Wonder if it was down on power previously. You might be in for a treat lol
Ha ha, think it might have been :evil:
Picked it up on Saturday morning in the end. Was shown all the old bits & bobs, along with the boxes for all the genuine BMW parts used in the rebuild as well, which was nice. Headgasket had a chunk missing between the end two cylinders as can be seen below - not as bad as some others ive seen on the web, so not really affecting the drive, but still broken:
Then pootled down to Cardiff for the weekend, saw 29mpg sat at 85-90 leptons all the way, which i was happy enough with - Sarah's not quite so happy as she pays for half the petrol on such trips (going to see her brother) and its quite a difference from the 48mpg in the derv. Ha ha.
For those that dont know, Cardiff Bay has a tunnel, of quite decent length ... in all seriousness, even if the M3 was slow, i wouldnt care. The noise it makes as it climbs towards the redline is simply sublime, spine tingling in fact.
Straight six, throttle bodies, nearly 8 thousand rpm.
Then i took a couple of pictures, still cant capture the colour particularly well, but meh, iPhone camera.
Happy as a pig in sh1t