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The VW Audi Skoda Seat Thread

Ray Gin

ClioSport Club Member
  Cupra Leon & Impreza
9 months in, 2 washes in total and 1 pic via a dirty transit windscreen ✅



ClioSport Club Member
  Megane 250 Cup
I’d go OEM personally over anything EBC. I know over the years the hatred for EBC was wide across the internet, but there really is better aftermarket alternatives. Mintex have a ‘comparable’ line of products and they’re much better.

I did a set of bluestuffs on the rear of the Megane down to the backing plates across 2.5 trackdays. The ring (which isn’t hard on brakes), CSF (which granted is), and half a day of Oulton in the wet.

I’ve shagged my discs now. Which for sure is my own fault for not spotting, but I expected much more life out of them.


ClioSport Club Member
  VRS 245
Anyone has any experience with EBC discs and pads ? Got a Superb 280 that is in real need for front and rear discs and pads, and I was looking at some EBC Turbo Grooved Discs with either Yellow stuff / green stuff pads . Not doing any track with it, just commuting and some fast B road driving maybe.

I was reading that green stuff is a mild upgrade for street, while yellow stuff is more aggressive, and wears the discs faster.
I went for hooked VBT discs on my old Cupra. Paired with Ferodo DS Performance pads they were great. The DS pads are great daily performance pads.


ClioSport Club Member
  Minion Yellow
I've been browsing the www last night and reviews are all over regarding EBC. Like @RSRowe said, they got a lot of hate a few years back, but now apparently they've got back on track.

I was also thinking, go OEM, but not running standard power, I thought something aftermarket would be better, plus aftermarket would be cheaper than OEM
Don't know anything about ebc discs but I find grooved discs a bit annoying due to the noise.
Apparently there is a version of these grooved discs, that they claim is making less noise than the oem discs also.
Also worth a google for lowest dust, non corrosive brake dust pads... probably be more beneficial to you than a track oriented pad.
That would be the Red stuff, if I trust this chart


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ClioSport Club Member
  Minion Yellow
I went for hooked VBT discs on my old Cupra. Paired with Ferodo DS Performance pads they were great. The DS pads are great daily performance pads.
I've seen those VBT on a lot of tuning/vag specialist websites, but didn't know what to think about them, as it's the 1st time I hear about them. I was wondering if they are like the Mtec ones, which apparently are not so good.

What are you using on the VRS ? Oem ?


ClioSport Club Member
  VRS 245
I've seen those VBT on a lot of tuning/vag specialist websites, but didn't know what to think about them, as it's the 1st time I hear about them. I was wondering if they are like the Mtec ones, which apparently are not so good.

What are you using on the VRS ? Oem ?
VBT are part of Awesome GTI and they’re all great quality. Many of the BMW guys buy their 2 piece discs too.

Just oem at the moment. Rears were new when I bought the car but the fronts will need doing this year. Plan to go VBT again 👍🏼


ClioSport Club Member
  VRS 245
What mileage you on? I’m on 62K and still running original pads and discs all round 🤷🏻‍♂️
I'm on 47k but the front discs look pretty crappy now. Developing a little lip too.

62k and original discs are an achievement :ROFLMAO:


ClioSport Club Member
  Audi s3 8p
What pads are you running with them ?
I'm running mintex m1144 on the front and standard brembo on the rear, at First i had a slight squeal from them but it soon settled, I'll be sticking with the m1144 for now as I priced up the ds2500 and came back at £360 :cry:


ClioSport Club Member
  2004 Clio 182 FF
Anyone changed the clutch on a A/C Compressor on any VAG car? The family hack that is our 2016 Touran 2.0TDI is chuff chuffing away when cold. Quietens down a bit when warmed but still a bit of noise. I chucked a new aux belt and tensioner on it in the hope that would cure it but no. Turned the compressor pulley on its own and it was a bit rough to turn.

Don’t want to take the compressor off if I can avoid it (gas escaping etc.) so if it’s easy enough to change the clutch while on the car I’ll try that first. Ignoring the noise doesn’t seem to be working.


Picture of said appliance, winter mode engaged (ratty golf wheels sprayed black with hankook winters on).


ClioSport Club Member
Recently picked up a new to me Audi. Wasn’t exactly what I was after but outstanding condition and some recent big expenditures. It did arrive on 20” rotas, as it’s a black edition, but I really wanted the 20 v spokes and luckily found some over Xmas for a great price.


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ClioSport Club Member
  VW T5.1
Anything to look out for with a mk7.5 Golf GTI? Seen a nice one for sale. Never considered Golf's in the past, but may have a look!


ClioSport Club Member
The timing chain tensioners let go occasionally and water pumps leak fairly often, Also the stereo can just decide it dosen't want to work anymore and they're £500 -1000 to replace.

Still bloody good cars though


ClioSport Club Member
  VW T5.1
The timing chain tensioners let go occasionally and water pumps leak fairly often, Also the stereo can just decide it dosen't want to work anymore and they're £500 -1000 to replace.

Still bloody good cars though

I'm going to see one tomorrow. It'll come with 2 year vw warranty as well. See what I think of it!


