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Finally. I bought an ///M3.


ClioSport Club Member
Wont get it back till next weekend now really, & i have a 90 mile daily commute to get to work ... in all seriousness, i'm blooming lucky to have a 2nd car, or i'd be buggered lol!! How amusing, having to use the French backup car as the German engineering has failed :rolleyes:


Shame about the M3 mate.


ClioSport Club Member
Lovely car mate but very sorry to hear of the news following the compression / leak tests. Sounds quite familiar! I hope it doesn't dent the wallet too much and you are soon enjoying it again. :D


ClioSport Trader
Couple more purchases today, somebody put a deposit on the Trophy's cage, so thought i'd spend some money on the eMfwee ;)
  • Depo smoked front indicators with silver bulbs - to get rid of the awful standard white ones!
Please note, none of these pictures are of my car, as its in the garage, sat looking grumpy in the corner :(

Depo on the left, standard on the right:

  • BMW 'ZHP' Weighted leather gear knob - the standard one, whilst lit, is massive lol, as can be seen in the pictures below:
Standard one:

ZHP one (same as in my old 330 6sp):

Also purchased some AutoSmart Tardis, Pure Acetone Nail Varish Remover, 0000 Steel Wool & a Safety Window Scraper in order to get the hideous wintow tints off.

So once i finally get the car back, i'll have lots of things to play with & fit :D
Worthwile additions there. For a moment i thought you had bought the Asian edition stuck on CSL flippers...
  Italian 3.2 V6
Love the new mods, will look forward to seeing them on the badboi

That interior is erection.


ClioSport Trader
Worthwile additions there. For a moment i thought you had bought the Asian edition stuck on CSL flippers...

lol, no. Although the dark window tints would suggest a previous owner ....

Just spoke to the garage, head is apparently on its way back from being skimmed, & they are just waiting on a delivery of bits from BMW - then it can all go back together. Fingers crossed it will be sat on my drive again for Saturday morning :D


ClioSport Trader
eeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrr are you for real???? that has to be the worst colour for a seat.... EVER :)

Ha ha, i'd agree with that. Laguna interior is rank!! Although tbf, red looks minging unless its properly looked after with gliptone, etc.
Just bought another bit for the car actually, a FloPlast 112.5 degree 68mm bend. Super high tec stuff really.


More info on it here and here. Basically, it directs the cold air from the bumper ducts into the standard airbox feed a little better. Cost? £3 from B&Q lol. Who said M3 tuning was expensive ;)


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
Lol Dave next there will big blue bucket in the bay.


Always like the smoked indicators on these, good buy. When you see a comparison (like on the above pic) it really shows how mis-matched the originals are!


ClioSport Moderator
  E55 AMG
I wish I was old sooo much, one of these would be on my drive if I wasn't a youth.


ClioSport Trader
Wonder if it was down on power previously. You might be in for a treat lol

Ha ha, think it might have been :evil:

Picked it up on Saturday morning in the end. Was shown all the old bits & bobs, along with the boxes for all the genuine BMW parts used in the rebuild as well, which was nice. Headgasket had a chunk missing between the end two cylinders as can be seen below - not as bad as some others ive seen on the web, so not really affecting the drive, but still broken:



Then pootled down to Cardiff for the weekend, saw 29mpg sat at 85-90 leptons all the way, which i was happy enough with - Sarah's not quite so happy as she pays for half the petrol on such trips (going to see her brother) and its quite a difference from the 48mpg in the derv. Ha ha.

For those that dont know, Cardiff Bay has a tunnel, of quite decent length ... in all seriousness, even if the M3 was slow, i wouldnt care. The noise it makes as it climbs towards the redline is simply sublime, spine tingling in fact.

Straight six, throttle bodies, nearly 8 thousand rpm. :eek:

Then i took a couple of pictures, still cant capture the colour particularly well, but meh, iPhone camera.



Happy as a pig in sh1t :D


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
Absolutely love that colour mate. Very jealous.

Can't remember if you said or not, it's a manual, yeah?


ClioSport Trader
Why is it still Asian Spec?

Also is it none facelift? Pauper.

Ha ha, tints are coming off on Saturday!! Havent actually had it for a full weekend yet, 6 weeks of ownership & its been in my grubby mits for 6 days ...

Its a May '03 facelift, manual with mk4 DVD nav, heated seats & black nappa - deffo not pauper spec ;)


ClioSport Club Member
  Alpina D3, AC Cobra
Ha ha, tints are coming off on Saturday!! Havent actually had it for a full weekend yet, 6 weeks of ownership & its been in my grubby mits for 6 days ...

Its a May '03 facelift, manual with mk4 DVD nav, heated seats & black nappa - deffo not pauper spec ;)

It doesn't stop it looking like something Mr. Cadbury's gay son would mince around in.
