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My first Mercedes is an estate with 300bhp


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, 530d
Well I’m not sure how I ended up here.

Actually, I do. I was looking for an excuse to get another car since I’m now only an VW up! GTI man, and thought “I know, I’ll make it an estate and call it a dog car!”. So the usual sub £10k suspects (mostly Audi S cars and the like) were littering my eBay watch list.

Then @Daniel went and listed his E500 estate for sale.

So here it is


Luckily he bought a money pit and spend loads making it pretty good, but importantly, it still has niggles for me to sort. Buying a fully sorted car is boring.


The colour (Alexandrite green) is a special order, and I haven’t seen another W211 in it. Let alone the rare E500, and it’s a wagon. According to how many left the E500 alone is only a double figure car, the estate must be hens teeth. This? 1 of 1.

And then there’s the toys. Oh the toys! Does anyone need an electric parcel shelf? No. Do I love that it has one? Absolutely. Drove back from Brizzol with radar cruise control, massage seat and a BANGIN sound system. Absolute bliss.

And yes 300bhp is not a lot, really. But the way this thing can leave a 30 zone and rocket its way past the national speed limit is hilarious. It's unashamedly a massive mile muncher and i love it.

The dog hasnt had a look in yet. Ive ordered lowing links for it before ive fixed its niggles too.

Yes it'll be on me youtubez soon.


ClioSport Club Member
300 ponies out of a 5 litre engine, kinda sounds like there might be scope to get a few more?

Mr Squashie

CSF Harvester
ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182
I saw this on Twitter earlier! No idea why though, I only follow 2 people and neither of them are you 😂


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, 530d
Great to see it's still on the forum. Simply loveleh.
The cliosport village bicycle
300 ponies out of a 5 litre engine, kinda sounds like there might be scope to get a few more?
I like that it’s the older, simpler engine and therefore less stressed for outright bhp…
I saw this on Twitter earlier! No idea why though, I only follow 2 people and neither of them are you 😂
I’m basically Kim Kardashian
Absolutely love that. The wheels are amazing on it!
Too right! Coles got some taste.


ClioSport Club Member
  Golf R
I think - genuinely - it’s the only set of wheels I’ve ever fitted to a car and I stood back and thought “f**k me dan, those are the ones!”

I’m not normally a fan of changing wheels but they suit it so well.

Are they aftermarket? Genuinely not seen a nicer looking colour/wheel combo on an estate car.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Well I’m not sure how I ended up here.

Actually, I do. I was looking for an excuse to get another car since I’m now only an VW up! GTI man, and thought “I know, I’ll make it an estate and call it a dog car!”. So the usual sub £10k suspects (mostly Audi S cars and the like) were littering my eBay watch list.

Then @Daniel went and listed his E500 estate for sale.

So here it is

View attachment 1620286

Luckily he bought a money pit and spend loads making it pretty good, but importantly, it still has niggles for me to sort. Buying a fully sorted car is boring.

View attachment 1620287

The colour (Alexandrite green) is a special order, and I haven’t seen another W211 in it. Let alone the rare E500, and it’s a wagon. According to how many left the E500 alone is only a double figure car, the estate must be hens teeth. This? 1 of 1.

And then there’s the toys. Oh the toys! Does anyone need an electric parcel shelf? No. Do I love that it has one? Absolutely. Drove back from Brizzol with radar cruise control, massage seat and a BANGIN sound system. Absolute bliss.

And yes 300bhp is not a lot, really. But the way this thing can leave a 30 zone and rocket its way past the national speed limit is hilarious. It's unashamedly a massive mile muncher and i love it.

The dog hasnt had a look in yet. Ive ordered lowing links for it before ive fixed its niggles too.

Yes it'll be on me youtubez soon.
The fun @Daniel had in those massage seats in his birthday suit.


ClioSport Club Member
To be fair, I sold the X5 to Daniel and bought the Golf off him, so I'm as much sinner as sinned against.

I totally, totally would have had this if I'd not bought the Macan - it tickles every single one of my car buying vulnerabilities, of which there are many :ROFLMAO:

Glad to see it stay on the forum.


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, 530d
Can’t believe I just paid £55 for plates but….


Bobble hat spec. OG supplier was Mercedes Corporate (someone bought it for business use….) and then it was serviced at Park Royal, before that closed and it was looked after Chelsea. So based on that I went for the Chelsea plates 😂


ClioSport Club Member
Well I’m not sure how I ended up here.

Actually, I do. I was looking for an excuse to get another car since I’m now only an VW up! GTI man, and thought “I know, I’ll make it an estate and call it a dog car!”. So the usual sub £10k suspects (mostly Audi S cars and the like) were littering my eBay watch list.

Then @Daniel went and listed his E500 estate for sale.

So here it is

View attachment 1620286

Luckily he bought a money pit and spend loads making it pretty good, but importantly, it still has niggles for me to sort. Buying a fully sorted car is boring.

View attachment 1620287

The colour (Alexandrite green) is a special order, and I haven’t seen another W211 in it. Let alone the rare E500, and it’s a wagon. According to how many left the E500 alone is only a double figure car, the estate must be hens teeth. This? 1 of 1.

And then there’s the toys. Oh the toys! Does anyone need an electric parcel shelf? No. Do I love that it has one? Absolutely. Drove back from Brizzol with radar cruise control, massage seat and a BANGIN sound system. Absolute bliss.

And yes 300bhp is not a lot, really. But the way this thing can leave a 30 zone and rocket its way past the national speed limit is hilarious. It's unashamedly a massive mile muncher and i love it.

The dog hasnt had a look in yet. Ive ordered lowing links for it before ive fixed its niggles too.

Yes it'll be on me youtubez soon.
Much jealousy.

I love it so much and wrote about 10 texts to Dan, deleting each one. It would end up as the family/kids wagon and I just couldn't face watching her destroy it while listening to the mpg moans 😞


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, 530d
The standard Command unit was fine, but it was very out dated. The Bluetooth wasn’t compatible with modern phones, and there was no aux in!

When I had my E39, the previous owner had fitted an android unit. I’ve always been skeptical of these cheap (although, not THAT cheap) Chinese units compared to something from a more trusted brand. However, they are more “OEM” looking. Also, having used it I was properly impressed with its responsiveness and features.

Fastforward to this E Class, and it looks like there’s a tonne of options from AliExpress which maintain the OEM look whilst giving you up to date features. And for whatever reason they’re much cheaper than most other brands.

Anyway, for £180 delivered I got this (plus a long adapter harness that needs to go to the boot)


It looks almost exactly like the factory unit. However it has:

4G and GPS
Wireless Apple CarPlay
Can play most video files
Working Bluetooth

And of course being Android, you can pretty much download whatever app you desire for it. It also came with a backup camera, which is ideal as this car is 9 miles long and I haven’t got round to fixing the parking sensors. Having said that I haven’t got round to fitting this camera, either.

I’ll be doing an install video on my YouTube. But all in all I’m very impressed with it all!