ClioSport Club Member
Main issues I found when looking for mine were:
  • stone chips, the paint chips really easily, a lot of them look pretty splattered
  • service history, most haven't been serviced on time, even on longlife, personally I wanted one that had been serviced annually
  • if it's PP then the LSD needs servicing every 3 years
  • if DSG then the interval is 40k on the 6 speed or 80k on the 7 speed (I think only PP gets the 7 speed), but personally I'm gonna get mine done at 40k
  • most had mismatched tyres and scruffy keys, I know it's not really important but it shows the owner doesn't care
  • most have had a million owners
Not heard a lot about chain tensioners but the water pump failing seems more of a when than if thing, so just accept it will happen. I have the VW warranty on mine until the end of 2025 now with the all in plan which seems pretty good value so far, my local dealer are really good (small family business) too but that's probably rare.

Took me months to find a nice one, but so glad I did, love the car. It's all round the best car I've ever owned, the only bad thing I can say about it is it's just a golf.


ClioSport Club Member
  VW T5.1
Main issues I found when looking for mine were:
  • stone chips, the paint chips really easily, a lot of them look pretty splattered
  • service history, most haven't been serviced on time, even on longlife, personally I wanted one that had been serviced annually
  • if it's PP then the LSD needs servicing every 3 years
  • if DSG then the interval is 40k on the 6 speed or 80k on the 7 speed (I think only PP gets the 7 speed), but personally I'm gonna get mine done at 40k
  • most had mismatched tyres and scruffy keys, I know it's not really important but it shows the owner doesn't care
  • most have had a million owners
Not heard a lot about chain tensioners but the water pump failing seems more of a when than if thing, so just accept it will happen. I have the VW warranty on mine until the end of 2025 now with the all in plan which seems pretty good value so far, my local dealer are really good (small family business) too but that's probably rare.

Took me months to find a nice one, but so glad I did, love the car. It's all round the best car I've ever owned, the only bad thing I can say about it is it's just a golf.

Thanks for that. It's used approved. They've sent me the service history which looks spot on. It's manual, bog standard, looks in good condition (in photos) and its on 32k, 2 owners. I'm hoping I'll like it! I've been using my wife's F56 since I got rid of my R53. Unfortunately, she wants rid of the f56 now so I need a car rather than use my van.


ClioSport Club Member
Thanks for that. It's used approved. They've sent me the service history which looks spot on. It's manual, bog standard, looks in good condition (in photos) and its on 32k, 2 owners. I'm hoping I'll like it! I've been using my wife's F56 since I got rid of my R53. Unfortunately, she wants rid of the f56 now so I need a car rather than use my van.
Sounds like you're off to a good start then, throw the link up here so we can all have a nosy!

Edit: This one I guess? Looks nice enough, you'd be the 4th owner which isn't crazy for a golf I guess, most people don't care like I do though 🤣 Only options are the marmite wheels (I have them and personally prefer them to diamond cut which will get the lacquer worm and look s**t) and tints from the look of it.
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ClioSport Club Member
  VW T5.1
Sounds like you're off to a good start then, throw the link up here so we can all have a nosy!

Edit: This one I guess? Looks nice enough, you'd be the 4th owner which isn't crazy for a golf I guess, most people don't care like I do though 🤣 Only options are the marmite wheels (I have them and personally prefer them to diamond cut which will get the lacquer worm and look s**t) and tints from the look of it.

Bloody hell that's some good detective work lol! I quite like the wheels as hate diamond cut. I'll look at it tomorrow and have a drive. I did think of trying an R, but all of the ones I see by me are driven by complete chavs.


ClioSport Club Member
  TCR'd 172
Don't buy a manual until you have driven a DSG trust me on this! Best all round car you will ever own had 3 GTi's now mk6 mk7.5 GTI performance now own a mk8 all DSG.

Only issue I had with the 245 performance was thermostat housing and water pump changed under warranty.
Owned it from new 2018 traded it in at 79k for mk8

Buy approved used vw extended warranty and no worries


ClioSport Club Member
  VW T5.1
Don't buy a manual until you have driven a DSG trust me on this! Best all round car you will ever own had 3 GTi's now mk6 mk7.5 GTI performance now own a mk8 all DSG.

Only issue I had with the 245 performance was thermostat housing and water pump changed under warranty.
Owned it from new 2018 traded it in at 79k for mk8

Buy approved used vw extended warranty and no worries

I'm not a big fan of DSG. I much prefer a manual. I've read the horror stories about the weak clutch. I'm holding onto the fact that I had my t5 remapped and the Internet said that was definitely going to slip. 30k later and still no sign of slippage.

It is a concern though! Which is why I'll give it a thorough drive tomorrow.


ClioSport Club Member
A clutch is a piss easy job on the Mk7 anyway

Also look into the clutch delay valve mod to, it's worth doing regardless.


ClioSport Club Member
  VW T5.1
Nice mate you will love it! Way quicker than the figures suggest as the power is so usable anywhere

I can't wait to pick it up. I don't really have any plans for it, other than maybe removing the centre silencer. It's very quiet!
