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Friday Afternoon Road-Rage, resulting in 1 x Dented Trophy, a short story...

  53 Clio's & counting
Pmsl, I really shouldn't have been drinking water when I read that - you just made me spit it across my sofa lol
  Mk5 golf gti
People have to realise that if you give the fingers to someone or retaliate to road rage you have to do so only if you can follow it through.

Certain people wouldn't think twice about pulling a knife out or dragging you out your car.


ClioSport Moderator
  E55 AMG
You guys need to Man up!! I would have knocked this c**t flat out!!! f**k the fancy hand signals and stupid driving you should have gone toe to toe and put the c**t flat on his back!!! Knock out!!!

Tbf you probably would, then wipe you ginger ass down his face to finish. I wonder if Lydia has used her sleeping bag since?
  Evo 5 RS
ROFL @ the pic ^

tbh, it does sound like you provoked him. Even a complete f**king loon wouldn't go all tits out like that for no reason!

Should of done what I did a while ago before it gets heavy just push them over a garden wall and run back to the car and drive
  renault clio 182
i wouldve punched you aswel, stabbing the brakes in front of me and sticking your finger up, if you cant handle yourself which you obviously cant then dont provoke these situations! simples
  182 Trophy #333
i wouldve punched you aswel, stabbing the brakes in front of me and sticking your finger up, if you cant handle yourself which you obviously cant then dont provoke these situations! simples

Im perfectly capable of handling myself i just think fightings for little kids and people with very tiny brains. He swore at me first, he stabbed his brakes first, and was then sat on my bumper as close as he could get, you'd of stabbed your brakes in this situation as well, as most people would. He provoked the situation, not me. And i think my point about brains has just been proved, i think yours may be rather small and lacking in intelligence.
  S3 Sportback, Ninja
You guys need to Man up!! I would have knocked this c**t flat out!!! f**k the fancy hand signals and stupid driving you should have gone toe to toe and put the c**t flat on his back!!! Knock out!!!

Looking at the OP's picture he'd be lucky to knock a w**k out.. Hope your cars gets sorted btw. And dont antagonise people in vans in future.
  182 Trophy #333
Looking at the OP's picture he'd be lucky to knock a w**k out.. Hope your cars gets sorted btw. And dont antagonise people in vans in future.

so i'm the one that antagonised him? even though he was the one swearing and slamming his brakes on trying to get me to crash into him, and also screaming "i want a fight" and "do i scare you" at me, obviously entirely my fault though....
  S3 Sportback, Ninja
You made matters worse TBH. If someone in a van was acting like a c**t to me id prob just leave it there could be a van full of thugs in the back its not worth it. Looking back wouldnt you change the way you reacted?
  182 Trophy #333
Shoulda lost him on the dual carriageway. If you can't outrun a van then you're doing it wrong

only a short dual carriage way, and there were cars in both lanes at the end where it merges into 1 lane again, was at full chat but there was nowhere i could go man!
  182 Trophy #333
where could i go? i got passed him and then got stuck at a red light, at which point he came over and started kicking my car. So i called the Police, standard.
  S3 Sportback, Ninja
If you had not flashed your brake lights and given him the finger he would probally be less inclined to get out and give you a pasting dont you think?
  182 Trophy #333
he was about a foot of my bumper, most people would of done the same thing, this is a boring argument, he was clearly in the wrong, he's been charged with assault and criminal damage, and has to pay compensation for i found out at about 11.30, enough said.


ClioSport Club Member
This reminds me of that advert where it says you wouldn't do this walking along the street. All i can think is that you were in your car played his game as well and when it came to stand still you offered nothing.

Imagine being in a pub or club, him calling you a wanker, you then patronising him. Would you expect nothing from it? People in cars think they are protected. If you don't want a scrap, call him a c**t and move on.
  S3 Sportback, Ninja
This reminds me of that advert where it says you wouldn't do this walking along the street. All i can think is that you were in your car played his game as well and when it came to stand still you offered nothing.

Imagine being in a pub or club, him calling you a w**ker, you then patronising him. Would you expect nothing from it? People in cars think they are protected. If you don't want a scrap, call him a c**t and move on.

