Cool Si, your 172s really coming along nicely now! What kinda chip did you opt for in the end?
Im wondering about the weight u give for the mk.1 172 - i know it was done on a weigh bridge by some of you guys, but, wasnt that with a full tank of go go juice? that weighs about 1kg per litre, so 50 litres = 50 kg, 1100 minus 50= 1050, minus all the other cars juices engine coolent, oil, washer fluid, brake fluid etc probably brings it to the owners manual figure of 1035 kg (i presume this must be the dry weight)
ive seen quotes for 172s at 1035 kg, 1059 kg (mk.1) and 1110 kg for the mk.2 with the closer gearing to compensate.
How about getting the mk.2 gearbox as your next mod - shorter ratios would be beneficial. I think thats why the CUP is so quick, it weighs less than both and has a different ECU and also retains the mk.2 gearbox......