why quote 10 weeks if it isn't possible?
And if it isn't possible, why take on more work?

You simply cannot defend this level (or lack of) customer service.
Andy is a piss take. He agreed to do a cam belt for me on my drive. I took the engine out the car for it to be fitted. He turned up 4 hours late and he didn't bring any cam end caps with him.

He said he'd come back the day after and drop them in.

He never came back and I had to go and buy some from Renault.
  172 cup clio v6 st
Re reading this kind of annoys me tbh. If i had spent xyz on my car and been promised updates etc and didnt get them, id be annoyed.

I would like to think that if i was doing the job and someone trusted me with their car and their money i would be updating the customer and doing my utmost to keep them happy.
Spot on mate as we discussed same with me,you lose trust and confidence in that person.I can truly understand the owner,I wouldn't go get it in bits as 1.Who do you take it too after and 2nd Could easily turn volatile .


  BMW 320d- 172 cup
it is a lot of work to be done, but then as has already been said why say a time frame if your going to be nowhere near it, and if things do go wrong as im sure they do, then you need to let people know about it sooner rather than later, but on the other hand where else is there to go for a turbo conversion apart from clioturbo or ED


ClioSport Club Member
Lovely car and such a shame it's all going tits up and making you want to get rid.

Seems to be a common theme in the 'specialist/tuner' world of clios. Seen it on here and on the mk1 forums back in the day.

Someone builds a great car for someone.
Everyone wants the same.
A few more are done well.
Guy takes on too much work.
Standards and timescale go rapidly downhill.
Business shuts.
  Golf Gti edition 30
Already paid £4000 and still got around £1350 to go as paid extra for supertech valves to get put in.

My car thread has went a bit of topic and never thought it would go this way.I worked 45/52 weeks on call this year and a hell of alot of overtime on top to be able to have this money aside to treat myself to this conversion.Was excited and looking forward to the whole experience of it getting done but its all been really quite sour.
Same at Engine Dynamics though so there must be a reason it takes so long,

That reads badly, Engine dynamics cant book in cars for a weeks but once the cars there its in and out in under a week, Joe meekings booked his car in, waiting around 6 weeks then took his car there dropped it in on the monday as an N/A 182 and drove it out on the Thursday as a 230bhp turbo 182.

Dont know what Andy's delays are but im sure you'll be happy when you get it back, mine at 230bhp was a right hoot.
  172 Turbo
That reads badly, Engine dynamics cant book in cars for a weeks but once the cars there its in and out in under a week, Joe meekings booked his car in, waiting around 6 weeks then took his car there dropped it in on the monday as an N/A 182 and drove it out on the Thursday as a 230bhp turbo 182.

Dont know what Andy's delays are but im sure you'll be happy when you get it back, mine at 230bhp was a right hoot.
No mate, on kit 2, it's 10 weeks turn around.

I believe both Andy's do low boost in a week


ClioSport Club Member
  mk8Fiesta ST,172 cup
Already paid £4000 and still got around £1350 to go as paid extra for supertech valves to get put in.

My car thread has went a bit of topic and never thought it would go this way.I worked 45/52 weeks on call this year and a hell of alot of overtime on top to be able to have this money aside to treat myself to this conversion.Was excited and looking forward to the whole experience of it getting done but its all been really quite sour.
so cost of car plus other mods plus this turbo converstion you have spent circa £11k on this car. wow. think what you could of bought for that money. why people feel the need to have a 300bhp clio is beyond me tbh, just enjoy them for what they are. i hope once you do get the car back you dont have any issues and can just enjoy spinning wheels in every gear. :stig:
  Golf 7.5R & Clio 200
so cost of car plus other mods plus this turbo converstion you have spent circa £11k on this car. wow. think what you could of bought for that money. why people feel the need to have a 300bhp clio is beyond me tbh, just enjoy them for what they are. i hope once you do get the car back you dont have any issues and can just enjoy spinning wheels in every gear. :stig:

By that logic you would never buy anything just because you want to. Lifes too short, if you want a Turbo Clio and can afford it, why not?


ClioSport Club Member
  Bean 182 + E70 X5
Can you not contact Clio Turbo on Instagram? He seems pretty active on there. is his username on there.
  RB 182 FF
It's horrible reading stuff like this, my mate worked endless hours saving to get his Fiat Coupe 20vt tuned to over 550bhp, the guy who promised him this work completely shat on him and mugged him off and also had a good reputation amongst the fold! My mate was so gutted by the whole experience that he went and collected an unfished car and completely stripped the car and sold the lot as he felt so hurt by the experience, he spent over 20k and ended up with no car and only got a few grand back selling the parts.

