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Taking the wheel off a 182

OK I havent even look to try and answer this question cos im lazy but I havent seen a locking wheel nut key rattling round anywhere for my 182 and nothing resembling one appears to be in the tool kit that came with the car??

Is it the case that you simply use that bit of wire to remove the central cap then all the bolts behind that are normal shaped bolts that can be un-done with the wheel spanner?

Please answer before I spend time searching round for something that doesnt exist!

  2008 Golf GTI Edition 30

I got a pack of locking wheel nuts.

They were fitted by the dealer before collection.
  Ford Fiesta

yes you should have a box with the 4 normal bolts that they take off to fit the locking ones,a nd 2 keys. dunno if they put them to correct torque?

Just looked!

After removing the plastic centre piece with the bit of wire none of the four wheel bolts were locking bolts and presumably could be removed using the wheelbrace in the 182 toolkit.

Can I presume then that I dont have locking wheel nuts?

Liam 182

Concerned now? Wjere the hell did you find your box with the four normal bolts then?

Could this be another thing that only 182s supplied by UK dealers got? Mine is from Motorpoint??
  Mondeo STTDCI

Yeah its something done at the dealer mate you need to sort yourself out a set of locking nuts (well you do if u like your wheels over bricks lol)

I know torque is tightness but i didnt know there was a correct torque?!

So long as I know! Getting some springs fitted tomorrow and panicked about where the locking wheel nut key is?!?! Turns out it doesnt exist!

WTF is that black plastic thing in the toolbox? Wheel nut guide? WTF is that?
  172 cup,s2 rs turbo

sorry for causing the confusion but id thought id check to save any problems tomorrow. like you say you might not have any because its from motor point.

JAY 172 = Its OK mate I was gonna look into it anyway! Nothing worse than coming up to yours to find we cant get the bloody wheels off! Nightmare! See you later then!
