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RDR's CS Camping Trip 5th July 2014

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ClioSport Admin
Sorry guys I'm gonna have to bail on this. I'm spewing my guts up and I don't fancy catching a train in this state.

Im im gutted but sensible head has to take control!

When your hugging the toilet, the last thing you do is go camping!

Gutted mate! Hope to see you at CSS.

Hope you feel better soon.


ClioSport Club Member
Sorry guys I'm gonna have to bail on this. I'm spewing my guts up and I don't fancy catching a train in this state.

Im im gutted but sensible head has to take control!

When your hugging the toilet, the last thing you do is go camping!

Feel better buddy \o
  Mini Cooper S sport
Oh yes please Rich if you're still there!

Oh no, what's wrong Jaff, food poisoning? :-( hope you feel better soon, gutted you can't make it.

I'm awaiting my booze delivery lol

Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
Hasnobreath will have to be the welsh representative then.

Have to look after the dogs/cats/fish this weekend :( Have an epic time and hope the sun comes out for you all!
  Inferno 225 cup
Im sorted, unsure weather to wear shorts or jeans as I down want my pot soaking :(

Also Yvette picked me up 2 bottles of sangria and 8 Stella cidre :) along with some monster and sweets.


ClioSport Club Member
If the weather outside is above 10c, I'm wearing shorts. Even if it's raining, way too warm to be wearing jeans during the day if I have a choice :p
  Inferno 225 cup
Well. I'm home alone, feels so weird with Bowen not being here and bluebelle gone to my dads to fight with Bruno.

I'm packed and ready and going on the decks In the meantime.


ClioSport Club Member
Think it is food poisoning. f**king sausage rolls from Jenkins bakery :(

feel a bit better now but that's no good lol
  Golf 7.5R & Clio 200
Poor AlexW is struggling!!!

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