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RDR's CS Camping Trip 5th July 2014

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ClioSport Admin
I've got tons of stuff still to do before I leave in the morning lol

pound to a penny I'll be up at about 6am so it'll give me something to do then.

Herr Flick

aka Herman Ze German
I've got tons of stuff still to do before I leave in the morning lol

pound to a penny I'll be up at about 6am so it'll give me something to do then.
I'll be up at 6. I need to wash the car, change it from family runaround to pimpmobile, pack, go food shopping, fill it up (again) sort my misses and son out, remember to ring my mum to tell her I'm not going round tomorrow and shower.


aka Philomena Cunk aka Barry Shitpeas
ClioSport Club Member
I bet RDR has a dream about camping tonight,
or about the car not starting, or being so late it's almost night time,
or that you haven't actually bought anything you need.

I was looking forward to going drag racing the other week so much,
that I dreamt I was late and when I finally got there, I had to go back home to get something,
by the time I was ready i'd missed most of the day.

Then I woke up a 5am and couldn't get back to sleep. lol


ClioSport Admin
I'll be up at 6. I need to wash the car, change it from family runaround to pimpmobile, pack, go food shopping, fill it up (again) sort my misses and son out, remember to ring my mum to tell her I'm not going round tomorrow and shower.

6 o'clock is standard for me these days. 10 years of shift work has fucked my body clock.


ClioSport Admin
I bet RDR has a dream about camping tonight,
or about the car not starting, or being so late it's almost night time,
or that you haven't actually bought anything you need.

I was looking forward to going drag racing the other week so much,
that I dreamt I was late and when I finally got there, I had to go back home to get something,
by the time I was ready i'd missed most of the day.

lol I probably will have some bizarre dreams. I usually do when things are playing on my mind.


South Central-Oxfordshire
ClioSport Area Rep
I bet RDR has a dream about camping tonight,
or about the car not starting, or being so late it's almost night time,
or that you haven't actually bought anything you need.

I was looking forward to going drag racing the other week so much,
that I dreamt I was late and when I finally got there, I had to go back home to get something,
by the time I was ready i'd missed most of the day.

Then I woke up a 5am and couldn't get back to sleep. lol

I had a dream last night that a Duck came over looking for attention/ food, and when I didn't give it any, it opened it's bill to reveal a set of pearly whites...

Herr Flick

aka Herman Ze German
I had a dream last night that a Duck came over looking for attention/ food, and when I didn't give it any, it opened it's bill to reveal a set of pearly whites...
I had similar, I was cheating on my misses, like f**king her over something that I can't remember. My misses came in and just sat next to me and went on Facebook on her phone whilst I was pumping this bird with no face.


ClioSport Moderator
  E55 AMG
So I have a busy day tomorrow, going to wanstead at 6am to pick up a van, going to thurrock to fill it up with 2t of material, back to wanstead, to the unit do Daverons sister can pick her car up, wash mine, home for a shower, triathlon for a new super sleeping bag, sainsburys for some ale then to Duxford. Ffs.


ClioSport Admin
So I have a busy day tomorrow, going to wanstead at 6am to pick up a van, going to thurrock to fill it up with 2t of material, back to wanstead, to the unit do Daverons sister can pick her car up, wash mine, home for a shower, triathlon for a new super sleeping bag, sainsburys for some ale then to Duxford. Ffs.

Thanks for sorting her car out Ant ;)
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