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Not another one (EK9 content)

  Charged Superleggera
lol some interesting comments about desmonds. In the end its down to personal choice and some people will never warm up to them and i can appreciate that. I cant see me ever getting rid of mines though. At 15" and 6.5j they are lightest set of forged wheels in my fitment and i wouldn't want to compromise that. I also think they suite the car well.

Buy it chris! have your fun with it over the summer and then break it. Could easily clear £11k within a week. Dont understand why anyone would sell a car like that complete when there is a massive demand for ek9/jdm parts.
That's not the issue it's the harness' connected to the heater controls. You've got to remove the centre dash panel (to do that the lower dash all has to come off) got all that sorted but the plug connector won't release at the bulkhead end and the cable isn't long enough to pull the panel out in order to reach it at the control end. FML, need hands the size of a 5 year old!
Just caught this.

Awesome you finally bought one, I keep looking at them more and more these days. Plans sound good, those 5zigen Fireballs are suppose to be deafening though! How you finding it?

Mr Burns

ClioSport Club Member
  Swift Sport
Looks like a minter, exactly the kind of thing I'd expect you to go for. Congrats.
I think it's pretty quiet tbh. I've heard the buddy clubs systems are supposed to be loud but I'd have to hear a few other systems to make a comparison. When I picked it up my brother was following me in his Audi and said it sounded loud when I opened the taps but inside the car it's not loud imo.
I think it's pretty quiet tbh. I've heard the buddy clubs systems are supposed to be loud but I'd have to hear a few other systems to make a comparison. When I picked it up my brother was following me in his Audi and said it sounded loud when I opened the taps but inside the car it's not loud imo.

Fair enough, It's just what I had taken on board from other peoples opinions. Never heard one IRL.
It's not loud to me, but then I'm old, deaf and used to have a supersprint full race (not remotely road legal) system on my 172 lol
  S2000 + E91 330D
Ah, she's been on hold the past few weeks as I've been on holiday and had a few things to sort out.. I'll do a little update.. Just for you
Not much of an update but the post man has been today with a package from Japan.





To replace the wrong size and wrong colour ebay efforts the previous owner had fitted (pic below) when the original decals started to peel.


Gratuitous fresh interior shot. ;)


They're staying put for now anyway, wheel change is a long term thing (Joys of a mortgage make my budget considerably less flexible than yours, lol) so with any luck they'll be switched out for RE30's Because frankly they make me tent. In the meantime though they have to be right, those stickers are doing my box and really ruin the look of the wheels so they had to be sorted.


For now though there are other smaller items I want for it. Refurb the rocker cover, Carbing 3 point front strut brace, Beaks lower rear brace possible a H front lower brace few other shiny bits bonnet dampers etc. Wheels are a long way off.
  Ibiza SC
I absolutely love that, but I agree those wheel decals are pretty bad. Seems like you really put a lot effort into finding one so happy for you!

My old college mate had one, don't really speak to him anymore but I stole some pics off his Facebook anyway!


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  Charged Superleggera
Plans are spot on si. Been after a Carbing 3 point brace my self. Difficult to come by and like all the Carbing stuff not cheap. H brace is meant to be a good mod but a few people have had problems with it clearing the manifold so worth researching if your manifold will have enough clearance mate. As for RE30's, they are the ultimate set of wheels imo. Actually prefer them to ce28n's now. Should look awesome on yours especially with it being facelift.
Carbing one makes me tent the PWJDM seems to get decent reviews but not sure if that is considered "knock-off" plus I prefer the finish of the carbing one. I'd seen the issue with manifold clearance with some of the braces so definitely would be researching into which are ok and which are no good prior to ordering one. I've preferred them for a while now, don't get me wrong CE28's look great (10 spoke rather than 8 imo) I just prefer the RE30's plus there's the added bonus of there being less of them around.
I've got a set as you can see from the pics of them in their packets. I'd not seen anywhere here selling them and one of the lads on posted a link to RHDJapan so bought them through them. When I detail the car I'll swap over to the correct ones.
