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Daniels Blue 182.


ClioSport Club Member
Looks awesome mate, are you getting the calipers powder coated? Or keeping them silver?
Thanks Tom! I'll be keeping them silver for the time being. My Hammerite has gone off so they look horrible and matt but it'll be sorted at a later date haha.

Use a string line to get the wheel alignment near enough to drive it about Dan:up:

Thanks for that Dave, I'll look into that. Never tried it before.

I think they should be red with them being Brembos, although the silver paint work on them is top notch at the moment isn't it Dan :wink:

f**k. Youuuuuuuuu. Hahahah

Amazing work Dan.

You should be proud, you've made a great project car :smile:

Thanks my friend!! Can't wait to drive it. Believe it or not I've never driven a turbo petrol car before....


ClioSport Club Member
Mate use a Y or T piece on the bleeder and open both top nipples at the same time when bleeding, you'll get a much better pedal... you'll still have a slightly different feel pedal in terms of travel... also I'm pretty sure without the ABS you'll need to run a 197 master cylinder and possibly a bias valve...


ClioSport Club Member
Annnndd? How was it?
Loud. Rattly. Hahaha

It was only to see if I had any rubbing issues and other problems. The throttle cable is going to take a lot of getting used to. It's very sensitive as is the clutch. With it it being a smf on an uprated clutch plate it's crazy grabby.

I didn't take it out of first gear though with it being on a map for a different set up.

Mapping on tuuuuuuuesday!!

Flat Eric

Sing Hosanna!!
ClioSport Club Member
  F31 35d, Berlingo Na
Uncanny resemblance to petrol blue there. Strange!

Bet you are excited for mapping. Take it steady once it's all done!!!


ClioSport Club Member
Well, had an epic weekend. Went down to @RyG 's house for a fun weekend of car stuff. Had an awesome Indian too. Yes the chips are mine


I then bled my coolant properly so there isn't any air in the system (hopefully)



I then washed the car, gf luckily came home at the right time and helped me Polish and wax it. Final results are below.







I think I'm all ready for mapping tomorrow. Got a list of figures that my friends think it's going to make!

I'm too excited, nervous for the drive home but more excited than anything.
