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Java people - suggestions

Right, so i'm currently applying for a graduate position as a junior java developer, and i need some inspiration for a project to take to the second interview next Thursday! My java skills aren't brilliant to primarily developing in other languages , so any books you deem to be good (but not too basic) would be good suggestions!

Currently i'm thinking of porting over my dissertation developed in UDK which simulated pedestrian evacuations, while it sounds good i think it's a tough challenge but a challenge nonetheless!

Any suggestions/ideas/comments welcome! :)
I hate Java, horrible language. More of a C++ developer meself (although just started on Python. Absolutely brilliant language!). What does the job involve? Is there anything you could do that relates to it?
It's focusing on Air Traffic Management primarily for simulation purposes with BAE, NATS etc. but they've also branched out and have contracts developing the software for use in real-time, so that's why i thought the simulation (while not exactly relevant) could be a good move!

Apart from that i'm really stuck for ideas, i can't really see of anything i can do myself that would be taken seriously :)
I think my best bet will be to port it over, shows understanding & knowledge as it's pretty heavy stuff, plus i need to get more java exp and this is certainly throwing me in the deep end! :)
  Monaco 172
I've done quite a few technical tests in my time and I would say that your best bet is to just code something fairly simple that demonstrates understanding of programming concepts, patterns and structures. The actual subject matter is irrelevant... I got asked to code a chicken once (yeah, exactly) the tester said 'everybody knows what a chicken is and does, what I want to see is how you choose to represent it and its behaviour in code'...

You don't want the tester(s) to have to understand the concept of the program, as well the code you've written. Think about it, whenever you read a good coding book, they never use complex examples, it's always simple stuff that everyone knows.

When I did the chicken test, I thought about the structure of a chicken, which parts of it could be abstracted out to ease the creation of other animals, which behaviours could be extracted into interfaces, especially those that would be shared by other things, the decisions involved in these processes. Then the interactions that would occur between a chicken and the outside world, how it could be tested, maintained, extended.
It's not all about how well you can solve the problem, but also how well the solution will stand the test of time, how easy will others be able to pick up your work and continue it, intergrate with it, or fix bugs in it.

There's also a trade of between the perfect peice of software, and software thats finished on time. In the world outside uni, the most elegant solution may not (usually wont) be the right one because the customer isnt prepared to pay the time it takes. So make judgement calls based on that, and even add comments to the effect of "in a perfect world this may have been done differently..." etc, and draw conclusions... blah blah blah

Really exiting world you're getting into mate, take it from me. I'm 10 years in now and still learn new stuff everyday. Also, I actually quite like Java (i'm a C# guy now), but there is BIG money in Java, so stick with it.

Good luck in your interview :)
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  Monaco 172
Why don't you use cars as a subject matter, that's a classic one anyway Vehicle -> Car -> Clio. You'll already know the inheritance chain, what properties are common to all vehicles/only cars/only clios, what behaviours and interactions are present, etc. It makes writing the program much easier when you dont have to 'think' about the subject too much.


ClioSport Club Member
I haven't touched Java since the days it was first released on an unsuspecting world... it was so buggy I spent most of my time submitting bug reports and coding workarounds to circumvent issues in the early implementations. Absolutely hated it! LOL! I would imagine it's come on a fair bit since then.

I'm not sure what to recommend in terms of an idea, but I would recommend you produce something that is 'complete' to show that you can take an idea and take it through to a finished state. Many a time, code projects just get put to one side and then are left to die... so show the potential employer you have what it takes to see things through. Might also be worth putting together a little portfolio of your work if you have anything relevant to the position/roles you are looking at or working towards...

but there is BIG money in Java, so stick with it.
I didn't think Java coders were particularly any better/higher paid than any other widely used language these days? Mind you, as stated above, I'm not from the Java school of programming so... LOL!

Having seen the poor code of many a high-paid coder/expert (and subsequently having to fix it) it makes me cry sometimes. How on earth do they command such salaries and positions of responsibility?!?!? Scary. /rant over

Anyways - best of luck with it. :cool:
  Monaco 172
I haven't touched Java since the days it was first released on an unsuspecting world... it was so buggy I spent most of my time submitting bug reports and coding workarounds to circumvent issues in the early implementations. Absolutely hated it! LOL! I would imagine it's come on a fair bit since then.

Yeah, surprisingly it has improved in the 21 years since it's release....

I didn't think Java coders were particularly any better/higher paid than any other widely used language these days? Mind you, as stated above, I'm not from the Java school of programming so... LOL!

Didn't say they were, just that there's big money in Java, which there is.

Having seen the poor code of many a high-paid coder/expert (and subsequently having to fix it) it makes me cry sometimes. How on earth do they command such salaries and positions of responsibility?!?!? Scary. /rant over

Such is life :/
  Monaco 172
How's it going with the UDK -> Java port?
Can't imagine it's too enjoyable... or did you go with something else?
Yo, i didn't end up doing it! After thinking it through properly, having to re-test all of the parameters i had would take weeks so i just developed a simple sprite-based game to demonstrate knowledge!
Should hear back today (it's been a long wait right?), so touch wood it's all ok!
