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leeRS Clio Sport 172 ph2


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
I did 140 miles in nearly 12 months.

My plan was to buy a car like that and not get made redundant in December lol, the latter did happen. So I'm buying and selling from home and it was just sat on the drive, wasted on me. I am a bit gutted as it's easily the best track Clio I have owned.

This time around I will get something I can leave anywhere without people wanting to look inside it lol.

lee M4RSH

ClioSport Club Member
Oh right didn’t know about the redundancy. Sorry to hear that.

Shame you sold it, was a cracking spec and history.

Still think you’re mad for selling the rb.
Remember when you melted the spoiler 😂

Mr Underhill

ClioSport Club Member
WasAre you bringing it to CSF?

lee M4RSH

ClioSport Club Member
Just been a picked it up.

Feels a lot more responsive and the tickover is a lot more even.

PBS prorace pads feel very bitey and sharp.

Noticed more squeek an and rattles driving it on the road for the day but then I guess I’m only ever giving it death on track so is way to noisy to even notice 😂

I need to secure the mid part of the exhaust better as it has done my head in keep clanking about for the past half hour and the tracking definitely needs doing although i did go out on my AR1 with 24psi in 🤦‍♂️

Time to get a track day booked!


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182
Don’t mind it but it’s just so bumpy and Cadwell is the same distance and 1000% better

lee M4RSH

ClioSport Club Member
Tried starting up the clio to give it a warm up ready for a track day next weekend.

Recently had belts done and drive fine however now it won’t start!

On turn of the key it will try to fire however engine wont fire up.

Have checked and injectors and they aren’t sending fuel.


lee M4RSH

ClioSport Club Member
First day out of the year and it was a Cracking day at Blyton Park. Weather was perfect and 4 TDs in, my rainsport 5 still remain in tyre bags for another day 😂

Clio went well after having belts, brakes and tracking all changed over the winter. Handling was so much more positive and responsive than last time I was out so happy with that.

It wasn’t a day without issue though…

I had to call it a day at around 3pm after coming in off track and hearing a huge grinding/binding noise which I think is from the rear.
It’s hard to tell with everything stripped out as from the outside the noise is barely noticeable but inside it sounds horrific.

Also, wouldn’t start again when getting it off the trailer so I don’t think I have cured the non start issue completely but at least it started all day at the track.

The only way I can describe the noise is as if the brakes have rusted on from being sat a while and then driving it for the first time.

I need to inspect as I put it straight on the trailer and headed home for the 3 hour journey.

I have only just woke up after also losing an hour in bed because of the clock change.

Any ideas or pointers where to first check?

lee M4RSH

ClioSport Club Member
Need an LSD in this next 😛
Definitely needs something lol.

I don’t know the names of the bends but the one after the first chicane…. Long swooping left onto the back straight, it’s literally “pogoing” around there 😂

So much fun at Blyton though I love it.

lee M4RSH

ClioSport Club Member
So I previously mentioned about ending the day early at Blyton due to an grinding noise from the rear.

Just taken wheel off on rear left to inspect.

I could see a lot of swarf at the rear of the disc and noticed the bit circled in the first pic has scored a line in the rear of the disc (second pic)

Is this my grinding noise issue and if so, what has / could have caused this?


lee M4RSH

ClioSport Club Member
Did you have the spacers behind the discs mate?
I did put them back on but they weren’t new ones.

You reckon that’s the issue? It would make sense.

Just out of interest, what is the bit I have circled in the first pic that is rubbing on the disc and why would the spacer make it do this?

I have very little mechanical knowledge so I apologise in advance, I just drive 😂