  Clio 182 FF cup'd
Jesus Mate, there are some right nutters out there! I always remember an old guy beeping at a focus on a petrol station forecourt and within a time Usain Bolt would be proud of, the guy was out of his car running towards the old fella and screaming at the top of his voice "WHAT!! WHO THE FCUK ARE YOU BEEPING AT??" then going on to spit repeatedly and start punching the window full on.. I though the 90 year old fella was gonna have a heart attack because the adrenalin was pumping just watching!.. In situations like yours I would have probably done the same, just a shame you encountered one of the proper mentalists who are willing to get physical. Take him for everything you can, maybe he'll think twice about punching some other Renault Sport owners face in!

(Brand New trophy door, Fitted from Renault would be a good start ££) ;)
  Clio 1.2 16v
This thread is a good example of why I gave up coming on here.

Some replies are ok, some telling you it's your own fault?

Ok fair enough if I was in this position, I would've run the fucker over the second he got out the van.

I normally laugh at road rage, as it is normally funny!

That's not road rage though, that's a sad prick who thinks going around punching people for giving as good as they get is ok.

Hope you get lots of monies for it, with a bit of luck the guy wont try it again, and if he does he'll hopefully meet someone with less tolerance towards general arse holes.

Ignore those saying it's your fault though, easy to say you'd have "knocked someone the f**k out", but when you're in the situation, that's another thing.


ClioSport Moderator
  E55 AMG
This thread is a good example of why I gave up coming on here.

Clearly you havn't stopped.

Clearly it is partly his fault, if he had done nothing and just drove normally the bloke wouldn't have punched his head in.
  Mk5 golf gti
i wouldve punched you aswel, stabbing the brakes in front of me and sticking your finger up, if you cant handle yourself which you obviously cant then dont provoke these situations! simples

I agree tbh, maybe not put like that.

You obviously can't handle yourself and I wouldn't say fighting is for kids, it's a way you could of protected yourself
People wrongly feel safe in their car and give it the big I am.

You're very lucky it was only his fist he hit you with, learn from it and move on tbh
  182 Trophy #333
so basically i should have jumped out first and started punching him for jabbing his brakes and swearing at me, i had done f**k all wrong and some lunatic decided he wanted to start a fight, im sorry but i ain't pathetic enough to go round hitting people for driving like an idiot, he obviously is, and if thats your attitute then you'll probably get arrested for being an angry violent t**t at some point in your life, and when it happens and you expect someones sympathy expect to be told its all you fault for being a violent dickhead.
  182 Trophy #333
i also like how many people seem to say I "obviously can't handle myself" when you have no idea who i am and what i'm capable of, im perfectly capable of "handling myself" i just dont have any time for it, violence is pathetic, and for all the people that think its fun i hope you enjoy spending your evenings furiously masturbating into your burberry baseball caps whilst screaming "I'M A BIG MAN COZ I HITS PEOPLE INNIT BLUD".
  SEAT Ibiza SC FR
You're right. Violence is pathetic. There's too many knuckle-dragging, mouth-breathing mongos out there. To the people saying the OP should've fought back, you are very stupid. Yes the OP may have made things worse on the road, fighting back would have amplified that even further.

Personally I would've let the fucker hit my car with his van. Then get my insurance company to rape him. I don't have the time and patience to deal with the dregs of society. That's why I work for the NHS, not the police.
  Clio 172 Cup
Sounds like the driver of the van was coked up. There are some people who will go on the wind up by trying to intimidate other drivers into a bit of a scrap.

Sounds like the OP did the right thing, i would dread to think how i would respond to someone doing this to me.
  182 Trophy #333
Sounds like the driver of the van was coked up. There are some people who will go on the wind up by trying to intimidate other drivers into a bit of a scrap.

Sounds like the OP did the right thing, i would dread to think how i would respond to someone doing this to me.

