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suggestions for best sprins/shocks and tyre sizes to upgrade to pls

  1.5DCI/1.4RT new 7 seater
our dci is getting a shocky/spring and wheels and tyres upgrade to try and eradicate a few things so whats the best sizes to go for.
The car is used as often on windy counrty roads as it is on motorways and b roads [ we live in the counryside and commute 80 miles through countryside and motorway daily for work].
Apart from looks that will estetically please what is the best wheel,tyre size for the car as an upgrade and whats the best shocky and spring depth for that type of driving bearing in mind we dont have a lot of sleepin policemen[ well not the ones in the road anyway, however being out in the counryside means they constantly sleep coz they aint got anything else to do see].
As always your help is appriciated
I like 15's in 195/50/15 as there cheap and i go throguth tyres quick. 16's with a thin profile and wide would be good though.
For suspesnion FK coilovers are you best bet Blisteon stuff is good but you cannot get blistein coilovers so you cannot go as low as Fk's
I live in the coutryside and never had any trouble with stock 15's and Spax coilovers but the ride was a bit hard for my back then again my back aways a wreck so not sure if its realy the Spax fault.
