Update time, had a good 2 nights on it this week, got plenty done, still bucket loads to do though! Let the pictures do the talking to start with!
Firstly, got a bit of VHT paint on the head face, before anyone says it yes it was all masked off etc before painting, nothing worse than paint in your holes!!
Shiny stainless steel fixings arrived, courtesy of Jason @ Paul Chetwyn Supplies, Many thanks
had to mount the vac for the brake servo, this involved drilling, no point in lying, i s**t myself doing thiis, not a good feeling, even after matt say's it's ok!
Then gaz got more involved with the wiring, not a fan of this to be honest....
eeeeeeeek :
Bodies actually fully bolted up!
Andy always goes mad at this little hole left in the cambelt cover....
So, he made this little cover, that i painted and bolted on :
Fuel rail all on and tight, it had a new injector because i broke one being heavy handed
Coil pack and HT leads / breather plate fitted :
Wiring loom into injector's, fue pipe connected etc :
Slowly getting there...................
So after many hours wiring and scratching of heads, it ACTUALLY runs, ecu and wiring is just resting and very untidy at the minute, we had truble with the crank sensor, but once sorted it fired up easy, runs and idles.
Thought we had a TPS fault, but it seemed to improve once warm so think it may just need maping properly.
Still loads to do, firstly tape the looms up and mount the ECU's etc, but it's a milestone!
Big thanks to Andy@Birchdown, Gaz - Kev, he's my sidekick on this project, in charge of wiring aswell, and lastly Matt@TDF, i rang him so many times it's unreal, big thank you to him.
Got a fair bit to do, them book a mapping session eventually, got further than Ben R did in 18 months though........ cough cough.
Hope you enjoy!