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RDR's CS Camping Trip 5th July 2014

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ClioSport Admin
Re: CS camping trip 2014

Just got off the phone to Tony at Apple Acre Park and he was happy for us to come back.

It's booked for the 5th July 2014 and I said I call him in the new year to sort out people paying deposits.

He's giving us the same field we had this year.

Flat Eric

Sing Hosanna!!
ClioSport Club Member
  F31 35d, Berlingo Na
Re: CS camping trip 2014

count me in :) if its anything like last year, it'll be a good laugh

  Twingo Dynamique
Re: CS camping trip 2014

i fancy it!! will see if some EA folks are interested seeing as its relatively close to us too!! will be good to see "the gang" again :) and hopefully meet some new faces and all that jazz :)

@hiben dmallett


ClioSport Admin
Re: CS camping trip 2014

I think it will just be a case of paying the full amount to the campsite once I've sorted everything out in the new year.

It's only about £12 per person iirc


The Boosh!

ClioSport Admin
  Elise, Duster
Re: CS camping trip 2014

Just so you know (a bit of a teaser for you). We have an allocated area for camping for CSS 2014, which is the same place as where the actual show is, so you can rock up on Saturday, pitch your tents, and chill out the rest of the day.


South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
Re: CS camping trip 2014

Just so you know (a bit of a teaser for you). We have an allocated area for camping for CSS 2014, which is the same place as where the actual show is, so you can rock up on Saturday, pitch your tents, and chill out the rest of the day.

This isn't CSS 2014 .. this is CSCT 2014.

Get out ! Unless you're in...?


ClioSport Admin
CS camping trip 2014

Yeah Luke this is a sort of warm up event for CSS14.

We had a great time at this campsite this year so we though it would be nice to go back next year for a weekend.

Feel free to pop along mate.


ClioSport Club Member
Re: CS camping trip 2014

If anyone smells an odd scent of knob & ass you know where its coming from.
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ClioSport Club Member
Re: CS camping trip 2014

@RDR perhaps you can get the first post updated with more details - campsite location & post code etc? Not sure if it's in the thread but it's always useful to have it post #1 anyway. Cheers


ClioSport Admin
CS camping trip 2014

@RDR perhaps you can get the first post updated with more details - campsite location & post code etc? Not sure if it's in the thread but it's always useful to have it post #1 anyway. Cheers

Yeah ok I'll try and get the link to the campsites website put on the first post

Rob could you sort this for me please mate. Can you also change it to show that the date is confirmed as the 5th July 2014.

Cheers dude.
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ClioSport Moderator
Re: CS camping trip 2014

Ronald McDonald I'm a bit mental busy at work to sit and figure out what I need to put, if you PM me exactly what you need the first post to and title to say, I'll copy and paste it over and it'll only take me two mins :)


ClioSport Admin
Re: CS camping trip 2014

Once it's all been sorted with the campsite owner in the new year I'll start an attendance thread so we can see exactly who's coming ;)


ClioSport Club Member
Re: CS Camping Trip 2014 (Details Updated)

One small tent + car + one person £9 and then £4 for each additional person in the same tent.
What's the site like, Dave? Is there any scope to bring our big tent (sleeps 10), and will I need to liaise directly with the site owners to discuss, or are you the go-between?


ClioSport Moderator
Re: CS Camping Trip 2014 (Details Updated)

What's the site like, Dave? Is there any scope to bring our big tent (sleeps 10), and will I need to liaise directly with the site owners to discuss, or are you the go-between?

We'll need to source another fridge and a generator :)

Mr R.

ClioSport Club Member
  A special one.
Re: CS Camping Trip 2014 (Details Updated)

What's the site like, Dave? Is there any scope to bring our big tent (sleeps 10), and will I need to liaise directly with the site owners to discuss, or are you the go-between?

Id say so. :)


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