In my 1.2, I just turn on the front and back screen blowers on, go back inside and have breakfast for 5mins (Gate is closed, and i'll see if someone is opening them, as i'll be out faster than they can reach the door handle), come out and the car is fully defrosted and quite toasty inside.
Job done.
Iirc that's actually illegal but that's a different thread.
People who use water need to die. Horribly and slowly. Scrapers FTW!
I can't say I've ever given a great deal of thought. It's a rare frost in this country that can't be scraped off in 30 seconds, it's hardly a massive hardship. It's probably a similar length of time it takes to sort a bottle of warm water and then pour it on.
The only trouble I remember having was one year it was covered in snow, partially melted and then re-froze. That was a motherf**ker to remove. Not entirely convinced a bottle of warm water would have sorted that either.
You want me to scrape of the glass sealant that costs ££'s and took me hours to apply? Just spray de-icer on my paintwork aswell and let it strip my wax off, why not.
Or take 30 seconds and a litre bottle of water and drive away. I seen a guy spend 15 minute on a windscreen and 2 side windows alone this morning on his Bora. I was away by the time he got to the rear windscreen.
Kettle of "Cold" water.
If you want to make more ice?
I can honestly say in all my years of driving and many 100,000s of miles covered I've never once had the thought that my vision is compromised because my rubber wiper blades have scratched the windscreen to the point of being dangerous.
Used a kettle full of 'cold' water this morning from the cold tap. Got it all off apart from i didn't have the wipers on to clear the screen, when i returned 10 seconds later the water had froze on the screen and was a tw*t to scrape off.. but i'd already locked up so i ended up just scraping away.
Mpemba effect ftw? I don't think the Mpemba effect was tested using icy car windscreens? Its not exactly fact, it just states hot water 'can' freeze faster in some instances. In my experience of using warm water and cold in the past, cold water freezes over a lot quicker.
Who said they did? I must have missed that post Marko.
OK, it's not 'dangerous'. So what's the problem with rubber blades?
I thought its only illegal if its on the road?
That suggests its on his drive or something.
Summarized in the publication, The Highway Code:
The Driver and the Environment. You MUST NOT leave a parked vehicle unattended with the engine running or leave a vehicle engine running unnecessarily while that vehicle is stationary on a public road.
I can honestly say in all my years of driving and many 100,000s of miles covered I've never once had the thought that my vision is compromised because my rubber wiper blades have scratched the windscreen to the point of being dangerous.
I actually, was thinking, why dont car manufacturers make the water in the washer bottle (mildly heated) or what about heated washer jets as a retro fit? Still its something more to break on a clio.. Incidentally when its frosty or going to be frosty I park the car nearer to the front of the house and it doesnt seem to get as bad