It can be a psychological blow for sure but I really hope it works out for you, you obviously don't need people telling you its a mistake turbo-ing a Clio and you've wasted money... Im sure a reliable turbo clio is a right laugh and worth it! I think if I had a wedge to spend on my 182 though it would be throttle bodies and top notch sus setup and diff to use all the power and blow most things away!


ClioSport Club Member
  TCR'd 172
I'm wondering why people aren't putting their experiences in the trader review section and potentially helping others from making the same mistake they did

Some people have but it was promptly deleted !

Imo the idea of a turbo conversion is very appealing, 3k buys very good power the reality is that most have lots of issues ! Which end up costing even more ! Recently on here a few have posted up about the problems that come with it, but I suspect a lot more have had constant problems and ongoing repairs but are too embarrassed to admit to it on here after ploughing all that cash into it !
Strange how many go back to std after having it done or sell up .

I have thought many times about getting mine done but just not worth the risk and expense.

As said I have also seen many flavour of the month tuners tuners come and go on the forum over the years !

If he has done as many as he Has there is no excuse for any tuner taking the amount of time it takes from booking it in imo ! You know how long they take and how long parts take to arrive , so don't have it In take the money up front and keep taking on other work too in between .

Sharkys last build was almost 2years iirc by the most well known tuner on here if that wasn't taking the piss I don't know what is ! I really feel for you Steve the fact the car is one of the best RB left makes it all the worse .
Last edited:
No mate, on kit 2, it's 10 weeks turn around.

I believe both Andy's do low boost in a week

Ah that's makes more sense, 10 weeks does seem a long time but if that's what both companies take to do it then i guess it must be normal!


ClioSport Club Member
  182 Trophy
Sorry to hear about your car mate. Seems like its time Andy from ClioTurbo was brought to account for all his misdeeds, in the traders forums.
  Clio 197
Some people have but it was promptly deleted !

Imo the idea of a turbo conversion is very appealing, 3k buys very good power the reality is that most have lots of issues ! Which end up costing even more ! Recently on here a few have posted up about the problems that come with it, but I suspect a lot more have had constant problems and ongoing repairs but are too embarrassed to admit to it on here after ploughing all that cash into it !
Strange how many go back to std after having it done or sell up .

I have thought many times about getting mine done but just not worth the risk and expense.

As said I have also seen many flavour of the month tuners tuners come and go on the forum over the years !

If he has done as many as he Has there is no excuse for any tuner taking the amount of time it takes from booking it in imo ! You know how long they take and how long parts take to arrive , so don't have it In take the money up front and keep taking on other work too in between .

Sharkys last build was almost 2years iirc by the most well known tuner on here if that wasn't taking the piss I don't know what is ! I really feel for you Steve the fact the car is one of the best RB left makes it all the worse .
Tinfoil hat time?
  RB 182 FF
If you take people's money you have to deliver, if I was the customer Id feel better if I hadn't paid for something I haven't yet received, being carless is bad enough for weeks on end.... If someone pays you 4k you owe them regular updates or money back until completion in my opinion.


ClioSport Club Member
  182 Trophy & 197 F1
It would be like walking into Asda / Tesco and asking for Milk & Bread and paying for it and them turning round saying "The farmer still has to cut his crop and milk the cow, Should take about 3 weeks but we will keep you updated"

Surly no matter what the business is stock & parts should be pre ordered or if its something that is a specialist part a couple of weeks at most.

If you know you are doing a job for someone you take payment once the work is done so you know the customer is happy with the outcome and work carried out. You don't take £***** and leave them hanging for days / Weeks or months.
  Golf Gti edition 30
I agree that there has been no mention of shoddy workmanship and I have never claimed this of Andy.However the poor communication is both frustrating and unprofessional. I have had 3 mapping dates and so far all have failed to happen. Still to this minute I don't know if my car was mapped yesterday or not. I wouldn't mind the delay with the build if the communication had been more upfront and honest. Instead I'm finding myself constantly chasing him through emails for simple information.
Like others have said. Don't take on more work if your already falling behind with the work you have in. That's how cases like this snowball.All i want just now is to square up my bill,get my car back,put these last few months behind me and enjoy my car.
