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The girlfriend strikes again! Crash No.3


ClioSport Club Member
  208 GTi
:confused: not content with smashing my carbon fibre splitter off and scratching my wheel to buggery... today she decided to drive into a pillar. Annoyingly as you can see it's not just a single panel that's effected.

I've never actually had to repair a car before so what do I do from here lol. Is it worth getting one of those dent repairs guys out? I'm not sure if that's a viable option as the skirts and door handle etc. will need spraying too. Otherwise does anyone know of a good sprayer in Essex?

Any guesses as to how much this is likely to cost?










ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
Second hand door, skirt, miracle pull the 1/4 so minimal filler is used then paint. Sorted.


ClioSport Club Member
  208 GTi
Oh I'll make her pay :smile: only problem is she doesn't have any money and already owes me £500... so I guess I'm paying now, and adding it on to her lengthy slate! Had her mum on the phone having a go at me for having a go at her. I think, if there's ever a situation where you can have a go at someone, it's when they've just crashed your car! Muppet.

So do you guys reckon it's a better idea to get a second hand door and skirt and get the dent sorted by itself rather than get it all sprayed? Thanks for the input so far. As for the toaster, I never did get it where I wanted it, but I put my foot down about the utensils I bought and so far they've stayed put lol.
Silver is the hardest colour to match I would be surprised if its the same shade as the rest of the car once painted.


ClioSport Club Member
  208 GTi
Silver is the hardest colour to match I would be surprised if its the same shade as the rest of the car once painted.

b****cks really... maybe getting second hand parts isn't the best idea then :confused:

Any recommendations for sprayer around my parts then?
She had an accident , its hardly the end of the world. Yeah she didnt do it on purpose and maybe needs to take more care but just go see a couple of bodyshops and get quotes for cash jobs

I scraped a bumper on the volvo this week , going to cost a couple of hundred quid , but hell s**t happens


ClioSport Admin
Sorry to hear, I thought my female did a bad enough job catching the edge of my arch... That was £400 repair for a 250ish mm x 25ish mm area!

Jesus. Her mam sounds like a piece of work too!

I'd tell her to get the bus from now on.

Reading this makes me feel misogynistic.
b****cks really... maybe getting second hand parts isn't the best idea then :confused:

Any recommendations for sprayer around my parts then?
Well if the damage is re sprayed in the same colour it left the factory i can guarantee it would not match 10+year old paint, second hand parts will be better.


Macca fan boiiiii
ClioSport Club Member
kayzee said:
Any guesses as to how much this is likely to cost?

50 blowjobs, minimum. And a permanant ban on driving it.

Unless you're under her thumb and she dictates everything. Like properly under the thumb. Sorta she-decides-where-the-toaster-goes level of under the thumb. Or she-owes-you-500-quid-and-you-don't-expect-to-see-it-anytime-soon level of under the thumb.


ClioSport Club Member
  A Yellow One
Colourtone in burnt mills is he only guy I could recommend.

Oh and next time get £2k deposit before she sets foot back near the drivers seat....


ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
b****cks really... maybe getting second hand parts isn't the best idea then :confused:

Any recommendations for sprayer around my parts then?
Well that is actually b****cks. The shop will just do some spray out cards to get the paint right. Shouldn't be a problem at all now. If you go somewhere with a dupot chromavision or something similar. This is how you do paint nowadays and you won't be able to tell the difference.
