Pete has known someone for years who's got a painting business, he rang them up yesterday to ask them for some advice on paint prep for the car. It's obviously not ideal as the workshop where the car is is full of dust and dirt so he just wanted to ask what the best way forward was. Whilst he was on the phone to them they very kindly offered to paint the car for us for FREE at their business in their proper paint booth, providing we supply the paint and flat all the bodywork down. Was a good surprise when he told us both yesterday as it's going to save Pete a lot of time as it's not just our car we've got to get ready for the track day in May... 44 days away
Alex and myself went down yesterday to the lockup and unmasked all the roll cage and everywhere else in the car... Mainly Alex 😂 It's grubby in a few places because of the masking tape being stuck on for nearly a year now literally.. but Alex has started cleaning it and it's coming off slowly. Love the colour scheme we've chosen:hearteyes:
Whist Alex was doing that I tidied the two pieces of loom up for the rear light clusters and cable tied them to the side of the car using self adhesive cable tie mounts. It's not that neat but it's really hard because of all the unused plugs that I had to tidy away too. Will be much much neater after they're all cut off and I've put some trunking around all the cables to make them neater. Still waiting on instructions from Chris at EFI so can't send the ECU off yet, we're also having a base map put on the ECU - anythings better than nothing and it'll be mapped there on the RR one day anyway.
Speaking of colour schemes.. Alex has roughly designed our livery for once the car has been painted. She couldn't find a diagram of a PH1 so she did it on a PH2 but you get the general idea of how it will look. The angles and positioning of all the logos are only rough etc and there'll obviously be a tonne more stickers to add once the car's sprayed but this is the basic plan. Would like to know peoples thoughts on it!
Alex also sprayed the horrid plastic gearstick surround yesterday in a much better satin black. I've removed the gearknob as we've bought a Motamec nylon black one which I'll fit when it arrives - much better looking than the standard setup imo.
We also realised yesterday that we'd fit the pipes into our regulator the wrong way around and so had to quickly make a longer pipe to fit it and reverse the mounting bracket on the regulator. It's all fitted back up now and whilst off the car we fitted the gauge also.
Tomorrow's plan is:
- Rivet all the fuel lines down and continue to tidy up any more wires
- Continue to flat down the car so it can be painted ASAP
- Carry on tidying up with roll cage and touch up any areas we need to
- Mount our switch panel, relay panel, handbrake etc
In the next few days:
- Spray the inside of the doors so they can be fitted to the car with the door cards etc
- Maybe spray the inside of the boot lid also?