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RDR's CS Camping Trip 5th July 2014

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Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
There was a discussion at the last camping trip that you don't actually exist Munson. Automated reply bot if I remember correctly.


ClioSport Club Member
  A Yellow One
I'll step aside and let ali's boobs take the limelight lol

I'll be walking the dog or something!
  FF Clio 182
Due to several events taken place the last couple weeks, I will unfortunately not be in attendance to this trip.

After meeting many of you last year and will hopefully be camping for CSS this year, I hope to see many of you by the years out.

Dr HMS Derv Destroyer

ClioSport Club Member
think me and dreads have an easy trip, 1hour odd.

saying that , i think i will be sticking cruise on to 60mph as im going to still dead from shift


South Central-Oxfordshire
ClioSport Area Rep
Anyone coming from this side, be warned it's GP weekend at silverstone.
So as usual the A43 from Northampton and brackley will be a nightmare. Avoid!

Dr HMS Derv Destroyer

ClioSport Club Member
Anyone coming from this side, be warned it's GP weekend at silverstone.
So as usual the A43 from Northampton and brackley will be a nightmare. Avoid!

which way you heading up?
think we are going m6, of and junction 2 and then something ( need to look really lol )


aka Philomena Cunk aka Barry Shitpeas
ClioSport Club Member
think me and dreads have an easy trip, 1hour odd.

saying that , i think i will be sticking cruise on to 60mph as im going to still dead from shift

F*CK THAT!!! You can cruise at 60, I don't do less than 80.

I want to get there, not spend 2 hours with trucks up my arse getting overtaken by every f*cker.

I think i'm going to take the A14 route and avoid the M1 altogether,
it'll be gridlock because of the GP.
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Dr HMS Derv Destroyer

ClioSport Club Member
F*CK THAT!!! You can cruise at 60, I don't do less than 80.

I want to get there, not spend 2 hours with trucks up my arse getting overtaken by every f*cker.

I think i'm going to take the A14 route and avoid the M1 altogether,
it'll be gridlock because of the GP.

im not f**king up another engine!

Dr HMS Derv Destroyer

ClioSport Club Member
I might be able to do 80 but I haven't even took it past 60 yet lol

knowing my luck , dash lights will all come on. Unless we roof rail and box yours ;)


aka Philomena Cunk aka Barry Shitpeas
ClioSport Club Member
I'm going to need all the space I can get, half the stuff i'll be bringing will be for the dog,
it's like having a baby the amount of stuff I have to bring for him.

Then I have to cram in a tent, duvets, cool boxes and all the other sh*t i'll need.

Surely you can find a Saph in the next 2 weeks?

Dr HMS Derv Destroyer

ClioSport Club Member
Good luck, I haven't had five mins to even look for another saph. I'll just chance it , got AA membership if it all goes tits up
  Mini Cooper S sport
Make sure you actually bring tents.

I was reading about a guy who went to Glastonbury, and all his mates were impressed with how small his tent packed down.

When he got it out, it was a kite.


aka Philomena Cunk aka Barry Shitpeas
ClioSport Club Member

I went to Glastonbury one year with nothing more than a sleeping bag, beer, weed and some money,
I made a tent out of some sticks, a Union Jack and a roll of binbags,
f*cker was more waterproof than my mates tents.


ClioSport Admin
So just to give you all the heads up, Scott and I will be aiming to arrive at the campsite at around midday.

We'll be heading to the local Tesco to stock up on ice etc first.

Planning to catch some rays in the afternoon if its sunny. If not it'll be gazebo up and beer out instead.

Anyone got a rounders bat? Thought it might be a bit of a giggle if everyone gets involved in a bit of pissed up rounders?


ClioSport Club Member

I went to Glastonbury one year with nothing more than a sleeping bag, beer, weed and some money,
I made a tent out of some sticks, a Union Jack and a roll of binbags,
f*cker was more waterproof than my mates tents.

I bet you jumped the fence too? God damn hippies.
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