I admit, Im knockin on a bit now (32) and Ive noticed that most 16v owners are in the 17-24 age group. It really hit home the other day when I pulled up to a set of lights and this little bumfluff in his valver rolled his window down and said "mind that car doesnt give you a heart attack grandad!" Well, the cheek of it! I ask u, it didnt even really make me feel any better when I left him fannying around at the lights trying to find 1st gear because his atomic kitten cd got jammed in his clutch pedal.
Are we older peeps not allowed to own one anymore? I still love it but just because I dont want to spend 3k on a stereo (sorry, awesome ice) system and get some tinted windows Im not allowed to own one. Im seriously thinking of getting shot of it and getting a Saab instead!..please help..