Polo GTi
I typed in "182 Drivers" in Google and look what I found 

FlamingMonkey said:I typed in "182 Drivers" in Google and look what I found
Steve2004 said:That's very trueI also got the exact same picture when I tried "Williams driver".
Lets face it, we're all as bad as each other :dapprove:
gazcaddy said:Not totally in the know about the williams but correct me if im wrong, but how does a car with 32 bhp less and 15 bhp per tonne less blow away the 182?
u33db said:Better engine and equivalent-to-marginally-better handling.
EVOgone said:Correct the 182 cup does have the above over the williams............
lagerlout1 said:Dis regarding the bullsh*t for a moment, whta makes the Williams engine 'better' than the F4R ?
To the best of my knowledge is generates less torque, less power and has lower economy... So what makes it 'better'?
u33db said:Better torque curve that the F4R (F7R is nearly maxed from a low rpm)...makes for an easier drive/more flexible car.
gazcaddy said:Renaultsport must have no idea what they are doing then
gazcaddy said:So it is less powerful, produces less torque, isnt as economical but has a better torque curve so the F7R is a better engine???
Renaultsport must have no idea what they are doing then
gazcaddy said:So it is less powerful, produces less torque, isnt as economical but has a better torque curve so the F7R is a better engine???
Renaultsport must have no idea what they are doing then
Chris n`nic said:Having said that the rusty arches on the valvers carried on all the way thru the Willie range as well.....:rasp:
Chris n`nic said:The civic might be 'gutless' below a certain rev but if you were aiming to drive fast then surely you`d be in the right gear to get the most out of it. Mine pulls very well from 50mph in 3rd but if I wanted I could use 2nd and it pulls a lot harder....I guess the Willie is the king on the twisties and around town in 5th
u33db said:You can never be 'in the right gear' all the time to get the most power though; peak power is only a certain (one) point in the rev range...the very nature of changing gear means this will fluctuate dropping you over/under it!
What you call being in the right gear is basically being within a certain range of peak power and this precisely my point of the F7 having a better torque curve...its closer to peak power for more of the rev range so is more flexible.
gazcaddy said:Where on earth do you get you statistics from?, alot of people would struggle to look at a williams or a 182 and tell you its a clio, most people dont know anything about cars
Loony said:Modded the fastest ones are certianly quicker down the strip than any willy/172/182 would be. Mind you 'd sooner have an accident in the 172/182, you're dicing with death in the 5 at anything over about 35mph lol
MATT BLACK said:The williams F7R 700 engine is a far superior unit to the F4R engine used in the 172 & 182 - thats a fact !!!!
JayGTT said:There made out of tin cansLOL you have to be careful not to dent the door when you close it
i certainly wouldnt like to hit ANYTHING in one, nice steaming hot turbo sitting on your lap![]()
GeeUK said:Why dont you all get together at an airfield or something like that? Bit of friendly banter and some comparisons!? I would come and dont even own a Clio.
GeeUK said:Why dont you all get together at an airfield or something like that? Bit of friendly banter and some comparisons!? I would come and dont even own a Clio.