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Cub's Flamer - Supercharged, Cage etc


ClioSport Club Member
Re: 'Cub's Trackday Flamer - Cage etc'

Car is looking sweet Oli, not long now :)

I was going to suggest doing the inlet lettering white but your already thinking of it :)
  Cup In bits
Re: 'Cub's Trackday Flamer - Cage etc'

Cheers guys. I'm trying to find someone who can paint the inlet lettering white without goofing it up. Which counts me out. :)

Stiff sponge and lightly dab it on the lettering. Thank me later.


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
Re: 'Cub's Trackday Flamer - Cage etc'

In bed trying to go to sleep but my phone keeps going off....
  330i. E30 Touring.
Re: 'Cub's Trackday Flamer - Cage etc'

Hallelujah for Alex tbh.

I was about to go round late at night and torch the bloody thing.

Well played mate.


ClioSport Moderator
Re: 'Cub's Trackday Flamer - Cage etc'

Dodgy earth
fuel relay sender

There was some comedy though. I managed to lock myself out of the house just as Alex arrived. And the lock on the bonnet was stuck. Took us 45 mins of 'ninja hands' to get into the car! Lol.
Re: 'Cub's Trackday Flamer - Cage etc'

Was a good evening, and a nice easy fix. Clearly we aren't very good criminals, unable to break into your house, or your car. Got there in the end though.

Glad it started up, and ran as well as it did/does. Sounds sweet.

Mr R.

ClioSport Club Member
  A special one.
Re: 'Cub's Trackday Flamer - Cage etc'

Great news mate, when's it out on the road?


ClioSport Moderator
Re: 'Cub's Trackday Flamer - Cage etc'

Was a good evening, and a nice easy fix. Clearly we aren't very good criminals, unable to break into your house, or your car. Got there in the end though.

Glad it started up, and ran as well as it did/does. Sounds sweet.

Cheers bud, hugely appreciated. Yep, clearly a criminal life isnt for us.

Great news mate, when's it out on the road?

Thanks Scott, Alignment and MOT on Monday and hopefully i'll take it on a run Monday night. Now its running i'm going to clean it externally this weekend and trial fit the OZ's, with some photos. I'm supposed to be painting a front

Great news mate :)

Cheers bud, can't wait for Wales and some decent photos!
Re: 'Cub's Trackday Flamer - Cage etc'

Dodgy earth
fuel relay sender

There was some comedy though. I managed to lock myself out of the house just as Alex arrived. And the lock on the bonnet was stuck. Took us 45 mins of 'ninja hands' to get into the car! Lol.

Alex is used to dealing with things that you dont expect to happen, when ever he comes to mine he ends up having to deal with something different.

Aero catches not on the cards? Standard bonnet catches are so shite.
Re: 'Cub's Trackday Flamer - Cage etc'

Alex is used to dealing with things that you dont expect to happen, when ever he comes to mine he ends up having to deal with something different.

Aero catches not on the cards? Standard bonnet catches are so s**te.

lol, only happened once or twice, right?

I fixed the bonnet catch, was easy once we had the car key TBH.


ClioSport Moderator
Re: 'Cub's Trackday Flamer - Cage etc'

Lol. It's knocking like a b**ch when it goes over a bump. Not sure what that maybe. Seems to come from front left.

Aero catches are on the cards.
Last edited:
Re: 'Cub's Trackday Flamer - Cage etc'

Check top mounts are tight now its been driven. The big nut in the middle (On mine its 24mm, but may be diff on yours due to billys).

Otherwise just do a nut and bolt check on everything that side.
Re: 'Cub's Trackday Flamer - Cage etc'

Sorry I missed your call bud, tried to call back just now.

I have normally just done them as tight as I could without taking the piss. Don't think PMS give torque settings.


ClioSport Moderator
Re: 'Cub's Trackday Flamer - Cage etc'

Cheers dude, they were incredibly loose so I've tightened them up. I'll get the garage to check them on Monday. :)
Re: 'Cub's Trackday Flamer - Cage etc'

They want to be 30nm but its difficult to torque them and stop the shaft spinning, I always use thread lock on them though as they seem to like coming undone so I would suggest this too :)
  182/RS2/ Turbo/Mk1
Re: 'Cub's Trackday Flamer - Cage etc'

Same here.

Just resist doing 500 daggers and risking damage to the seals that are meant to go up and down not round and round.


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
Re: 'Cub's Trackday Flamer - Cage etc'

Well then, it's fair to say that it's looking fairly mean currently!














I love this car.


ClioSport Moderator
  E55 AMG
Re: 'Cub's Trackday Flamer - Cage etc'

Looks awesome, nice pictures Luke! :)

Can't wait to get my hands on it again!


ClioSport Moderator
Re: 'Cub's Trackday Flamer - Cage etc'

Epic pictures bud, thanks for taking them. Was good to catch up :)

Thanks for the comments guys. MOT tomorrow, fingers crossed!


ClioSport Club Member
Re: 'Cub's Trackday Flamer - Cage etc'

That looks incredible, Oli. Absolutely love it, you'll have to make sure you get over to the unit when I go down again in summer.

On a side note can you not fit the standard gaiter back over the PMS shifter? Would just finish it off.
