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The Fatty's KTEC alternative induction setup that works just as well!

  Clio 172 cup
Orderd the parts just after Christmas and fitted them yesterday, only been out the car twice but happy with it. Not massively noticeable when driving 'normally' but sounds awesome when you put your foot down!
One question (and may be a stupid one!) I see a few people have tied the pipe to stop it moving about, there is quite a lot of room for up and down movement.. Does it make any difference if it is tied right down behind the headlight or lifted up as high as it will go towards the top of the battery?
  clio 172 cup
Had mine on now 2 weeks the ecu has adjusted and this morning I really noticed the difference happy days
  '05 BG RS182 FF
I was planning on retaining my standard ab and swapping the oe filter out for a ITG. Mind changed :up: ordered!
  '05 BG RS182 FF
After reading through the whole thread and seeing all the comments about the noise, i'm not overly keen on too much of a RAWRR so might stick with ordering the ITG panel instead :grin: i do quite a bit of motorway driving so it'd drive me and everyone else in the cars nuts having to listen to that mile after mile :smile:


ClioSport Moderator
After reading through the whole thread and seeing all the comments about the noise, i'm not overly keen on too much of a RAWRR so might stick with ordering the ITG panel instead :grin: i do quite a bit of motorway driving so it'd drive me and everyone else in the cars nuts having to listen to that mile after mile :smile:
I do a lot of motorway miles and you dont hear the roar at all, its exactly like the standard airbox. Its only when you floor it or go over 5k rpm that you hear the noise, its not even that noisey either. Well worth trying it out for the price, dont be worried about the roar you will be pleasantly surprised.
  '05 BG RS182 FF
I do a lot of motorway miles and you dont hear the roar at all, its exactly like the standard airbox. Its only when you floor it or go over 5k rpm that you hear the noise, its not even that noisey either. Well worth trying it out for the price, dont be worried about the roar you will be pleasantly surprised.

Cool, i suppose it's worth a bash for that price!
  clio 182
quick question, if you doubled the size of the filter would the ecu have to re adjust again? and would you see any gains on a Rolling road ?
I would doubt it. I changed mine for a Pipercross which was substantially bigger than the Ram Air filter and didn't notice a decrease in power that's for sure. I would think once you get above a certain size and there is very little restriction, increasing the surface area of the filter will have little affect.
  clio 182
did you go to the pipercross 200x200? that's the one I have seen and was wondering that because it's twice the size would this make any difference, positive or negative
did you go to the pipercross 200x200? that's the one I have seen and was wondering that because it's twice the size would this make any difference, positive or negative

Sorry for the confusion. What I meant was I had a Pipercross fitted on the car but changed it for the smaller Ram Air. The Pipercross was right next to the engine so wanted the bend to take the filter away from the heat. Plus it was a Christmas present I asked for before getting the car and didn't realise it had the Pipercross already on it.

Just ordered this setup, stupid question.. do the hose clamps come with the pipe?

One clamp came with the filter. Non came with the pipe.


ClioSport Moderator
You dont need to buy any clamps is what MarkTalbot is saying.


Macca fan boiiiii
ClioSport Club Member
Did anyone else's pipe not have bulged ends? Mine was just a straight end, which is probably why it popped off today.
I've cabletied it back on with about 0405984 cable ties so it shouldn't come off again, but it's a point to note.


Scotland - South
ClioSport Area Rep
Mine has flared ends. Doesn't sound right that you've been sent one with just straight/flat ends. Could see if they'll send you a proper one, alternatively just fire some amalgamating tape round the end of it and put it back on with the usual clamps.
  182 CUP
on this right now, -2c outside, I must be mad. Can't be bothered to remove sound valve, how dose caf attach to valve? Should it come off with a good tug (ahem) or is there some kind of catch?


ClioSport Moderator
I had trouble with getting the cold air feed pipe off the valve. A lot of others have aswell.
Here is a pic of the notches you have to push in whilst tugging. there is one notch on each side.

  182 CUP
Cheers for that, after a right old tug it actually just ripped. I'll save removing it properly for a warmer day.
Sounds good though, I'm impressed! For anyone still umming and r'ing about the noise it's not particularly louder, just sounds better.
  clio 172 cup
Had mine on a couple of weeks but not driven it much has anyone notice the 5k kick not as strong but seems to pull better before it
  clio 182
IMO since I have gone decat and use this filter my car feels more responsive! going on the RR day at efi next Sunday to find out my figures

lee M4RSH

ClioSport Club Member
Induction is next on my list, I don't know if I should go for the FATTYS setup or go all out and get this
I just think the bay looks a bit empty once the airbox is removed.

lee M4RSH

ClioSport Club Member
will do then, can get other bits and bobs for the price difference then. what bend do I need? I know its in this post somewhere but having to go through it on a phone takes ages.
  2004 182
Has anybody had this set up tested on a RR since fitting? Got to admit the noise is a guilty pleasure of mine but loosing power isn't.
  clio 172 cup
lovin the sound mate mine feels just as quick but I think the real test is in the summer when the outside temperature is higher in hope it doesn't suffer from heat soak
  clio 182
had mine RR'ed on saturday at EFI! most standard cars were hitting 169ish ... i made 177.9 :) hopefully attachment will work! running decat also


Scotland - South
ClioSport Area Rep
Regarding heat soak, I was curious the other night so took mine out a drive with my phone connected to the car using the Torque app, and measured the intake air temperature.

Outside air temp was around 3c. Idling with the engine up to temps, the intake air temp rose to around 25c after sitting for 5 minutes. Once moving, it began to drop slowly, and sat at around 10-15c just driving normally round the doors. I'm assuming they dropped so slowly as there was hardly any opening in the throttle body just driving normally.

With a bit of spirited driving though, as soon as I went full throttle the temps dropped instantly as the car pulled in a lot more air quicker. Dropped right down to about 6 or 7c iirc. From that, I'd say any heat soak from behind the headlight is minimal. Might put my standard airbox and filter back in and compare the results.
