UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Learn to defend. Skirt wearing fag.
PMSL at 3 separate disses in one 6 worded statement :clown:
Learn to defend. Skirt wearing fag.
Everyone has had a year with the new defensive controls whilst AK was being a weirdo on 11
Lol. They don't even tackle. Just a slight dip of the shoulder and keep running and they just let you go.
The defending doesnt work for me, i am pressing tackle like no ones business and they do nothing what so ever, i have lost every game i have played on the demo. must be on the highest level seeing as like i say, tackling or defending is impossible. winding me up already so wont bother with the full game, it has gone backwards in that respect imo
To be fair, he can always switch his defending to Legacy style and not Tactical. Takes it back to F11 stylee.
Put the difficulty down if you're not good at it.
Its not that im not good, its just the players dont responsed. i am pressing tackle and they stand there like lemons sticking out the ocassional leg. plus, all of my players are slower than the opposition, i am holding down sprint yet they still get out paced. I get the ball and straight away they take it off me
Loving the demo, how unrealistic though, Arsenal are 5 stars and Podolski is so damn fast!
Whats the difference between standard and ultimate editions on Xbox?
Revels I'm defiantly beating you at this one.
I'll get 13 and beat you at it.
I lost 2 goals in the only game I played, both they ran up the wing then squared it across the box.
Bawbags scoring s**t goals.
I can't defend for s**t.
Pumpt the computer 4-1 though. F*ck yeah.
Yup. Beginner for now to get used to it.
Did you go Ultimate, Scutch?
Mmmmmmmultiquote madness.
If you're struggling against the AI on the easiest level I will destroy you.
Think Hayden Panettiere after she'd been fucked by Klitschko.
Think Hayden Panettiere after she'd been f**ked by Klitschko.
Amazon haven't charged me yet. So I'm sure you can.
Iain. Sure. Swindon vs Man Utd.
f**k. That.
Buying it later yeah?