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The Fatty's KTEC alternative induction setup that works just as well!

  AB182, Audi A5 3.0
just to expand on the tests a bit, I did a rough test to see what sort of restriction my IK was giving and found the average restriction to be 0.58psi (0 is equal to open air). That is based on these calculations (both at WOT)...

Date / Time / Altitude (m) / Atmospheric Pressure / Intake Pressure / RPM / Restriction (psi)

15-11-14 / 17:17:01 / 149 / 14.50psi / 13.92 psi / 1771 / 0.58
15-11-14 / 17:37:32 / 147 / 14.50psi / 13.92 psi / 5909 / 0.58

Now I just need someone with a standard airbox so I can log both at the same time...
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ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
just to expand on the tests a bit, I did a rough test to see what sort of restriction my IK was giving and found the average restriction to be 0.58psi (0 is equal to open air). That is based on these calculations (both at WOT)...

Date / Time / Altitude (m) / Atmospheric Pressure / Intake Pressure / RPM / Restriction (psi)

15-11-14 / 17:17:01 / 149 / 14.50psi / 13.92 psi / 1771 / 0.58
15-11-14 / 17:37:32 / 147 / 14.50psi / 13.92 psi / 5909 / 0.58

Now I just need someone with a standard airbox so I can log both at the same time...

I have watched the matrix, a lot. Still no clearer, lol


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
So took the long way to work :). Performance seems fine, cant say ive noticed any negatives tbh. Although its not as loud as i first thought, probably due to the fact my car has no interior etc so you can hear everything.
  clio 182

quick clip from today! I drove for a good 4 to 5 hours and found no issues in what may previously been commented on heat soak! even had a good go with a megane 225 on the way home and the clio managed to keep up! for me, the filter is all good and I'm sure I'm up on power and definitely more responsive! thanks fatty on the original post [emoji106]


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
I was in two minds to remove mine and go back to the origiinal set up. Drove home and changed my mind lol


Macca fan boiiiii
ClioSport Club Member

Was going to order one of these setups but this came up on sale section and tempted me.....

Bought it and the battery cover. [emoji106]

The induction hose is still for sale if anyone's interested.
The bmc cost the sane as this setup so it's worth a try. If I don't like it I'll sell and try this one out. [emoji14]


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  AB182, Audi A5 3.0
I have been hopping back and forth between these to pics and cant decide if the ph1 bracket is bigger or not (or if you just have a bigger battery?)...



I think its the latter as ECU bracket is the same, yet your batter comes further along it? @McGherkin
  Megane R26
I did 500 miles with mine this weekend and I love it. Certainly hasn't harmed performance at all but the noise is so so so much better. Sounds pure Scooby when you floor it through 2500 to about 3500.

I did a side by side performance comparison with an FN2 CTR on a private road and I was noticeably quicker and those things are supposed to be a true 197bhp. I have no other performance mods.
  Megane R26
I think the issue is that it's about 50% longer than a normal battery. He'd have to reposition it in the boot to fit it in.
  2003 Clio 172
Now after waiting two weeks I finally received the pipe and had to fit everything right away.

I went for a drive with a friend and after getting the engine up to temp and giving it a bit of throttle I thought it sounded quite nice until I gave it some more and was sure the filter had popped off!

Pulling up to redline in 3rd and 4th is almost unbearable.

I'm pretty sure I'll go back to the stock airbox with an aftermarket drop-in filter instead. We'll see tomorrow if the drive to and from work will be too embarrassing.

Note, I'm 23 and have messed about with cone filters on a few cars but none have been this loud with an annoying almost resonance-like noise close to redline.