I was close to snapping, and he kept shouting "hit me, i want you to hit me, hit me or im gonna hit you again" so he obviously realised that the police were gonna nick him and wanted me to hit him too so id get in trouble, so i just stood my ground as he kept pretending to swing for me and headbutt me until the police got there. I wasnt gonna sink to his level, and at the end of the day you gotta be the bigger man and take the right course of action, he'll get his just desserts and i'll get my car paid for, apparently he had previous for assaulting people on the road, and will most likely loose his licence and/or go to jail for a short time, very informative call i just received from the Police.
i also like how many people seem to say I "obviously can't handle myself" when you have no idea who i am and what i'm capable of, im perfectly capable of "handling myself" i just dont have any time for it, violence is pathetic, and for all the people that think its fun i hope you enjoy spending your evenings furiously masturbating into your burberry baseball caps whilst screaming "I'M A BIG MAN COZ I HITS PEOPLE INNIT BLUD".

You're right. Fighting is for idiots.

If I hit someone, they'd probably think there were flies on suicide missions aiming for his face. However, everyone has a point at which they are going to snap. Someone punching me through my window and damaging my car is past that point. I'd have been windmilling that fucker fo sho.

I don't think its your fault as such but you could definitely have avoided it. Why overtake him? Why keep dabbing the brakes? Him doing it first isn't an excuse. Lol
  SEAT Ibiza SC FR
This is also why recording devices are a good idea. The van driver would be been doubly fucked if he had hit your car. Plus you wouldn't have retaliated because you'd know that your actions would be on camera.
  BMW 535d
Try calling the dent guys from CSS they were doing all sorts of dents and they did one of mine and you cant notice that there was one there. Cant remember who they are called though. They were only charging £30 a pannel :D
  Mini Cooper S sport
That's a nasty bump! The mental fcuker will probably get away with a slap on the wrist though - I hope not.

You didn't help the situation by giving him the finger etc but even if you'd ignored him, it sounds like he'd lost his rag and would have got out and punched you anyway.

I hate van drivers.
  BMW 118d
when i 1st got my Clio, a while van cut me up so i beeped him. He stopped in the middle of the roundabout and started shouting at me so I shouted back and said "i was going right so i was on the correct side of the roundabout" He sort of gave up, then my mate who unfortunately had a couple of beers inside him thought it would be funny to hit the horn again. The van man went the same way as me, stopped up the road and got out with his fist clenched, running towards my car. I just drove past him and left him in the middle of the road looking like a mug. Some people just can't control themselves!


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 197
Some fool in a van was in the wrong lane at a roundabout and just cut in front of me, no indication or anything. I gave a blast of the horn, more automatic reaction than anything...he slams the van into reverse and starts driving at me. I get on the horn again, just to get peoples attention if he did ram me, I would've liked to have had a witness to say I hadn't rear-ended him. The traffic then moved and he tried blocking me off, so I decided to stay very quiet this time and not wind him up some more...he was clearly an angry bloke, and in a van there's a high chance he's got a big off wrench/hammer etc. lying around in the back! He eventually moved off and I kept my distance. Sometimes the best thing to do is just let them get on with's nothing to do with 'winning' or 'losing' some road-warrior battle, but just not dragging yourself down to their level and going about the rest of your day!

Some people are nutters, and sadly you met one who was off-the-chart mental. Whilst you probably didn't help the situation at all by giving him some back (although sometimes easy to do if you're in the wrong mood), at least you did the grown up thing in the end and not start swinging back at him, because then no doubt the police would be dragging you both in, and the chance of you getting anything out of him would probably have been reduced...hope it all gets sorted and your head isn't too sore. :)
I found when I drove a LWB Sprinter the other week that instantly turned me into the most aggressive angry driver in the world, whether that was the fact I had to drive it through London, which requires a some what aggressive stance to driving I don't know, must be the cheap glue they use in the cabin of vans or something? :p

Still can't believe all that though, that's awful! Talk about road rage!


ClioSport Club Member
  Many Things
You should've gave him a swift jab in the balls then as he goes down on the floor give him a wet willy ;)

Sad to hear the trophy is dented, if anyone ever touched my car that would've been enough for me to get out of the car and go toe to toe with the specky b*****d
